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WW 19 Game Thread - Mobster Mayhem - GAME OVER

There is no need to be rude.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


MJW and now you are copying what ser and rowain and i said about lynching Novice is the least harmfull. You are a really wierd guy. Just gonna ignore your posts from now on.
[Image: CmQTvVS.jpg]

(January 5th, 2013, 15:28)Qgqqqqq Wrote: There is no need to be rude.

Is this an x-post?

(January 5th, 2013, 15:16)Qgqqqqq Wrote: No you didn't.
Honestly you have basically been piggy-backing on others trains.
I don't like your play, but you don't feel scummy like rowain.
And telling that was rude? I have been writing my own words for a while now and you are just using these wierd claims to undermine and escape my arguments. Resorting to that to escape answering me and then saying something that isnt correct? Ive said that killing Novice would have been good since the start of this and Rowain said he agreed. YOu and MJW just resort to saying I am copying. Whats the point of arguing if thats the only response im getting and your just escaping answering.
[Image: CmQTvVS.jpg]

EDIT : MJW you are now copying what ser and rowain and i said about lynching Novice is the least harmfull. You are a really wierd guy. Just gonna ignore your posts from now on.

Just realized that post could be read as aimed at Qgqqqqq so I just wanted to clarify.
[Image: CmQTvVS.jpg]

(January 5th, 2013, 15:28)Ryan Wrote: MJW and now you are copying what ser and rowain and i said about lynching Novice is the least harmfull. You are a really wierd guy. Just gonna ignore your posts from now on.

I did'nt copy. Serdoa I thought did not like lyching novice. And Rowain was far more forcing aganist novice than me. It's not even close to a copy unlike you. My primary basis is that day1 is a likely mislych anyway and Rowain never said that.

I pointed out observations about your play - impressions I had got.
Saying I am shit is rude however.
Ive dealt with your arguments and responded to them.
Rowan argued for a novice lynch first IIRC.

Don't worry we all get annoyed and frustrated in WW. I'm sure no offence is mean at either end smile
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(January 5th, 2013, 15:33)MJW (ya that one) Wrote:
(January 5th, 2013, 15:28)Ryan Wrote: MJW and now you are copying what ser and rowain and i said about lynching Novice is the least harmfull. You are a really wierd guy. Just gonna ignore your posts from now on.

I did'nt copy. Serdoa I thought did not like lyching novice. And Rowain was far more forcing aganist novice than me. It's not even close to a copy unlike you. My primary basis is that day1 is a likely mislych anyway and Rowain never said that.
He did and you are resorting to who you copied more then me argument? ./sigh I give up .
[Image: CmQTvVS.jpg]

(January 5th, 2013, 15:02)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Sorry x-post with 375.
I'm explaining my reasoning.
Yes I do find Rowain suspicious but its no because I don't agree with him, its because of the way he is driveing his train - not for the sake of catching wolves but a veritable policy lynch where he basically says "we have to lose a villager, why not this one."

Yeah, that argument was brought now so often, but I still wait for someone to show me when Rowain actually stated that. Oh wait, pindicator found it:

(January 5th, 2013, 15:13)pindicator Wrote:
(January 5th, 2013, 05:44)Rowain Wrote: I'm still the opinion that it better to lynch a villager with the card than to lynch a villager without it.
So who has a good enough chance to be scum to outweight the risk of lynching a villager? Our back and forth has drawn too much talk so far (which makes it in itself already a good move for scum) but I think there are some names worth a closer inspection.

Well, probably good you called me out on that, because i didn't read this thoroughly the first time. I took the bolded bit and glossed over the rest, so boo on that example. But this later one is the one i had in mind:

(January 5th, 2013, 07:23)Rowain Wrote: Yes getting rid of the card trumps lynching a random villager. Are you of different opinion? You rather want the card in play and lynch a villager?

So it could just be a lazy re-writing of the first point. Enough that i don't think that is his guilt all in one.

Well, so we agree that he never stated what 4 people provide as reason to vote for him? Thats great. If now only those people, like Qgqqqq, would actually start to reread themselves instead of simply latching onto a wagon because it is so much easier that would be great.

Btw: Thanks pindi, I was getting unsure myself now what Rowain had actually written, but I was certain that I would remember if he actually really had stated that we have to lynch a villager anyway. Of course, one can construe the posts you quoted above as that, but I'd consider that ill-intent, because it seems obvious that is was meant differently, as you point out. I also understand that you have other reasons which let you lean more to him than to Selrahc. Not sure I agree with them, but at least it feels honest and not something you make up just to vote for him as I get the feel with some of the others.

Also, I agree with you that we should not put too much trust in the seer-scans. Thats a good stance to take. Hopefully that will be kept as soon as the first screams that he found a wolf.

Ryan, Qgqqqq is not saying you're a wolf. He is just saying he does not like you piggybacking (which is not the same as copying).

I also need to point out that editing posts at all is illegal...

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