Ok, there are a couple reasons I'd like to change halls. First, and (to me) most obviously, it's not the most GvG friendly hall. Since I'd like to kinda kickstart GvG again I think it's going to be neccessary for us to have a hall that's friednlier to our style of play (of the "split as little as possible for now" variety). Secondly, we've had Solitude for over a year and it's just time for a change.
So, with that I'd like to say "pretty please with sugar on top and a cherry" can we change the hall? We all know what they look like by now, and if someone doesn't the tour NPC is in the hall so you can go see how they look. What I'm going to throw out now are the tactical differences that you get with each hall. You can read more about each hall on the wiki but that information isn't up to date since it still talks about VoD, but they've got good maps and the info about NPC locations and effects is still correct enough to be worth looking at.
Warrior's, Hunter's, and Wizard's are all basically the same map with different graphics. They have the same visitor's fort, which is basically a small field with a few obstacles and no path outside the gate from the front door to the back door. The differences all lie with the home team's fort.
- Warrior's: The only way from the front gate to the back gate is through the lord area. There is no pass through outside the gate and the courtyard is cut into 2 sections with no path, save the lord area, connecting them.
- Hunter's: This has an open lord area with several bridges going from the back to the front of the fort, across the courtyard. It's possible to get from one gate to the other by going under the bridges or along the path outside the hall in front of the gates, but the only way onto the bridges and into the lord area are the 2 staircases where the lord is.
- Wizard's: There looks like there should be a path in front of the hall from one gate to the other but it's cut off by a gap. The courtyard is split in half; however, there is a path inside the hall next to the front wall that can go from the back to the front, or you can take one of the outside wall's staircases to the upper area, which also has a path along the outside wall that can go from one gate to the other. The direct path to the lord is not a straight path: each side of the courtyard has an obstacle blocking a direct route to the staircase, and the staircases themselves are off to the side, meaning that it's the least clear pathway to the lord of the 3.
Frozen: Been there, done that, next.
Nomad's: The desert one. There's only 1 foot path in, the back door is a teleporter that will lead to another teleporter which is the opposing back door. The main field is very wide open but is filled with quicksand, which slows movement by 10% and drains 1 energy when you attack or use a skill while standing in it.
Druid's: At the start of battle there's only 1 way in or out of the map, which is the front door. You're given a vine seed which you can plant to create a bridge at the back door (it actually becomes the back door) or you can drop it on the regular field to cause an AoE knockdown on adjacent foes. The place where you drop the seed to create the back door also has a path leading down and to the front door, along the outside wall of the fort. Also, the water has a +1 health regen effect if you stand in it.
Isle of the Dead: The front and back doors come out a basically the same spot on the map, except one is above the other. The top one leads along a wall and has 2 bridges over the flag area. The bottom one leads out to the flagstand. The tar in the stand area slows movement by 30%.
Burning: Two ways out the front. Going through the lava is faster, but you're going through lava. Going over the bridges takes a bit longer, but if you want to avoid the lava degen it's the safer route. The back way is guarded by flame sentinel's, mesmer/elementalists that do a lot of damage but are slowly degenning to death. Can kill them with a ranger and a longbow rather easily.
Weeping Stone: Front door leads to the flagstand and the opposing front door. Back door leads to the other back door. There's a gate at the stand that only opens from the back door's side. Every now and then there's a fungal spore effect in certain places, which works just like the one in kurz territory.
Meditation: Has 2 flag stands. Bottom one controls morale. Top one activates fireballs in the corridors that lead to the flag stand. In order to open the door to get into the top stand area you have to go through miasma, there is a switch inside that will open the doors as well, so you don't have to go back out through the miasma.
Imperial: Wide open area. Teleporters across the center. Flag is in the middle of an acid trap.
Jade: Back door goes to a teleporter that takes you to the center (sperated from the stand by coral) and then the other back door. Lots of coral everywhere.
Uncharted: Very wide open area in the center. Flag stand is seperated from the center by two semi-long pathways. Out the back door is a path to the other back door, half-way is another path connecting to the center area.
Corrupted: The front door leads to the stand area, which is up an isolated path in the center. The back doors lead directly to each other.
Wurms: Has the flag stand out the front door and a health shrine that you cap just like in Alliance Battles out the back door. Controlling the health shrine gives your team +120 max health.
I think that's all of them. Really, I don't think there's anyone that didn't really know all that all ready, but once I started writing it up I didn't feel like stopping for whatever reason. Really, I just wanted to point out the differences between the defending forts for warrior's, hunter's and wizard's.
So what do people like? My personal preference would go to Jade or maybe Weeping Stone, but since those are bound to get voted down because of their aesthetics, Uncharted would be my next choice. Warrior's is another possibility.
So, with that I'd like to say "pretty please with sugar on top and a cherry" can we change the hall? We all know what they look like by now, and if someone doesn't the tour NPC is in the hall so you can go see how they look. What I'm going to throw out now are the tactical differences that you get with each hall. You can read more about each hall on the wiki but that information isn't up to date since it still talks about VoD, but they've got good maps and the info about NPC locations and effects is still correct enough to be worth looking at.
Warrior's, Hunter's, and Wizard's are all basically the same map with different graphics. They have the same visitor's fort, which is basically a small field with a few obstacles and no path outside the gate from the front door to the back door. The differences all lie with the home team's fort.
- Warrior's: The only way from the front gate to the back gate is through the lord area. There is no pass through outside the gate and the courtyard is cut into 2 sections with no path, save the lord area, connecting them.
- Hunter's: This has an open lord area with several bridges going from the back to the front of the fort, across the courtyard. It's possible to get from one gate to the other by going under the bridges or along the path outside the hall in front of the gates, but the only way onto the bridges and into the lord area are the 2 staircases where the lord is.
- Wizard's: There looks like there should be a path in front of the hall from one gate to the other but it's cut off by a gap. The courtyard is split in half; however, there is a path inside the hall next to the front wall that can go from the back to the front, or you can take one of the outside wall's staircases to the upper area, which also has a path along the outside wall that can go from one gate to the other. The direct path to the lord is not a straight path: each side of the courtyard has an obstacle blocking a direct route to the staircase, and the staircases themselves are off to the side, meaning that it's the least clear pathway to the lord of the 3.
Frozen: Been there, done that, next.
Nomad's: The desert one. There's only 1 foot path in, the back door is a teleporter that will lead to another teleporter which is the opposing back door. The main field is very wide open but is filled with quicksand, which slows movement by 10% and drains 1 energy when you attack or use a skill while standing in it.
Druid's: At the start of battle there's only 1 way in or out of the map, which is the front door. You're given a vine seed which you can plant to create a bridge at the back door (it actually becomes the back door) or you can drop it on the regular field to cause an AoE knockdown on adjacent foes. The place where you drop the seed to create the back door also has a path leading down and to the front door, along the outside wall of the fort. Also, the water has a +1 health regen effect if you stand in it.
Isle of the Dead: The front and back doors come out a basically the same spot on the map, except one is above the other. The top one leads along a wall and has 2 bridges over the flag area. The bottom one leads out to the flagstand. The tar in the stand area slows movement by 30%.
Burning: Two ways out the front. Going through the lava is faster, but you're going through lava. Going over the bridges takes a bit longer, but if you want to avoid the lava degen it's the safer route. The back way is guarded by flame sentinel's, mesmer/elementalists that do a lot of damage but are slowly degenning to death. Can kill them with a ranger and a longbow rather easily.
Weeping Stone: Front door leads to the flagstand and the opposing front door. Back door leads to the other back door. There's a gate at the stand that only opens from the back door's side. Every now and then there's a fungal spore effect in certain places, which works just like the one in kurz territory.
Meditation: Has 2 flag stands. Bottom one controls morale. Top one activates fireballs in the corridors that lead to the flag stand. In order to open the door to get into the top stand area you have to go through miasma, there is a switch inside that will open the doors as well, so you don't have to go back out through the miasma.
Imperial: Wide open area. Teleporters across the center. Flag is in the middle of an acid trap.
Jade: Back door goes to a teleporter that takes you to the center (sperated from the stand by coral) and then the other back door. Lots of coral everywhere.
Uncharted: Very wide open area in the center. Flag stand is seperated from the center by two semi-long pathways. Out the back door is a path to the other back door, half-way is another path connecting to the center area.
Corrupted: The front door leads to the stand area, which is up an isolated path in the center. The back doors lead directly to each other.
Wurms: Has the flag stand out the front door and a health shrine that you cap just like in Alliance Battles out the back door. Controlling the health shrine gives your team +120 max health.
I think that's all of them. Really, I don't think there's anyone that didn't really know all that all ready, but once I started writing it up I didn't feel like stopping for whatever reason. Really, I just wanted to point out the differences between the defending forts for warrior's, hunter's and wizard's.
So what do people like? My personal preference would go to Jade or maybe Weeping Stone, but since those are bound to get voted down because of their aesthetics, Uncharted would be my next choice. Warrior's is another possibility.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.
I live my life by Murphy's Law.