Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Brick by Brick (Spoiler Alert!)

Wait, I did know that. I've done it before!

Turn 20

Look, Azza's Scout!

[Image: Screen%20shot%202012-12-06%20at%2010.40.00%20AM.png]

The Worker started on the Sheep (three turns). I selected Fishing as the next tech, seeing as I'll probably need a Workboat in the next city.

Can you build a Lighthouse on a Lake with seafood in it?

(December 6th, 2012, 13:57)Kuro Wrote: Can you build a Lighthouse on a Lake with seafood in it?

A city can only build a lighthouse if it is on the ocean.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

Turn 21

The Scout made some very interesting discoveries, which may influence our settlement plan. I'll think we'll have to wait for him to get on the Gems hill tile next turn before we know, though.

[Image: Screen%20shot%202012-12-07%20at%204.16.31%20PM.png]

Turn 22

The Worker finished pasturing the Sheep, making our research rate skyrocket (Fishing will finish at the end of the next turn; three turns for The Wheel and three turns for Pottery after that!). The Scout discovered the following:

[Image: Screen%20shot%202012-12-08%20at%201.27.04%20PM.png]

The area to the north and northwest certainly seems rich in resources! I think I'll put in a proposed dotmap next time I play.

Turn 23

Lots to discuss this turn.

Fishing came in at the end of last turn (somehow I miscalculated in my last report); on to The Wheel. The Settler finished at the end of the turn. This is what the capital looks like (after I ended the turn):

[Image: Screen%20shot%202012-12-09%20at%205.56.23%20PM.png]

The Worker is currently on the grassland forest hill 1NW of the capital, getting ready (unless anyone has a different idea) to chop. Unless anyone has a different idea, I think the plan is to settle the site southwest of the capital. I prefer the site next to the Fish 1NW of the Copper, but I'm still open to convincing.

Here is a tentative dotmap (the letters aren't a settling sequence, just for ease of reference). You can see the potential variations in the 1s and 2s. Does anyone else think the chokepoints in the southwest and northeast look similar, and represent gateways to other civs? This makes me want to get to that far northeastern Gems-triple-seafood site fast. B could theoretically also go 1E to grab the Gems, but lose the Bananas and one of the Crabs (which would be worked by C1). Other than that all the potential variations are on the map:

[Image: Screen%20shot%202012-12-09%20at%205.53.39%20PM.png]

Here is a slightly zoomed-in version with tile yields showing, in case it's helpful:

[Image: Screen%20shot%202012-12-09%20at%205.56.02%20PM.png]

And here is a blank version in case you would like to make an alternate dotmap, Catwalk:

[Image: Screen%20shot%202012-12-09%20at%205.45.19%20PM.png]

One last random note; notice on the minimap how close we are to getting the circumnavigation bonus! I don't think we'll actually get it, but it just goes to show how small the map is (and how close the other players must be lurking out in the fog ... must get to those lucrative city sites fast!)

Ah, wait, another last note: after the Settler I'm planning on building a Warrior and growing (both two turns); after that, Settler or Worker?

Sorry for all the images; I thought they might be helpful. Some of these will definitely get deleted when I clean out my Dropbox eventually, as they will be kind of redundant for the future reader (but not for the present planner!).

I like the idea of settling either D1 -> A -> B or A -> D1 -> B, because A might be a bit sparsely defended without copper, but it's such a good city you might want to make it first anyway. I'd go Worker over Settler, then maybe build a Warrior or two, grow a moment to Size 3/4 and pop out another Settler. I don't have any micro to say if that is best though.

Turn 24

The Settler is on its way to D1. I took Kuro's advice and set the capital to building a Worker. The current Worker is chop-mining the hill he's on; the chop should go into the next Settler and the mine will be ready to be worked by the time the city hits size four. Thanks for the advice, Kuro.

In other news, I discovered that the map is at least partially mirrored. There should be lots of good land to the southeast, and nearer to my capital than that in the northwest. A will probably remain the best site, though; I'll probably go there next.

[Image: Screen%20shot%202012-12-10%20at%2011.47.02%20PM.png]

Turn 25

I revolted to Slavery while the Settler is in transit, so as not to lose "city turns".

The map is mirrored in multiple directions (well, not really mirrored, because there's no inversion; more like copy-and-pasted). In the screenshot you can see the same Corn-Gold region in the top-left and bottom-right; the top- and bottom-middle are also identical (Whale - Crab - Rice in a row), and spot "A" is mirrored in the bottom-left. I predict lots of warfare over city-sites in this game.

Turn 26

Pirates has been founded (Pirates 'cause it's on the sea)! And yes, I finally did rename Cuzco to Legoland.

[Image: Screen%20shot%202012-12-13%20at%2012.12.05%20AM.png]

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