December 18th, 2012, 10:16
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(December 18th, 2012, 08:20)kjn Wrote: Another thing I noticed when I did the updated sandbox is that according to the micro plan, GM should switch to a Lighthouse this turn (to be whipped once the city reaches size 4, I presume). I doubt it matters much, since the overflow hammers will be applied to the library in any case, but we need to decide if there is anything critical with the switch.
Ah yes, thanks for mentioning that. I added that to the micro plan as an afterthought, it seemed more relevant to put our 1hpt there into a lighthouse than a library, although I don't think it matters much either way.
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December 18th, 2012, 10:44
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I'm unsure if the lighthouse is that urgent in GM. The city already has plenty of flood plains and cottages, and will reach +6F at size 3. Using Seven's rule of thumb of 1upt being worth 20u now, the whipped lighthouse will turn 27F into 20F (presuming a 4->2 whip).
It might be better to wait a bit and get the lighthouse once we get some production multiplier in the city (OR or a forge). Or whip units and put the overflow in the lighthouse or the library.
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December 18th, 2012, 12:54
(This post was last modified: December 18th, 2012, 12:56 by novice.)
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(December 18th, 2012, 10:44)kjn Wrote: I'm unsure if the lighthouse is that urgent in GM. The city already has plenty of flood plains and cottages, and will reach +6F at size 3. Using Seven's rule of thumb of 1upt being worth 20u now, the whipped lighthouse will turn 27F into 20F (presuming a 4->2 whip).
It might be better to wait a bit and get the lighthouse once we get some production multiplier in the city (OR or a forge). Or whip units and put the overflow in the lighthouse or the library.
Interesting thought. Regardless, I think putting the 1hpt into a lighthouse makes more sense than putting it into a library.
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December 18th, 2012, 13:10
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Catching up with topics of discussion in this thread:
* Killing the barbs as detailed last turn got the second one to 5 XP and another promotion. I think that's better than having 4 XP and 6 XP axes, personally. It also allows us to move an axe into the new city when it gets founded next turn (if we used the northern axe to kill the barb, Seven Tribes is potentially empty on its first turn of existence). I've said this many times before: I will always value keeping our units protected over farming 1 experience point from barbs or defogging another tile.
* I do think that we should farm the bananas at Tree Huggers. When I tested this earlier, farming the bananas did allow the city to grow one turn faster. Even if it's just for six turns or whatever, a low-food city like Tree Huggers gets a lot of value from that farm, as it takes the city from +4 food to +5 food. A banana farm also means we don't have to rush back there immediately after discovering Calendar; we could potentially leave the farm in place for another couple of turns if there are other worker tasks to carry out. Most importantly, I didn't see an immediate pressing need for the two workers by TH while we were researching Calendar tech. They could build the farm or they could build cottages that the city didn't need to work yet. There was still plenty of time to farm the bananas and then move down to the silks to chop while researching Calendar.
Anyway, I'm sure this will be resolved when we draw up our next moves, but I wouldn't dismiss the idea of farming the bananas without testing it out in more detail. My first look at the subject suggested it was a worthwhile investment.
* If there's ever confusion over when screenshots were taken, look at the clock in the corner. Mostly_harmless' 100% research images were taken 30 seconds after the turn roll. Similarly, when in doubt, the stuff written in the turn report is probably what we're currently doing.
* If people want to dotmap the northern jungle, feel free to do so and have some fun. However, it's kind of an academic exercise at this point. We know where our next four cities are almost certainly going (southwest cows/wheat, eastern spices, stone city, southeast corn/fish on CFC border) and that will occupy us for about 20 turns. It's very difficult to say what conditions will look like around roughly T95 up there. Again, feel free to plan away, but also be willing to change things around as other teams expand and borders expand.
I also fail to understand the reasoning behind the no-food, culturally-swamped dot two tiles northwest of the rice. Huh?
* A galley for the stone site is easily produced via some combination of Horse Feathers' next double whip and the upcoming silk forest chop. Exact details to be worked out later. This is not a problem.
* Lighthouse at Gourmet Menu is not a huge priority in my opinion. It adds +1 food via the clams, but in the context of this city, that's not a huge deal because the city already has tons of food. It gets +8 food at size 5 from working the non-lighthouse clams and four floodplains, for example. Because this city grows like a weed and will be working massive numbers of riverside Financial cottages, I would emphasize library over lighthouse. My thought was to grow and then double or triple whip a settler out of this city (for the stone location) and then overflow into library. Specific details to be worked out later, but that being the general plan. The current 1 production per turn is almost irrelevant.
That's about all I can think of for now, although I do wonder just what Apolyton was double-whipping in all their cities. Think there's any chance they discovered Mathematics recently and went on a hamman whipping spree? They are Ottomans, after all, and the map lacks much happiness...
December 18th, 2012, 13:30
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(December 18th, 2012, 05:51)Sian Wrote: Novice ... if you don't mind me asking, whats the point with the suggested city 2NW of the Jungled Rice ... it got no resources at all and only a Flood plain for growing ... wouldn't it be better to let the Germans gorge on that one wasting resouces to make it a worthwhile contribution?
That's probably a better plan, yeah. I was just showing how that area would fit (or not fit) with a city grabbing rice and cows. The idea with the rice/cows site was to grab the maximum of goodies with just one settler, leaving the rest as low priority fillers.
I'm happy to let the micro planning determine what to do about the bananas.
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December 18th, 2012, 13:42
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(December 18th, 2012, 13:10)Sullla Wrote: * Killing the barbs as detailed last turn got the second one to 5 XP and another promotion.
I think this is the type of judgment call that can and should be put to the turn player. I'm more sad that we don't have an axe with a pending level 2 promotion, so we can scout with a W2 axe down the line.
Quote:* I do think that we should farm the bananas at Tree Huggers. When I tested this earlier, farming the bananas did allow the city to grow one turn faster.
I think I agree with Sullla here. We can get the farm up relatively quickly compared to a plantation, it blocks jungle spreads, and we don't need the banana for health. It also means that we can delay putting in the worker turns building a plantation, until we face less of a crunch for our workers.
So I agree we will have to sim out both options.
Quote:I also fail to understand the reasoning behind the no-food, culturally-swamped dot two tiles northwest of the rice. Huh? 
It's a Cool Plant (but with a very defensive location), that will annoy the German team. That said, it will block off the entire river valley from the Germans.
I'm not wedded to that dotmap, but I can understand where it comes from.
Quote:That's about all I can think of for now, although I do wonder just what Apolyton was double-whipping in all their cities. Think there's any chance they discovered Mathematics recently and went on a hamman whipping spree? They are Ottomans, after all, and the map lacks much happiness...
This more belongs in C&D, but I've thought they researched Maths on T66 already. We will see next turn, how things develop:
Large increase in approval -> hammans
Large increase in GNP -> libraries
Power -> axes
Nothing -> settlers and workers
That said, hammans are 100H. Each hamman would require 40H investment to be double-whipped. I think they had other plans, especially since they've stagnated in pop and expansion for a while now. I think settlers, workers, and maybe a library.
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December 18th, 2012, 13:44
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A thought about the lighthouse in GM: if we're sharing out the clams to a city on that plains hill in the west, it could make sense to let that city build a lighthouse and work the clams permanently. So maybe stick with a library in GM for now.
December 18th, 2012, 13:47
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Delaying the banana plantation means a banana farm makes even less sense - the food gained from the farm is lost by delaying the plantation. It would be better to perform whatever other worker actions are needed now, and hook up bananas ASAP post calendar.
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December 18th, 2012, 14:08
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(December 18th, 2012, 08:21)waterbat Wrote: we need to get a look at the BFC of a spot 6-3-3 (SE-E-E) of m-h's cyan dot. that would allow us to split the dyes with WPC without seeming too agressive - its a long way though - considering we dont have yellow (spice city) up and running yet.
I had this idea too. We should try whenever we can to take a look at that area. If there's any food, it'd be nice to claim a dye. However, we are a long way from that. I don't think that WPC will research IW any time soon, so that spot will probably still be available a while from now.
December 18th, 2012, 14:30
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(December 18th, 2012, 04:35)novice Wrote: 2. Expansion. I'm thinking Horse Feathers can produce a galley and a settler and settle the stone by t90. I'm not sure if we'll be building any more settlers before turn 90, actually, since Focal Point will be busy getting started on MoM, and MM will be stagnated at size 7 building workers while the spice city uses the corn. And we have an increased happy cap to fill out. If we do want more settlers we should discuss what direction to expand in.
It seems like this is a time when we really want to emphasize settlers. We've got naps with everyone, and everyone will be growing quickly now, so the land won't last long. We need to grab it while we can, even if it means inefficient development for some of our cities.
In particular, the jungle area probably won't last long. I think we should push for an extension of our NAP with WPC, and then settle up on them.