You are Eddard Stark, Honest Stealthy Doublevoter
You are loyal to the King.
You're an old friend of King Robert Baratheon who fought by his side in the war to overthrow the Mad King. You were content to rule the north as Lord of Winterfell but when the King asked you to take the office of Hand you were unable to refuse due to your sense of duty. Although you have little taste for the politics and backstabbing of the Court, your principled sense of justice and honour has won the grudging respect of the nobility for now.
You have the following abilities:
Trusted Counsellor: King Robert trusts your advice. Each day he will cast a second vote identical to your own. This vote won't show up in vote counts but will be counted at the end of the day and can break (or cause) ties.
Honourable: This is a post restriction. Your sense of honour prevents you from knowingly telling a lie, although you may give evasive answers to questions if you wish.
You are Arya Stark, Tracker/Watcher
You are loyal to the King.
You're the daughter of the Hand of the King, Eddard Stark. You're a bit of a tomboy and find the life of the girls and ladies at court terribly dull, preferring your fencing lessons and stalking cats around the Red Keep. However, the castle and city itself are endlessly fascinating and you've discovered a lot of secret passages that enable you to observe the secret goings-on at night in King's Landing.
You have the following abilities, and you may use one of them each night:
Quick as a Cat (Track): You follow target player to see whom (if anyone) they visit the same night.
Quiet as a Mouse (Watch): You watch target player to see whom (if anyone) visits them the same night.
You are Thoros of Myr, Doctor
You are loyal to the King.
You're a priest of the Red God R'hllor. You've never been a particularly good cleric as your talents incline more to fighting, drinking and women none of which is particularly appreciated by the priesthood. Fortunately your good results in tournaments pay for the other two vices. Although your only real power as a priest has been the ability to live light swords on fire by trickery, lately you've begun to feel a true power in the rituals and are able to use the holy fire to heal the wounds of others. This puzzles you.
You have the following night ability:
Healing Flames: You will attempt to heal target player, saving them from one attempt on their life the same night. You can't target yourself.
You are Beric Dondarrion, Non-Consecutive Vigilante
You are loyal to the King.
You're the Lord of Blackhaven, also known as the Lightning Lord due to your banner. A famed tournament fighter, you've volunteered your skill at arms to aid the Seven Kingdoms against its enemies. You have been charged by the King to bring justice to the outlaws and traitors threatening the King's peace!
You have the following night ability:
Swift Justice: You will attempt to kill target player. It takes a while to assemble the evidence against them so you can't use this ability two nights in a row.
You are Jon Snow, 1-shot Commuter
You are loyal to the King.
You've been raised as the bastard son of the Hand of the King, Eddard Stark. Although your father has treated you well, his last promise to his dying sister was apparently that you should be taken to King's Landing, where you feel somewhat out of place due to your identity crisis about your uncertain parentage. Still, you're quite popular with the ladies so things could be worse.
You have the following night ability:
Volunteer: You will attempt to run away to join the Night's Watch. Although you'll realise this is a really bad idea and return at the end of the night, all actions attempted on you by other players that night will fail. You can use this ability once.
You are Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish, Pimp
You are loyal to the King.
You're a scion of the minor nobility and have managed through careful plotting and a skilled eye for finance to get yourself elevated to the position of Master of Coin for the realm. Although you bear no particular love for the current regime, the King and Council have pretty much no idea how you run the treasury and you'd quite like this situation to continue so you can continue to siphon off gold for yourself. You also run a nice little brothel on the side, which helps you keep in good standing with the King.
You have the following night ability which can be used once per night:
Sexposition: You will send a prostitute to visit another player. If successful, they will be informed that they were visited by a prostitute. Sometimes they might tell their life story to the prostitute as if for the benefit of some unseen audience, but the girls find this extremely boring and won't remember any of it to tell you. (Game mechanically, you will be counted as having visited your target. Other than telling the target that they have been visited, there is no other consequence to this action and it can be used unlimited times.)
You are Loras Tyrell, Loyalist
You are loyal to the King.
You're a third son of the powerful Tyrell family. Known as the Knight of Flowers, you're a bit of a celebrity on the tournament circuit for your striking good looks and skill at jousting. Half of the women in the Seven Kingdoms want to sleep with you. Unfortunately for them, you're gay. As a young knight you have a strong sense of chivalry and believe in the ideals of loyalty to the crown.
You have no abilities other than your vote.
You are Mace Tyrell, Loyalist
You are loyal to the King.
You're the Lord of Highgarden and head of the Tyrell family, one of the Great Houses of the realm. Although always on the lookout to advance the fortunes of your house, you have neither a particular talent for court politics or the inclination to take on the risks a rebellion would bring and jeopardize the wealth and standing of your family. As such, you remain loyal to the Iron Throne.
You have no abilities other than your vote.
You are Tommen Baratheon, Loyalist
You are loyal to the king.
You're the second son of King Robert. You're well liked by the court due to your good nature. Although your elder brother the crown prince Joffrey is a bit of an arse, you're content with your position and wouldn't dream of being involved of getting involved in any plots against your own family.
You are Sansa Stark, Loyalist
You are loyal to the king.
You're the eldest daughter of Eddard Stark, Hand of the King. As part of the deal for your father's appointment as hand, you were betrothed to Crown Prince Joffrey, which you're terribly excited about. After all, doesn't every girl want to be a princess? And King's Landing is so much more colourful and exciting than the cold North. It's just like being in a fairy tale. Needless to say, you don't want any of this to change and you won't be plotting against the king any time soon.
You are Brienne of Tarth, Loyalist
You are loyal to the king.
You're a strong and talented warrior. Unfortunately, being a woman you never get the respect you deserve for it, as most people feel you should stay at home and start a family. You try not to let it affect you too much, as it would be unbecoming of the true knight you aspire to be. As a true knight you'll have nothing to do with traitors and outlaws.
You are Renly Baratheon, Loyalist
You are loyal to the king.
You're the youngest brother of King Robert and as charismatic as the King was in his younger days. You've always had good relations with him, and when he took the Iron Throne he passed on the ancestral family seat of Storm's End to you and gave you a seat on his council. You wouldn't dream of repaying him with betrayal.
You are Jalabhar Xho, Loyalist
You are loyal to the king.
You're an exiled prince of the Summer Isles to which you hope to return one day. You're a skilled archer known for wearing a colourful cape of green and red feathers. King Robert has treated you well, and even though the crown never grants your request for troops to retake your ancestral homeland, you wouldn't repay him with treachery.
You are Tyrion Lannister, Role Seer
You are loyal to House Lannister and a traitor to the king. You may communicate with your fellow conspirators here:
You were born a dwarf, short in stature but tall in wit and intellect. Although you don't always get on with the rest of your family, you remain intensely loyal to your House. You're a born politician, streetwise and skilled at talking your way out of sticky situations.
You have the following night ability:
Imp's Cunning: You have a talent for figuring out what people are up to. You may target another player with this ability and will receive the name of their role.
You are Janos Slynt, Jailkeeper
You are loyal to House Lannister and a traitor to the king. You may communicate with your fellow conspirators here:
You're the commander of the City Watch, a self-made man and a career soldier. You're proud and ambitious, and when the Lannisters made you an offer of cash and favours in return for your cooperation with their schemes you eagerly accepted. Since you're the police chief you can usually find some excuse to detain people - even if they're too highly ranked to arrest outright you can waste their time by questioning them to cooperate with a Watch investigation.
You have the following night ability:
Goldcloak Arrest: You will attempt to jail target player, blocking any night actions they take and protecting them from being killed that night. You can't use this ability on yourself, because... well... you wouldn't last long in your position if your men thought you were a total idiot.
You are Cersei Lannister, Traitor
You are loyal to House Lannister and a traitor to the king. You may communicate with your fellow conspirators here:
You're the queen of the realm and renowned for your beauty and wealth. Unfortunately your initially promising marriage has deteriorated as your husband, King Robert, has proved to be a whoring, drunken sot obsessed with the memory of another woman. You're therefore plotting with the rest of your family to kill him and take the throne for House Lannister.
You are Jaime "Kingslayer" Lannister, Traitor
You are loyal to House Lannister and a traitor to the king. You may communicate with your fellow conspirators here:
You're handsome, cynical and good with a sword. You're known as the Kingslayer because you cut down the Mad King whom you were sworn to protect. Despite this, you were allowed to keep your spot in the Kingsguard. You have little interest in politics and court intrigue, but you're devoted to your sister Cersei and therefore willing to help your family seize the throne. However, you prefer to just stick to the fighting and let others do the talking.
You are Gregor Clegane, Lurkicidal Bulletproof Serial Killer
Known as the Mountain that Rides, you're eight feet tall, four hundred pounds of muscle, and can wield a two-handed sword with one hand and chop a man in half with a single blow. You were previously in the service of House Lannister, but the numerous atrocities you've committed have made you rage out of control. You're tired of using your great strength only to serve the high nobility that hold you in contempt, and don't see why you shouldn't just kill EVERYONE and take the throne for yourself!
You have the following abilities:
Collateral Damage: Every night you're alive, you will kill a lurker of the GM's choice just for being in your way. This is a passive ability and can't be prevented. (Note: "lurker" in this context means spectators, not players who aren't posting.)
Inhumanly Tough: Your massive strength and heavy armour renders you immune to night kills. This is a passive ability.
Brute Force: You attempt to kill target player. This is an active night action and may be used once every night.
False Identity: You know that Barristan Selmy is not a player in this game:
Barristan "the Bold" Selmy
You are loyal to the King.
You're a veteran knight and commander of the Kingsguard. You've fought besides and against some of the greatest knights of all time, and despite your age remain one of the most skilled fighters in the kingdom. Unfortunately the standards of appointees to the Kingsguard have slipped since the good old days, and you're stuck commanding a bunch of incompetents. However, you still do your best to carry out your duties of protecting the king.
You win when all threats to yourself are dead and you're still alive, or nothing can prevent this.
You are Varys "the Spider", Jack of All Trades Survivor
You're the Spymaster of the Seven Kingdoms. Although not fully trusted by anyone, your extensive spy network and information brokering have made you indispensable to the crown, and even though you served the Mad King you were able retained your position after he was deposed. In truth, so long as your own interests prosper, you don't care who much sits on the Iron Throne. You know conspiracies and murder are afoot, but just want to survive with your own skin intact.
You have the following abilities and may use one every night, but each can only be used once:
A Little Bird Told Me: You attempt to determine the alignment of target player through your spy network.
Disguise: You can disguise yourself for a while to make yourself hard to find. Night actions on the same ngiht by other players on you will fail.
Misdirection: You may redirect any night abilities used on a target player to another target player of your choice.
Master Schemer: You can sow convincing misinformation to manipulate others. Target player gains a post restriction for the next day: they must begin all their posts with a sentence of your choice.
False Identity: You know that Catelyn Stark is not a player in this game:
Catelyn Stark
You are loyal to the King.
You're a proud and strong woman, mother of five lovely children and husband to Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell. Although you were supposed to stay in Winterfell to keep an eye on things when your husband took office as Hand of the King, you've secretly travelled to the capital of King's Landing after learning that the previous Hand was murdered. You are fiercely protective of your family.
You win if you're still alive when another faction achieves its win condition.
You are Eddard Stark, Honest Stealthy Doublevoter
You are loyal to the King.
You're an old friend of King Robert Baratheon who fought by his side in the war to overthrow the Mad King. You were content to rule the north as Lord of Winterfell but when the King asked you to take the office of Hand you were unable to refuse due to your sense of duty. Although you have little taste for the politics and backstabbing of the Court, your principled sense of justice and honour has won the grudging respect of the nobility for now.
You have the following abilities:
Trusted Counsellor: King Robert trusts your advice. Each day he will cast a second vote identical to your own. This vote won't show up in vote counts but will be counted at the end of the day and can break (or cause) ties.
Honourable: This is a post restriction. Your sense of honour prevents you from knowingly telling a lie, although you may give evasive answers to questions if you wish.
You are Arya Stark, Tracker/Watcher
You are loyal to the King.
You're the daughter of the Hand of the King, Eddard Stark. You're a bit of a tomboy and find the life of the girls and ladies at court terribly dull, preferring your fencing lessons and stalking cats around the Red Keep. However, the castle and city itself are endlessly fascinating and you've discovered a lot of secret passages that enable you to observe the secret goings-on at night in King's Landing.
You have the following abilities, and you may use one of them each night:
Quick as a Cat (Track): You follow target player to see whom (if anyone) they visit the same night.
Quiet as a Mouse (Watch): You watch target player to see whom (if anyone) visits them the same night.
You are Thoros of Myr, Doctor
You are loyal to the King.
You're a priest of the Red God R'hllor. You've never been a particularly good cleric as your talents incline more to fighting, drinking and women none of which is particularly appreciated by the priesthood. Fortunately your good results in tournaments pay for the other two vices. Although your only real power as a priest has been the ability to live light swords on fire by trickery, lately you've begun to feel a true power in the rituals and are able to use the holy fire to heal the wounds of others. This puzzles you.
You have the following night ability:
Healing Flames: You will attempt to heal target player, saving them from one attempt on their life the same night. You can't target yourself.
You are Beric Dondarrion, Non-Consecutive Vigilante
You are loyal to the King.
You're the Lord of Blackhaven, also known as the Lightning Lord due to your banner. A famed tournament fighter, you've volunteered your skill at arms to aid the Seven Kingdoms against its enemies. You have been charged by the King to bring justice to the outlaws and traitors threatening the King's peace!
You have the following night ability:
Swift Justice: You will attempt to kill target player. It takes a while to assemble the evidence against them so you can't use this ability two nights in a row.
You are Jon Snow, 1-shot Commuter
You are loyal to the King.
You've been raised as the bastard son of the Hand of the King, Eddard Stark. Although your father has treated you well, his last promise to his dying sister was apparently that you should be taken to King's Landing, where you feel somewhat out of place due to your identity crisis about your uncertain parentage. Still, you're quite popular with the ladies so things could be worse.
You have the following night ability:
Volunteer: You will attempt to run away to join the Night's Watch. Although you'll realise this is a really bad idea and return at the end of the night, all actions attempted on you by other players that night will fail. You can use this ability once.
You are Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish, Pimp
You are loyal to the King.
You're a scion of the minor nobility and have managed through careful plotting and a skilled eye for finance to get yourself elevated to the position of Master of Coin for the realm. Although you bear no particular love for the current regime, the King and Council have pretty much no idea how you run the treasury and you'd quite like this situation to continue so you can continue to siphon off gold for yourself. You also run a nice little brothel on the side, which helps you keep in good standing with the King.
You have the following night ability which can be used once per night:
Sexposition: You will send a prostitute to visit another player. If successful, they will be informed that they were visited by a prostitute. Sometimes they might tell their life story to the prostitute as if for the benefit of some unseen audience, but the girls find this extremely boring and won't remember any of it to tell you. (Game mechanically, you will be counted as having visited your target. Other than telling the target that they have been visited, there is no other consequence to this action and it can be used unlimited times.)
You are Loras Tyrell, Loyalist
You are loyal to the King.
You're a third son of the powerful Tyrell family. Known as the Knight of Flowers, you're a bit of a celebrity on the tournament circuit for your striking good looks and skill at jousting. Half of the women in the Seven Kingdoms want to sleep with you. Unfortunately for them, you're gay. As a young knight you have a strong sense of chivalry and believe in the ideals of loyalty to the crown.
You have no abilities other than your vote.
You are Mace Tyrell, Loyalist
You are loyal to the King.
You're the Lord of Highgarden and head of the Tyrell family, one of the Great Houses of the realm. Although always on the lookout to advance the fortunes of your house, you have neither a particular talent for court politics or the inclination to take on the risks a rebellion would bring and jeopardize the wealth and standing of your family. As such, you remain loyal to the Iron Throne.
You have no abilities other than your vote.
You are Tommen Baratheon, Loyalist
You are loyal to the king.
You're the second son of King Robert. You're well liked by the court due to your good nature. Although your elder brother the crown prince Joffrey is a bit of an arse, you're content with your position and wouldn't dream of being involved of getting involved in any plots against your own family.
You are Sansa Stark, Loyalist
You are loyal to the king.
You're the eldest daughter of Eddard Stark, Hand of the King. As part of the deal for your father's appointment as hand, you were betrothed to Crown Prince Joffrey, which you're terribly excited about. After all, doesn't every girl want to be a princess? And King's Landing is so much more colourful and exciting than the cold North. It's just like being in a fairy tale. Needless to say, you don't want any of this to change and you won't be plotting against the king any time soon.
You are Brienne of Tarth, Loyalist
You are loyal to the king.
You're a strong and talented warrior. Unfortunately, being a woman you never get the respect you deserve for it, as most people feel you should stay at home and start a family. You try not to let it affect you too much, as it would be unbecoming of the true knight you aspire to be. As a true knight you'll have nothing to do with traitors and outlaws.
You are Renly Baratheon, Loyalist
You are loyal to the king.
You're the youngest brother of King Robert and as charismatic as the King was in his younger days. You've always had good relations with him, and when he took the Iron Throne he passed on the ancestral family seat of Storm's End to you and gave you a seat on his council. You wouldn't dream of repaying him with betrayal.
You are Jalabhar Xho, Loyalist
You are loyal to the king.
You're an exiled prince of the Summer Isles to which you hope to return one day. You're a skilled archer known for wearing a colourful cape of green and red feathers. King Robert has treated you well, and even though the crown never grants your request for troops to retake your ancestral homeland, you wouldn't repay him with treachery.
You are Tyrion Lannister, Role Seer
You are loyal to House Lannister and a traitor to the king. You may communicate with your fellow conspirators here:
You were born a dwarf, short in stature but tall in wit and intellect. Although you don't always get on with the rest of your family, you remain intensely loyal to your House. You're a born politician, streetwise and skilled at talking your way out of sticky situations.
You have the following night ability:
Imp's Cunning: You have a talent for figuring out what people are up to. You may target another player with this ability and will receive the name of their role.
You are Janos Slynt, Jailkeeper
You are loyal to House Lannister and a traitor to the king. You may communicate with your fellow conspirators here:
You're the commander of the City Watch, a self-made man and a career soldier. You're proud and ambitious, and when the Lannisters made you an offer of cash and favours in return for your cooperation with their schemes you eagerly accepted. Since you're the police chief you can usually find some excuse to detain people - even if they're too highly ranked to arrest outright you can waste their time by questioning them to cooperate with a Watch investigation.
You have the following night ability:
Goldcloak Arrest: You will attempt to jail target player, blocking any night actions they take and protecting them from being killed that night. You can't use this ability on yourself, because... well... you wouldn't last long in your position if your men thought you were a total idiot.
You are Cersei Lannister, Traitor
You are loyal to House Lannister and a traitor to the king. You may communicate with your fellow conspirators here:
You're the queen of the realm and renowned for your beauty and wealth. Unfortunately your initially promising marriage has deteriorated as your husband, King Robert, has proved to be a whoring, drunken sot obsessed with the memory of another woman. You're therefore plotting with the rest of your family to kill him and take the throne for House Lannister.
You are Jaime "Kingslayer" Lannister, Traitor
You are loyal to House Lannister and a traitor to the king. You may communicate with your fellow conspirators here:
You're handsome, cynical and good with a sword. You're known as the Kingslayer because you cut down the Mad King whom you were sworn to protect. Despite this, you were allowed to keep your spot in the Kingsguard. You have little interest in politics and court intrigue, but you're devoted to your sister Cersei and therefore willing to help your family seize the throne. However, you prefer to just stick to the fighting and let others do the talking.
You are Gregor Clegane, Lurkicidal Bulletproof Serial Killer
Known as the Mountain that Rides, you're eight feet tall, four hundred pounds of muscle, and can wield a two-handed sword with one hand and chop a man in half with a single blow. You were previously in the service of House Lannister, but the numerous atrocities you've committed have made you rage out of control. You're tired of using your great strength only to serve the high nobility that hold you in contempt, and don't see why you shouldn't just kill EVERYONE and take the throne for yourself!
You have the following abilities:
Collateral Damage: Every night you're alive, you will kill a lurker of the GM's choice just for being in your way. This is a passive ability and can't be prevented. (Note: "lurker" in this context means spectators, not players who aren't posting.)
Inhumanly Tough: Your massive strength and heavy armour renders you immune to night kills. This is a passive ability.
Brute Force: You attempt to kill target player. This is an active night action and may be used once every night.
False Identity: You know that Barristan Selmy is not a player in this game:
Barristan "the Bold" Selmy
You are loyal to the King.
You're a veteran knight and commander of the Kingsguard. You've fought besides and against some of the greatest knights of all time, and despite your age remain one of the most skilled fighters in the kingdom. Unfortunately the standards of appointees to the Kingsguard have slipped since the good old days, and you're stuck commanding a bunch of incompetents. However, you still do your best to carry out your duties of protecting the king.
You win when all threats to yourself are dead and you're still alive, or nothing can prevent this.
You are Varys "the Spider", Jack of All Trades Survivor
You're the Spymaster of the Seven Kingdoms. Although not fully trusted by anyone, your extensive spy network and information brokering have made you indispensable to the crown, and even though you served the Mad King you were able retained your position after he was deposed. In truth, so long as your own interests prosper, you don't care who much sits on the Iron Throne. You know conspiracies and murder are afoot, but just want to survive with your own skin intact.
You have the following abilities and may use one every night, but each can only be used once:
A Little Bird Told Me: You attempt to determine the alignment of target player through your spy network.
Disguise: You can disguise yourself for a while to make yourself hard to find. Night actions on the same ngiht by other players on you will fail.
Misdirection: You may redirect any night abilities used on a target player to another target player of your choice.
Master Schemer: You can sow convincing misinformation to manipulate others. Target player gains a post restriction for the next day: they must begin all their posts with a sentence of your choice.
False Identity: You know that Catelyn Stark is not a player in this game:
Catelyn Stark
You are loyal to the King.
You're a proud and strong woman, mother of five lovely children and husband to Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell. Although you were supposed to stay in Winterfell to keep an eye on things when your husband took office as Hand of the King, you've secretly travelled to the capital of King's Landing after learning that the previous Hand was murdered. You are fiercely protective of your family.
You win if you're still alive when another faction achieves its win condition.