As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[Spoilers] Old Harry's Game

Turn 52

So the lesson I learned last turn is to check the event log, the lesson I learnt this turn is that there is Stone on this map after all!

This means my next tech has to be sailing, then I'll build a galley, divert the settler from Altrincham (whipped this turn) and settle there on t57. I think I need to settle on the Stone for a quick setup (I'll check the remaining island tiles out first) and then start working on the Pyramids!

I think they'll go in Exeter, with it's seven choppable forests once borders pop, which with Oganised Religion and stone get 315 of the 335 hammers needed. The others can be from a forest outside the bfc. I think the target date is eot59 - does that sound too late?

If we're researching sailing then we might as well settle the silver city on the coast and uncover a trade route to hydra. And hope that currency is done before the next three cities crash the economy totally.




(January 10th, 2013, 09:30)Fintourist Wrote: Pyramids for Hereditary Rule sounds like an expensive investment compared to teching Monarchy. If you can utilize Representation well the situation might of course be different..

well he is spiritual, so using switching between hereditary rule and representation is feasible. long term you should plan to exploit representation if you build the pyramids, however - its a much better civic. (probably right away it wil be better too, the +3 happy to 3 cities is usually better than HR. if you have 7-8 cities you need happy in you can use HR, but you should work towards building farms, libraries, and markets once you hve the pyramids).

with 2 civs warring and stone your chances of getting it are high, though.

You are mansa right? Pyramids witha financial civ is certainly unorthodox, although not necessarily wrong.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

(January 10th, 2013, 17:43)Bigger Wrote: You are mansa right? Pyramids witha financial civ is certainly unorthodox, although not necessarily wrong.

Yep, but whether it's unorthodox or incompetent is up for discussion...

I'll probably use Rep over HR (when not in police state hammer) - but Monarchy is my fall-back if someone else nicks the pointy things.

And is anyone else having trouble with the pics in my report? They worked fine on the preview page.

HR can be superior to rep in some situations.. but thats not usually the case, even for pure happy alone.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

Turn 53

I knew it! Look! A Keshik! Didn't I tell you so! No other war news in the event log.

Power - This is either the first turn Azza and Serdoa didn't complete a new unit for ages or there have been some losses. Is there any way to discover that through C&D?

So the first hitch to the Pyramids plan is that I can't 1-turn the galley with the overflow in Darlington next turn, so stone will be settled a turn later. The up side is that I'd got a bit of slack so that doesn't matter...

Look at those guys go...



(January 12th, 2013, 13:55)Old Harry Wrote: Power - This is either the first turn Azza and Serdoa didn't complete a new unit for ages or there have been some

I think war weariness is shown in F4 screen, which could be a way for gathering more information.
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

Nice idea - on F4 when I click on Azza and point to Serdoa it shows WW of 17, when I click on Serdoa and point to Azza it shows WW of 4. That would make me think that Serdoa has lost more of the battles so far, but I could have that the wrong way around. This is how it's changed over the last couple of turns:

- - - - S - - A
T49 - 0 - - 0
T50 - 11 - 0
T51 - 17 - 4

I've mucked about a bit in world builder, but the mechanism isn't completely obvious - it decays by 2 points a turn, but how does it decide how many points it gives for a battle?

Turn 54

So there has been a bit more fighting around here somewhere, Azza lost 6000 soldiers, Serdoa lost 2000 and their respective war weary is 11 and 24. Disappointingly Jimmy can't find any evidence. There should at least be some blood. frown

Five turns to Pyramids.

You can see the settler sitting there, disappointed that the galley won't finish this turn, but it shouldn't slow Pyramids down. Fingers crossed.



you are going to 5 turn the pyramids that you just started this turn? How are you oging to do that? quite impressive tongue
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

I'll be chopping 7 forests over two turns for 133 hammers, but they'll get stone and org rel bonus turning them into 299 hammers, then the remaining 36 hammers will come from the 4 per turn Forest Green produces naturally and some overflow. It relies a little on no-one harrassing my 4 fast workers though. I started it last turn, so it'll be six turns.

It'll all be academic when Hydra completes it the same turn and gets it on turn order though...

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