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EitB Bug Thread

(December 7th, 2012, 14:36)Sareln Wrote: @HidingKneel. Good spots. I'll close those. The Warrior -> Centaur upgrade is b/c of the Warrior -> Horseman upgrade for non-Kuriotate CIVs, so yes, it's a hole, but should it be closed?

I think it should be closed, just on thematic grounds (same reason Clan can't upgrade axemen to ogres).

Quote:Phalanx boosting from Nightmares was that on v8 or v9? I know when I did v8 I accidentally left some melee units as being able to use nightmares...

It was v8, so probably it's already fixed.

Two issues (both without the dll fux) - got a weird graphical thing where instead of a griffen there's just a big red dot, and I can't trade Orders from heaven to Rhoanna because "we would have nothing to gain" (NTB game, but I self-researched it, also playing as Basium if thats related).
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(December 8th, 2012, 16:53)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Two issues (both without the dll fux) - got a weird graphical thing where instead of a griffen there's just a big red dot, and I can't trade Orders from heaven to Rhoanna because "we would have nothing to gain" (NTB game, but I self-researched it, also playing as Basium if thats related).

Did you self-research it as Basium or as your initial Civilization?

Big Red Dot o' Griffin typically means you're missing art or there's a bad link somewhere. Any other units with that problem? Does it show up in the Civilopedia correctly?
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Self-researched as Basium - there is no initial civilization (I added Basium in by editing the WBsave).
I can't actively see the griffon (only through debug/WB - the debug is GROUPFLAG_HNGROUP btw, and probably belongs to the sidar as it has that promo) and I've definitely killed a bunch of normal griffons so i'm not sure why it comes up that way. It shows up in the civilopedia fine,
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Another thing: if you're not running COE you can't see the icon for a city doing it even in debug/WB (I notice this because of deleting the Esus holycity).
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Barbarian trait civs don't get odds on animals. frown

Sarlen , playing a direct ip game and when the game started this happened

[Image: 1uxin7x.png]
[Image: CmQTvVS.jpg]

Hmm, weird. Is there anything that made this game special/different from games that worked?
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

the new DLL
[Image: CmQTvVS.jpg]

(February 15th, 2013, 18:30)Ryan Wrote: the new DLL

You both had the new dll?
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

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