I cast magic missile at Commodore
Realms Beyond Dungeons
(February 9th, 2013, 11:42)Jowy Wrote: Are non-player posts and/or noob questions allowed here, or should I make a new thread?While we're still getting organised, they can't be more distracting than what's being posted here anyway ![]() http://realmsbeyond.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=5790 could also work, I suppose. -- Don’t forget.
Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. -- As long as you remember her, you are not alone.
"the Horse Archer" --> (3 archer levels)
lv1Point Blank lv1Precise Shot lv1Mounted Combat lv2Weapon Focus (shortbow) Mounted Archery (by lv3) Wep Spec (shortbow) Rapidshot Manyshot Far Shot Improved Crit (Shortbow) Crit Focus (Shortbow) (by lv9) "the Winchester" ----> (2 archer levels, 1 ranger level) --> Class trait 'Demon Slayer' lv1Point Blank lv1Precise Shot lv1Weapon Focus (longbow) lv2n/a --------------------------------> +Favored Enemy Outsider (Evil), Track, and Wild Empathy Rapid Shot (by lv3) Wep Spec (longbow) Dodge Manyshot Demon Hunter Imprv Crit (longbow) Crit Focus (longbow) (by lv9) --> I've been thinking about these two specializations for my character. The Winchester takes a rank in Knowledge (Planes) at every level. Possibly Stealth as well. (maybe some healing too, for healing allies and torturing evil-doers) The Horse Archer focuses on Ride (and possibly Animal Handling). Both focus on Climb and Perception. In some ways I'm hoping for a blend of the two ... and I've even thought of alternate builds where I focus on scouting ahead and taking advantage of being surrounded (ie Snap Shot + Combat Reflexes) Any input would be appreciated ![]() Also DM QUESTION: Switching weapons, what kind of action does it take? Full Round action - Move Action - Quick Action - Immediate Action - Free Action?
Okay I'll hang around here till someone shoos me away. I do not know a thing about D&D, or so I thought. I started recognizing a lot of the terms you guys use here. I'm atm playing a video game that seems to use the same system, or maybe it is just a coincidence? It's turn based, has dice rolls, has stats str/dex/con/int/wis/chr, and even some exact feats like precise shot, rapid shot and weapon focus from the post above. It is kinda strange to think that a completely unrelated video game would use a system from a board game. I gotta say it has piqued my interest. Perhaps I should get into this stuff?
if you say which game it is, then we can probably clarify quite a bit
![]() Taskune ... unless i'm counting wrong those 9'th levels have a feat to much ... 1 feat baseline 1 feat from human 5 feats from fighter (1, 2, 4, 6, 8) 3 feats from general advancement (3, 6, 9) = 10 feats ... your list have 11 (February 9th, 2013, 13:29)Sian Wrote: if you say which game it is, then we can probably clarify quite a bit KOTOR 2. I've played Dragon Age as well.
feats from general advancement are every odd level correct? 3,5,7,9 ... or am I incorrect?
Edit: double checked here http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/character-advancement and I am correct. You get a feat for general advancement every odd level.
feats from general advancement is every third level (starting from level 3)
KOTOR 2 was as far as i remember based on Star wars d20 so the similarity should be noticeable ... ![]()
Tasunke - The Quick Draw feat states that it allows you to draw a weapon as a free action rather than a move action, so I'd assume a move action is the regular speed.
However, to actually switch, you'd need to get rid of the weapon you were initially holding. I *think* that also requires a move action to stow, but I'm not sure. You could always just drop it completely (a free action, I believe) or throw it as part of an attack (standard action), I suppose. Also, I vote you run with the spec that doesn't involve me shanking your mount when it looks at me funny ![]() -- Don’t forget.
Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. -- As long as you remember her, you are not alone. |