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WW 19 Game Thread - Mobster Mayhem - GAME OVER

(January 8th, 2013, 15:59)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: 1. I must point out my posts are hard to understand and have logically flaws in them even as villager...look at older games. I have the hard time uncrossing the reailty of Tasunke being a lying villager vs. what I thought were the possibilties.
2. I'm not going to switch off Selrahc unless he shows up--expect to break ties or self defense. It just does not fit with his usual self. And he is one that supports me.
3. I'll be pissied if I get lyched over Selrahc or Mero-something and they fail to show up. rolleye

Now that MJW has defended fully I can chime in with my opinion.

(January 8th, 2013, 16:04)uberfish Wrote: MJW

Been going back and forth on him, but I think serdoa's slip case on him has a decent chance of being correct. The reason I've had trouble making up my mind on this is because it MIGHT be a villager leaping to conclusions, but his attitude towards azza is all over the place.

I can see a scum day vig being plausible if the village has a lot of power.

I have to disagree. I think Merovech is more likely to be scum.

(January 8th, 2013, 15:42)Serdoa Wrote: Realised now when I read uberfishs post that actually we have several people who could either see my case on MJW (uberfish, novice) or had a scum-lean on him (zak). And uberfish agrees on consolidating votes. So why not vote MJW?

I see your case but I don't really agree with it. I wanted to let you push MJW though.

Ultimately though I think his play makes sense, and my impression is that the slip you're referring to was just MJW being a bit lazy about expanding on why he and Azza are unlikely to both be wolves.

To throw in a MJW-esque comment: Selrahc might have ragequit due to the imbalance of the game...
I have to run.

(January 8th, 2013, 16:05)Ryan Wrote:
(January 8th, 2013, 16:01)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Ryan: your not getting me lynched today, and I'm not getting you lynched.
We're distracting the issue at hand, and being generally unhelpful by focusing on each other.
I will rspond to your points tonight, but for now lets ignore each other and focus on the rest.
OKay? smile

The same move after every vote you made versus me. I am sorry I am not believing you. and here werent you using the fact that I voted Tasunke since I couldnt vote my target yesterday versus me? your being a hyporcrit on so many levels.

Your not getting me lynched today, and nor am I getting you lynched.
Why does it make sense (as town) to distract the issue like this.
ANd ease up man, its only a game smile
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Ryan and Q, stop crossposting walls of text that nobody reads, and vote for one of the relevant lynch candidates. Oh, I guess Q already is.
I have to run.

(January 8th, 2013, 16:11)pindicator Wrote: Damn i hate tgis phone.
Selrahc, for lurking during this whole kerfluffle and not adding anything when he's been top vote.

And why would scum do that?
I have to run.

Hmmm... under the new rules we should give useless items to scummish players to prevent them from picking up villager items when they are randomly passed. I just noticed that.

Read my posts there are four times you voted me. FOUR. There a difference between providng a shred of proof and stating wild claims with no basis except me being a new player stealing peoples words and ideas. and That one attempt I am sorry is a lie and I can quote all the attempts you voted me for lynch and raised me like that. I am not smearing you . Everything I stated is quoted. I am afraid. and yes your basing your arguments on claims, Most of your votes and arguments are based 100% on other people. I dont think you made a single argument that wasnt based of someone elses or wasnt about me. If you cant take a piss to read my posts to make sure about what I am saying that dont make claims that label you as a lier. Also, I am tired of the old wereworlk games. I did not read any of them, I only read 40 pages of the last werewolf. I have zero experience with fourms, This game on a fourm, and how touse fourms + disvussions. All I am looking at is bias to older players. You guys use older games as proof. Your are removing my arguments as copied by the more *Veteran players*. My posts are just not as worthy to be read and I have to quote it several times to be seen. Please next WW game write requirements : 1- Must have fourm experience, 2- Not allowed to state claims if new since it will be treated as false information or not important, 3- Must post in quality of players playing this game since it started on RB.
[Image: CmQTvVS.jpg]

@novice so that after I spent the entire day trying to lynch one of those targets , I get told the next that I listened to you and follwing your arguments for the quotes . No I am not doing that.
[Image: CmQTvVS.jpg]

You make me reconsider novice. I still don't like it though, but that is certainly partly because I don't like him shooting in the first place (but I am alone with that opinion anyhow). Ok, so whom else do we have:

- Merovech
- Selrahc
- waterbat

Yeah, right. With the rule change, suddenly waterbat makes a lynch target again. Ah, well, we wait till tomorrow, just wanted no one to forget you lol

Ok, I'll go with Merovech novice. I had him considered earlier anyhow and called him out on a post, so he seems the next best candidate and I agree that Selrahcs being completely quiet makes no sense as scum. Though I certainly would lynch him or vig him in the next 2 day/night-circles if he does not start to contribute. You don't want to go into the endgame with a player you have no read at all on because he just posts meta and nothing else.


(January 8th, 2013, 16:11)Ryan Wrote: You guys are extremely unfriendly to new people. I have 0 experience in fourm discussions, using fourm posts, playing a game like this on a fourm and yet I keep getting shown that I am a new guy my posts must be wrong , etc... My posts will never be on the level on people who have been playing this game since ww1. I will never be on the level with someone who has experience with fourms and how to use the different formating , Responding and quoting. Its really frustrating when I see comparsions like this made and an excuse to call me a bad player. If you guys are unaccepting of people at my level of being begineers in games like this . Please just state this and dont accept new players.

It's a steep learning curve, and while we're generally friendly, the game thread never is. You're double a newcomer, being new to both the game and the forum. That makes the curve even steeper. I dunno, maybe we should encourage newcomers to play along in the lurker thread for their first game.
I have to run.

Okay then...I just spam the 'refresh button' until Selrahc shows up or until the end of the lych.

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