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WW 19 Game Thread - Mobster Mayhem - GAME OVER

(January 17th, 2013, 15:14)BRickAstley Wrote:
(January 17th, 2013, 15:06)Serdoa Wrote: I won't post what I think right now, thats definitely better than getting banned.

That's understandable.

Since I'm having to correct one of my rulings so close to deadline, I'll extend the deadline by one day so people are able to access and reevaluate in time.

Great, now I have to suffer through this farce even longer...


If you want scum to win so badly, I can help with that.

Ugh @ ruling change

Well, the one thing in our favour is that if azza is town and scum nightkill him they just removed the most suspicious player in the game...

What if we lynch Mattimeo today and have MJW and Azza pass both the gun and double vote to serdoa tonight? He'll end up with one of those items.

If we end 2-1 in night 5, and serdoa has the gun, he can take a shot at the last scum

If serdoa has the doublevote, scum are forced not to kill, and it's 2-1 on day 6 with Serdoa deciding again

I think this guarantees a 2-1 and we can't get any better than that with the rule change.

Bah I thought that might happen. bang
If serdoa gets the double vote, that counts as two villager votes, two evil votes right?
In light of this situation, I'm most interested in a [Matt lynch.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Q we're assuming there is only 1 scum, so if serdoa has the double vote there can only be 1 evil vote.

Forgot to change Mattimeo's name to red in that post

@Q, uberfish: Theoretically if I had double-vote (or any villager) it should mean that we even win in a 1-1 as it counts from the start of the day.

And I still think that MJW is more likely scum than Mattimeo.

Well I thought I was dead. But I was not due to a rule-change in the middle of a match. banghead It's pretty obvious that the last remaing wolf aggresively prodded brick about changing the rules. I think the only players who would do it are myself and uberfish. I know I'm not a wolf so I'm pretty sure the last wolf is uberfish. Him attacking azza, mattimeo and me lightly points to trying to keep as many suspects open as possible... I have to read the thread before I post again.

Oh, before I foregt it might be good for azza to hold on the gun for a day. This will make Serdoa able to fire later with a narrow pool of players. If he fires we can lych him.

I happy to give my double-vote to anyone. Expect uberfish. smile

(January 17th, 2013, 16:52)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: It's pretty obvious that the last remaing wolf aggresively prodded brick about changing the rules.

I was not changing rules to help anyone win or to satisfy anyone's complaining. Because that ruling generated controversy I looked back at the rules that have been there since the start of the game and realized I made a wrong ruling, so I begrudgingly changed it. That is all there is to it.

Now for a mega post.

I don't see the point of agureing with you Serdoa. You only change your mind under extreme condtions. Lewwyn and novice had to aggersively carry your ass last time not voting me. And that is not going to happen again. Only uberfish has strength to do that and I'm pretty sure he won't because he's a wolf. I will get lyched because of you. The best I could hope for is stall so I can pass off the double-vote so it could help the village somehow.

Speaking of the double-vote it might be useful for the town because item passes happen after the night kill. This means last night you, Serdoa, can keep the double vote. You just pass of the gas can to some random player and benfit from its protection because you still have it when the night-kill happens. This will allow to keep the double-vote for the final day. I'm willing to pass the double-vote to anyone other than uberfish for a plan like this to work.

The main thrust of your attack aganist me is that zak failed to vote me. However, this does not mean much. It was pretty obvious I would not get lyched at that point. I had no votes other than you. And then there was a bunch of lurkers who had already voted for someone that day. I was also online defending myself aggersively. History also favored me. I've never been lyched aside for Day one in WW3. Zak did attack me, saying I was strange for some reason, to increase the number of possible mislyches in the future. This is Zak's style attacking villager's aggersively to cause mislyches and attacking wolfs.

Lol@ Brick post. I would not need that post if I was a wolf (Brick saying that he was not prodded to me. I would know this if I were a wolf because I would prod him). So that means I'm a ...

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