Boz's uninformed random keywinners for next XTH (I get 11 keys or so usually so just ignore my spammings if you actually want to win things)
1] Build Wars (Q.P. 74)
2] K E N T O S A U R U S (Q.P. 75)
3] Dangerous Pumpkins (Q.P. 64)
4] Survival Rate (Q.P. 65)
5) Build Wars Is A Tragedy (Q.P. 45)
6] Gone In Sixty Seconds (Q.P. 35)
7] No Honor (Q.P. 60)
8] I Disposable Heroes I (Q.P. 35)
1] 뎅장 Sama (Q.P. 25) - I always pick a random underdog for first place.
2] Hadshi Teh Ranger (Q.P. 61)
3] Bruce L Invincible (Q.P. 64)
4] China Loves Alex (Q.P. 64)
5] Almostdead Nevredie (Q.P. 54)
6] Wtb New Maps (Q.P. 48 ) - I was told there will be
no new content in GW
7] Assel No Lifer Haha (Q.P. 41)
8] Oo No Chance Oo (Q.P. 34) - lol
Well that's what I'm going for. If I win half a key, I'm happy. :wink2:
8 and ) making 8) has just made me recompose my post. I had to replace 16 )'s with 16 ]'s GRRRRRRRAWR! :thumbsdow
omfg and (Q.P. 48)