I don't like your post Selrahc. Lets look at it closely:
The word "bizzare" is only there to make it obvious to anyone that there can be no reason whatsoever to act like Rowain does. But that is simply not true. I might not agree with his conclusions, but I can easily see where he is coming from - and I am not the only one as some posts in this thread already indicate.
Secondly, he never stated we should focus all our energy on the card. He perceives it as the best lead for a lynch we have and gave reasons for that. I might not agree with that (though again, I can see where he is coming from) but that is besides the point. He simply never stated what you wrote. And this is not a case of you "shortening" what he said and putting down the gist of it. It is you intentionally putting him in a bad light to give more credence to your argument.
Again, you don't even try to analyze any of their plays, you just try to paint Rowain in a bad light.
The card only passes after the night-phase, so it would be at least around for N1. Also I doubt we can already now tell who is most likely going to be nightkilled or lynched either. Therefore I really don't see how your argument is valid. For me, it seems again like something you wrote, just so you can put down your point that Rowain is the bad guy.
Nice sentence. But why? What does give you that believe? Which sentence sprung your alarm? Again, it seems you wrote something just so you can base your argument on it, without giving any reasons how your reached this premise.
Thats not true Selrahc. Rowain is a good enough player that he knows that sacrificing himself just for one villager is not going to benefit the wolves. Again, an argument just made to paint Rowain as the bad guy, without any base for it. In that case it is even obviously wrong what your write when one just thinks a minute about it.
The same argument you made already above, just said again with different words. Doesn't make it more true though.
Btw: You guys all realized that the Fool-Tarot-Card is not working like the Miller (showing the player always as scum in scans) but does work in giving the seer the opposite result from what he should have got? Thats not the same as a Miller at all, maybe you should start to take that into account.
Oh, and
That post was really, really bad in just trying to make Rowain look bad without actually giving any real argument to it. I don't like that. Most of the time that means you have either a lazy villager - but that was to much effort for one, or you have a scum trying his best to drive a wagon home. And I believe that is what we see here: A scum seeing an "easy" mislynch, trying to lock it in.
(January 5th, 2013, 05:38)Selrahc Wrote: There are two wagons at the moment.
Rowain: Bizarre insistence that the card is the thing we should be focusing all our energies on, and that the only thing to do is to lynch the holder.
The word "bizzare" is only there to make it obvious to anyone that there can be no reason whatsoever to act like Rowain does. But that is simply not true. I might not agree with his conclusions, but I can easily see where he is coming from - and I am not the only one as some posts in this thread already indicate.
Secondly, he never stated we should focus all our energy on the card. He perceives it as the best lead for a lynch we have and gave reasons for that. I might not agree with that (though again, I can see where he is coming from) but that is besides the point. He simply never stated what you wrote. And this is not a case of you "shortening" what he said and putting down the gist of it. It is you intentionally putting him in a bad light to give more credence to your argument.
Quote:Tasunke: Some odd jokes. A possible wolf slip, or possible confused statement.
Tasunke's comments seem like they are ill-considered. But that isn't out of character. There could be malevolence, but I think there probably isn't. Rowain's actions though, I can see something darker underneath.
Again, you don't even try to analyze any of their plays, you just try to paint Rowain in a bad light.
Quote:I disagree with his reaction against the card. If the card is really such a problem for the village, it can easily be disposed of by dumping it onto someone who is likely to be lynched or nightkilled, without killing Novice. The issue is nowhere near as binary as he is making it out to be.
The card only passes after the night-phase, so it would be at least around for N1. Also I doubt we can already now tell who is most likely going to be nightkilled or lynched either. Therefore I really don't see how your argument is valid. For me, it seems again like something you wrote, just so you can put down your point that Rowain is the bad guy.
Quote:But my issue is really whether or not *he* believes what he is saying. I'm not so sure he does.
Nice sentence. But why? What does give you that believe? Which sentence sprung your alarm? Again, it seems you wrote something just so you can base your argument on it, without giving any reasons how your reached this premise.
Quote:Now I'm thinking in particular of some statements Rowain has made in past games about confirmed villagers as a wolf. In the FFH game, he was quite annoyed that as a wolf his kills were more or less proscribed into killing confirmed villagers day after day, and that the game was basically lost by that. So as a wolf, I think he would be both much more against the idea of anybody being put into the village camp, and more willing than most wolves to sacrifice himself to stop such a thing.
Thats not true Selrahc. Rowain is a good enough player that he knows that sacrificing himself just for one villager is not going to benefit the wolves. Again, an argument just made to paint Rowain as the bad guy, without any base for it. In that case it is even obviously wrong what your write when one just thinks a minute about it.
Quote:From his wolfish perspective, letting an actual villager be perceived widely as a villager locks in a kill, and lessens the wolf power to influence. By attacking so strongly, the desired effect is to cast a pallor of suspicion over Novice even if he doesn't manage to secure the lynch. The only thing that could go wrong would be his own lynch in reaction... but starting from such a position might well be unpalatable to him as a wolf.
The same argument you made already above, just said again with different words. Doesn't make it more true though.
Btw: You guys all realized that the Fool-Tarot-Card is not working like the Miller (showing the player always as scum in scans) but does work in giving the seer the opposite result from what he should have got? Thats not the same as a Miller at all, maybe you should start to take that into account.
Oh, and
That post was really, really bad in just trying to make Rowain look bad without actually giving any real argument to it. I don't like that. Most of the time that means you have either a lazy villager - but that was to much effort for one, or you have a scum trying his best to drive a wagon home. And I believe that is what we see here: A scum seeing an "easy" mislynch, trying to lock it in.