I'm a total, 100%, absolutely newb in MOO. And I would like to give my strongest encouragement
for all lurkers, Realms Beyond friends, MOO fans of the past, and most of all, utter newbies,
to give Master of Orion a try, and specifically... play the first Imperium!
Here's my top ten reasons to play list --
10. Installation is painless and does not threaten your system in any way.
I had it up and going on Win2K in minutes. No special programs, just click on compatibility mode and go
9. If you hated MOO3, don't let that stop you. I loathe MOO3 and can confirm the
games only share a common name and the most superficial of elements.
8. The interface is highly intuitive and not hard to master, not a gazillion levels of subscreens
7. If you've played Civilization (I/II/III) before and understand the concepts of rapid expansion
and of emphasizing growth and production early on, you are already a better than average
MOO player and will not be lost in this Imperium.
6. The game is 'simple' enough that 'cause and effect' is evident. This sounds small but is a huge
factor in improving the user experience for the newbie. (Yet it's complex enough that is has some
of the best strategy gamers around coming back after a decade. Now that's longevity!!
5. I am not one prone to like space games and yet my initial try with this game shows it to have
more potential that I might like it than any other I've tried. I've been told it makes no sense, but
I loved Warcraft and hated Starcraft. If you're also averse to space-based games but like a good
strategy game, I encourage you to try it for yourself.
4. Check out Sirian's web pages. He goes into painstaking detail and has tons of screenshots
AND solid strategic advice. Specially, if you're as rank as newbie as I am, do not miss his tutorial!!
Sirian's Tutorial at - http://sirian.warpcore.org/moo1/tutorial.html
I played through this, diverged on my own once I understood what I was doing, and won
a diplomatic victory at almost exactly the point in time where I felt, "Hmmm, I think I'm actually going
to win this game". MOO is FAR nicer in giving up the win at the point you have a won game.
3. A game can be completed, even by a newbie, in far less time than you might be used to in
other games. I'm one of the worlds slowest strategy game players, as I pore over all decisions,
but I was able to start, finish, and win my first game, all while reading the tutorial and learning
the interface in just one night. Sure the more difficult games will take longer, but if you're
on the fence wondering whether to try this or not -- there's nothing to lose
2. Cost is low, it doesn't take much time, and if you've not played in a Realms Beyond Epic before,
there is absolutely no better way to learn than to see a dozen or so other players report on
their experiences on the exact same map and with the same goals. It's nothing short of an epiphany!
1. Last but not least... when did Charis ever steer you wrong?!?! B)
I've got so much going on it's with mixed emotion I try something new, but here's what I'm going to
do -- play the first two Imperia and take it from there. Will you join me?? :war:
Pardon for this thread spam, but I felt the newbie's voice needed to be heard!
for all lurkers, Realms Beyond friends, MOO fans of the past, and most of all, utter newbies,
to give Master of Orion a try, and specifically... play the first Imperium!
Here's my top ten reasons to play list --
10. Installation is painless and does not threaten your system in any way.
I had it up and going on Win2K in minutes. No special programs, just click on compatibility mode and go
9. If you hated MOO3, don't let that stop you. I loathe MOO3 and can confirm the
games only share a common name and the most superficial of elements.
8. The interface is highly intuitive and not hard to master, not a gazillion levels of subscreens
7. If you've played Civilization (I/II/III) before and understand the concepts of rapid expansion
and of emphasizing growth and production early on, you are already a better than average
MOO player and will not be lost in this Imperium.
6. The game is 'simple' enough that 'cause and effect' is evident. This sounds small but is a huge
factor in improving the user experience for the newbie. (Yet it's complex enough that is has some
of the best strategy gamers around coming back after a decade. Now that's longevity!!
5. I am not one prone to like space games and yet my initial try with this game shows it to have
more potential that I might like it than any other I've tried. I've been told it makes no sense, but
I loved Warcraft and hated Starcraft. If you're also averse to space-based games but like a good
strategy game, I encourage you to try it for yourself.
4. Check out Sirian's web pages. He goes into painstaking detail and has tons of screenshots
AND solid strategic advice. Specially, if you're as rank as newbie as I am, do not miss his tutorial!!
Sirian's Tutorial at - http://sirian.warpcore.org/moo1/tutorial.html
I played through this, diverged on my own once I understood what I was doing, and won
a diplomatic victory at almost exactly the point in time where I felt, "Hmmm, I think I'm actually going
to win this game". MOO is FAR nicer in giving up the win at the point you have a won game.
3. A game can be completed, even by a newbie, in far less time than you might be used to in
other games. I'm one of the worlds slowest strategy game players, as I pore over all decisions,
but I was able to start, finish, and win my first game, all while reading the tutorial and learning
the interface in just one night. Sure the more difficult games will take longer, but if you're
on the fence wondering whether to try this or not -- there's nothing to lose
2. Cost is low, it doesn't take much time, and if you've not played in a Realms Beyond Epic before,
there is absolutely no better way to learn than to see a dozen or so other players report on
their experiences on the exact same map and with the same goals. It's nothing short of an epiphany!
1. Last but not least... when did Charis ever steer you wrong?!?! B)
I've got so much going on it's with mixed emotion I try something new, but here's what I'm going to
do -- play the first two Imperia and take it from there. Will you join me?? :war:
Pardon for this thread spam, but I felt the newbie's voice needed to be heard!
