My ones.
1. Dont Mess With The Don [mkay]
2. Straight Outta Kamadan [KMD]
3. Stealing Society [StS]
4. Dangerous And Moving [DM]
5. Intense Dragon King Knight Lord [Trim]
6. Supernova Jpn [SpNv]
7. Bruderschaft Der Verdammnis [BdV]
8. The Return [EvIL]
It is going to be a really balanced Monthly, maybe not as far as builds go but no guild seems to have the power to dominate like rawr had the past months. Stealing Society is, in my opinion, the strongest candidate for a top-4 finish, thus it is placed third, where it will net me the most points. Trim is rawr's new guild, that they're trying to get to gold before selling. The Return is, as someone on Guru said, half rusty EvIL, half bad Koreans. No chance in the world they'll make top 8, but it's fun to put it in anyway.

If you want to actually try to get some points there, please choose another guild like Esoteric Warriors [EW] maybe.
Random. From the first page candidates though!