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WW 19 Game Thread - Mobster Mayhem - GAME OVER

(January 7th, 2013, 00:05)Tasunke Wrote: Holy hell, I am AWESOME. Halfway thought of going azza/water at/ mattimeo ... But glad I turned it into a bluff instead. How much u want to bet bigger had azza padlocked last night? Scary that wolves started with that item tbh.

Well, since passes happen after night kills, guess the gun will die with me frown

And I promise this isn't bait for wolves to hit the grenade wink

How very interesting. You're lying.

I tried to lock pick you last night, and my result was that I found nothing to steal. No suggestion that I was blocked.

So explain yourself, Mr. Tasunke, because you're looking extremely dodgy to me right now.

OMG new theory: Bigger attacks whoever has the bomb (BRick is the gas can reusable?) (if it isn't then gas can should claim), other scum vig serdoa.
Tasunke if you're a villager and this was a "every man for himself" play, you deserve to die.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


If I understand the rules correctly ether Tasunke or Azza have to be lying. So one of the is very likely to be a wolf. All Azza did was lurking and there is no way that can cause him to lose to Tasunke.


Fake edit: Qgqqqqqqqqqq you're post is misguided as the gas can owner dies anyway.

Can would kill can holder too. Mafia attack on can holder impossible.

Night actions can only have been vig attack on bigger, night kill on Serdoa unless you think Serdoa is a scum who intentionally didn't do a kill.

IMO: Novice is basically confirmed. Serdoa is double confirmed. Anything else is far too convoluted. Probably we have a Ouija board scanned person(100% reliable!), the person who used the Ouija board, and the person who did the vig shot as well.

Close to the point where we have enough confirmeds to reveal and guarantee win. Though obviously don't do so yet.

Azza could be villager, could be scum. Tasunke did hint at trying to kill him, which is reason enough for a village lockpick to try and steal things. Trouble believing the scum lockpick would do anything different though.

(January 6th, 2013, 20:12)Lewwyn Wrote: Really Zak? REALLY??

Yes, really.

Interesting reveal, Azza. The plot thickens. smile

I didn't quite understand Tasunke's claim in the first place. Why would he hint up front at having the gun? Isn't it better to just lay low, take his shot, pass the gun on, and then claim? Perhaps he was trying to set up some trap for the scum, so that his death would implicate his stated targets Azza and Waterbat. But then, why does he now suspect Waterbat, after succeeding with the kill? If Waterbat is scum and Tasunke is legit, why didn't the scum just jail Tasunke? (Or kill him?)

Add on Azza's claim, and I'm pretty sure Tasunke is lying.
If you know what I mean.

Quote:Can would kill can holder too. Mafia attack on can holder impossible.

For mafia, read snitch.

(January 7th, 2013, 03:33)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: If I understand the rules correctly ether Tasunke or Azza have to be lying. So one of the is very likely to be a wolf. All Azza did was lurking and there is no way that can cause him to lose to Tasunke.


Fake edit: Qgqqqqqqqqqq you're post is misguided as the gas can owner dies anyway.

Then why hasn't a vig come forward?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(January 7th, 2013, 03:10)pindicator Wrote: MJW - thank you for giving me a rational reason why I should be less upset at Tasunke. See - why didn't Lewwyn come forth with that idea? I don't think he's even trying to think about it, because he's scum.

I'm going to sleep. I do not trust Lewwyn -- all he's done in response is try to threaten / butter me up by telling me how I'm going to lose that oh-so-precious village status he thinks I've gotten, and then argue that we should all be glad Tasunke didn't screw up more.

What the hell are you talking about? I haven't threatened you with losing "villager fucking status" what kind of bullshit is this? Everything you've done I thought was on the level. Then you turn around and vote for me with no explanation. A complete 180. I ask. You tell me your suspicion. I say, okay that makes sense, here's what I believe. I didn't fucking threaten you you fucking dumbass what the fuck are you on?! I asked you why the fuck you voted me and answered your dumbass questions and yet you persist in keeping your head up your ass.

MJW gives you a reason to be less upset? Are you fucking kidding me? All he said was there are other items that wolves might want to steal. Are you braindead? You didn't think of this before? I thought that was obvious??
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

To elaborate, the only way Azza is telling the truth and Tasunke isn't lying is if there is some mystery item that blocked Azza. Because Tasunke wasn't jailed, if he's telling the truth about shooting Bigger.
If you know what I mean.

Actually Azza.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


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