Hear Hear!
Also excuse for picture spam, yay.
Ignimonious defeat at the hands of three PD in Costume Brawl, on the new asuran lands map. PD is Team Paradigm, #20 on the guild ladder, and they just missed single elimination in this monthly at 17th place. There aren't a whole ton of people entering from the international district (surprising to me actually), so syncing isn't very difficult - a bunch of ABers were doing it for company. (Karma I guess?)
The story untold by this screenshot is that this was after 16 or so consecutive victories! We were creaming teams left and right, with a small number of close battles. We faced up against Lev and Viper's team, who were on 10 consecutives themselves, and flawlessed them. It took a team (PD) who were top 50 solid (and probably on voip) to bring us down.
We didn't leave empty handed either: aside from 80 some trick or treat bags, the gamer points are very generous now. You get 10 points per win, plus an additional point per consecutive win. At 2 wins you get 11, at 3 wins you get 12, etc. And the cap is something high like 30. I went from ~600 gamer or so to 1000 and hit rank 1, just from an evening of play. I also filled my balthazar faction total up twice. A very rewarding time, within a very enjoyable format. (Hint: try it out!)