Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Wow, you people never give up

Dr.Disaster Wrote:Welcome back Doc :wink2:

Our Low Rent Legion hardcore team keeps us busy lately and the (sad) passing away of the HG:L servers returned a few regulars to D2/LoD so you should have no problem finding some old D2 die hards online. Actually there are no limits to specific days with friday evening, whole weekend and monday night being best bets.

Commonly agreed play mode is hardcore ladder as it was when you went MIA. Good thing is i also have some softcore public play experimental builds so i can provide some company there too.

Don't be afraid to sound retarded, we all do now and then. Communication-wise it's actually best to have Ventrilo (works on Macintosh OS X 10.4 + thumbsup ) or Teamspeak at hand. In games with 3+ people voice almost completly replaced keyboard usage. It greatly decreased the number of typing deaths but can also be a distraction wink

Dr. Disaster

I guess I wasn't clear. I can't talk. Not coherently. I sound like a baby seal being clubbed. Or something. I can't get words to come out sounding like words. Only garble.

I'm still trying to get my typing up to speed. Fingers feel like I am moving them through oatmeal or something.

I might be around later tonight. We shall see. Kinda looking forward to it.
[Image: vipersig.jpg]

Dr.Disaster Wrote:It greatly decreased the number of typing deaths but can also be a distraction wink

Dr. Disaster

The distraction is working as intended!nono


Doc Wrote:I guess I wasn't clear.

Clear enough.

Don't worry about that though. We have people in the community who operate mic-less and still log in on our Vent channel just to follow the discussion. Basically, someone is bound to be verbalising a battle strategy and others might chime in to offer changes in plan or warnings of situations about to get ugly etc. It pays to be clued up on what's going on. [Image: wink.gif]

Long story short, it is highly recommended that you download and install Ventrilo. Once you have the RB channel settings in place you will have the ability to listen in and follow the proceedings. Type messages in-game when you get the chance.

WarBlade Wrote:Clear enough.

Don't worry about that though. We have people in the community who operate mic-less and still log in on our Vent channel just to follow the discussion. Basically, someone is bound to be verbalising a battle strategy and others might chime in to offer changes in plan or warnings of situations about to get ugly etc. It pays to be clued up on what's going on. [Image: wink.gif]

Long story short, it is highly recommended that you download and install Ventrilo. Once you have the RB channel settings in place you will have the ability to listen in and follow the proceedings. Type messages in-game when you get the chance.

Does that work on a Mac?

Do I have to window out of D2 to see it?

If so, I'm boned. On OSX, if I alt tab out of D2, the system slows to a complete and utter crawl.
[Image: vipersig.jpg]

Well, there is an OSX version. I'm only familiar with it in Windows myself, but if they work the same you'd get Vent up, then launch Diablo 2. Vent should just sit in the background unnoticed behind D2, aside from the dirty jokes and heckling coming through the game effects. [Image: smile.gif]

Doc Wrote:Does that work on a Mac?

Do I have to window out of D2 to see it?

If so, I'm boned. On OSX, if I alt tab out of D2, the system slows to a complete and utter crawl.
Yes Ventrilo works on Macs. Although their website states the Mac client requires OS X 10.4+ WildViking can confirm that it does work with an older G4 mac running OS X 10.3.9.

Think of it as a phone conference. Once the voice connection is established to the Ventrilo server is runs in the background so you can stay in D2 all the time including keyboard input. No need to window out.

Hi Doc

Low Rent Legion was a brain fart of Doctor Disaster and me, sort of, with the usual help from everyone who knows variant and general RB style and method.

I have a few toons soft core on West in rbd6 account that may be on when you are, my son and I occasionally wander into West Bnet together nowadays. He wants to be ready for Diablo 3, ya see, when he isn't playing warcraft or starcraft.

Sorry about the stroke, hope you are otherwise well.

I am growing a beard. My daughter recorded some tracks in Willie Nelson's sound studio, but of course, her band is going, IMO, nowhere.

Other than that, a lot of SSDD down here in the land of the soon to be drug wars.

If you have not been watching the news, President Calderon's struggle with the drug cartels in Mexico is spilling over our borders in the vicinity of El Paso, Pharr, McAllen and Laredo. I predict it gets worse before better.

"Think globally, drink locally."

Occhidiangela Wrote:Hi Doc

Low Rent Legion was a brain fart of Doctor Disaster and me, sort of, with the usual help from everyone who knows variant and general RB style and method.

I have a few toons soft core on West in rbd6 account that may be on when you are, my son and I occasionally wander into West Bnet together nowadays. He wants to be ready for Diablo 3, ya see, when he isn't playing warcraft or starcraft.

Sorry about the stroke, hope you are otherwise well.

I am growing a beard. My daughter recorded some tracks in Willie Nelson's sound studio, but of course, her band is going, IMO, nowhere.

Other than that, a lot of SSDD down here in the land of the soon to be drug wars.

If you have not been watching the news, President Calderon's struggle with the drug cartels in Mexico is spilling over our borders in the vicinity of El Paso, Pharr, McAllen and Laredo. I predict it gets worse before better.


Been watching that situation closely. Over 600 kidnappings in Phoenix this year alone, attributed to Mexican kidnappers. Kids and adults hauled over the border, and bits of ears and fingers sent home to grieving parents or loved ones.

Hell, I can't even shoot any more. Hands shake to much now. I fear I've become an embarrassment and lived beyond a useful age.

The situation south of the border scares me, doubly so because a bunch of morons thought it'd be a great idea to let a Chicago Club democrat into office. (Nothing against Democrats, but the Chicago ghettocrats are especially vile creatures, I hope you understand)

We're all so screwed.
[Image: vipersig.jpg]

Doc Wrote:Been watching that situation closely. Over 600 kidnappings in Phoenix this year alone, attributed to Mexican kidnappers. Kids and adults hauled over the border, and bits of ears and fingers sent home to grieving parents or loved ones.

Hell, I can't even shoot any more. Hands shake to much now. I fear I've become an embarrassment and lived beyond a useful age.

The situation south of the border scares me, doubly so because a bunch of morons thought it'd be a great idea to let a Chicago Club democrat into office. (Nothing against Democrats, but the Chicago ghettocrats are especially vile creatures, I hope you understand)

We're all so screwed.
Since I live on the marches, I'll be shooting before they get to you in SoCar.

Bama man is indeed of the Chicago variety of crook, but so what? I think a new breed of crook in Washington might actually be a good thing. Trouble is, he seems to have hired on a few of the old ones, so no real change.

Oh, wait, all that leaves us is hope.

No, Mr President, Hope is NOT a method.

So yeah, scarooooed we are. But it ain't all his fault. He was dealt a tough hand to play. Of course, the dumbarse wanted to play, so no sympathy here.

"Think globally, drink locally."

Good to see you around, Doc, though I'm pretty much afk now too. Pop around now and again to check in, even fired up D2 a few weeks ago.

Sorry to hear about the stroke, but it's good to read that ol' Doc is still around. SoCar and the rest of us are better for it. where is that D2 CD...

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