I've been playing a few games of live chess. Wanted to share a few of them. Please go easy on me as I'm sure I made several bonehead moves in both of them. I have not yet ran them through Fritz though I probably will do that tomorrow
First one was last night -
Felt I was doing well in the early game, and went up a pawn at move 15 ( which I promptly blew

). In the mid-20s I probably missed some good moves - it was pretty open and I had a lot of pieces in play but made a bonehead 25. Nd5+ ?? losing a knight, then even worse 28. Re4, losing a bishop.
I think his 31. gxf3 was a mistake as it let me retake his bishop for a pawn. At this point we're in the end-game, though move-wise we weren't even halfway into this 78 move slugfest! He has rook + knight + 4 pawns to my rook + 3 pawns, so clearly he should win this. Not to mention I'm way down on time.
I even us up on pawns with 38. Rxb7 and we continue dancing around. I take another pawn on move 42 and a third on move 44, while he is trying to promote his f-pawn, but he misplayed it and I take the pawn on move 50. Rxf2! Now I try to promote one of my 3 pawns, but I'm running out of time (under a minute at this point probably, with nothing per-move). He plays 53. Kb3?? which lets me take his knight and by this time I'm definitely winning if I have enough time.
I promote my h-pawn on move 58. I play 60 Qh4?!, sacrificing my queen for his rook. This may not have been a great move but I really had no time to think of moves. After he takes my queen and I take his rook, we're in a rook+king end-game, which is actually one that I know fairly well. But do I know it enough to get it done in ~15 seconds?
BOOM! 78. Rb1#, checkmating him with 0.4 seconds left on my timer! I gotta tell you that was a euphoric feeling!!!
Next one was earlier today -
He played 2. Qh5 and I really need to figure out the best way to respond to these aggressive early-queen plays. I see them often playing in the dregs of chess.com (where I belong!

) - It seems like there should be a defined way to beat them back slowly, protecting things while still developing pieces. I screw it up though and after his 10. Qa8+!, he is up a rook + 2 pawns on me with a 3rd pawn on move 11. He declines my queen exchange, which I think was a mistake. Up that much in material I would think he'd want to simplify the end-game.
He castled queenside on move 17 and I open up his defenses by exchanging bishops on b2.
But my best move was 20. Rc8!!, sacrificing my knight to his pawn attack to threaten 22. Qxa3+! He wisely saw through that, moving his knight from a3 to c2, but I followed up with Qc6, threatening Qxc2+. He again moves his knight to protect c2, so I move my queen back to a8, threatening the original check on a3. He could have moved back to c2, which I think would have ended up in a 3-move draw?, but instead he moves 24. Rc1??, leading to my mate in 3.

don't tell anyone but I've won 7 games in a row