T101 - 350 BC
Cliff's Notes: All pop increases, but 6 land points to CFC for Lakshmi. Quiet turn.
Score table:
Team | Score change | Pop | Tech | Land |
RB | 2 | 2 (+1; 55 total) | | |
Apolyton | 5 | 5 (+2; 48 total) | | |
Germans | 7 | 7 (+3; 29 total) | | |
CivFr | 3 | 3 (+1; 45 total) | | |
CivPlayers | 2 | 2 (+1; 27 total) | | |
CFC | 8 | 2 (+1; 46 total) | | 6 (Lakshmi +9 tiles; 96 total) |
Univers | 5 | 5 (+2; 43 total) | | |
Score analysis
F8 analysis gives 11 new pop, including WPC's newest city (see the dotmapping thread and below). The only claimed land from T81 was by CFC, Lakshmi (9 tiles). Rival best in pop increased with 5000, and rival worst with 54000, and there were no techs, making this a quiet and easy turn.
CFC: Lakshmi grew to size 5, and since it was settled T81 Apolyton received 6 land points for the city. CFC has 46 total pop.
CivFr: Per the rival best, CivFr grew a city to size 2, and has 45 total pop.
Germans: Wismar grew to size 5, and they grew 2 more pop for 29 total. They are no longer rival worst in population.
Apolyton: Grew 2 pop, for 48 total.
CivPlayers: Grew 1 pop, for 27 total.
Univers: Grew 2 pop, for 43 total.
I will try to work out which of WPC or the Spanish are the new rival worst in population later on.
Power analysis
Rival global power increased with 26000, of which 4000 came from pop (1000 each to Apolyton, the Germans, CFC, and Univers). APTmod data tells us WPC increased their power with 4000, a spearman (they don't have horses connected yet). That leaves 18000 from unknown units, probably 3 axes, or maybe 1 axe and 3 chariots/spears, though I can't rule out that CivPlayers has built one or more Horse Archers.
The Germans has connected a fur resource, but their newest city (Wesselburen) is still not connected to the trade network, six turns after it was founded.
WPC's new city
From culture reading, I think the three tiles north of the city were already claimed by the culture from WellPlacedCity, leaving 6 tiles. That fits with the increase to the rival worst in land area, from 89 to 95 tiles. The city is named Field of Color, and did not have a road connection to the rest of WPC's empire as it was founded.
Using the worker trick, I can't see any signs of worker actions on the tiles outside the city.
Apolyton's whips
Apolyton performed 2 4-pop whips before ending their turn. Population analysis tells us it was one 9-to-5 whip (insert Dolly Parton joke) and one 8-to-4 whip. It might be wonder whips, or it might be forges or courthouses, maybe markets. But it does seem excessive.