Okay, I REALLY hate to intervene in these games as a lurker, but this map is going to be brutal. These players are self-identified newbies to FFH/EITB. This isn't a "kicking the little bird out of the nest so that he learns to fly" sort of experience. It's more like dropping it out of a weather balloon at the edge of space.
I took a look at the lairs on the map:
The Sheaim are even more screwed than it first appeared.
Yes, that is three barb-spawning lairs within 3 turns travel distance of their capital, including two Lizardman ruins. There are a total of four lizardman ruins on the map, and here are two of them.
The Balseraphs have a different problem... The Guardian of Pristin Pass. It will only spawn barbarians once, but when it does it will be three gargoyles. Gargoyles are 6/8 and have two moves, and are not prevented from entering borders or razing cities.
There's also a barrow and fort not too far from there start, but skeletons and goblins are at parity with non-bronze warriors and it's likely to only slow them down. I'd estimate their odds of getting destroyed by the gargoyles at about 70%, depending on when they trigger it and whether the gargoyles stay together or split up.
On the other hand...
The Hippus.
They get to settle on a plains hill with double dye and corn on the river, plus incense to the north and ancient forests in the BFC. But they have limited expansion prospects unless they go towards their neighbor. They have the best shot at settling the Yggdrasil, and they can grab river corn, river gold, and river dye with that city as well. But then, they're pretty much forced to warcry rush their neighbor who starts 7 tiles away from them.
They might even have some lizardmen helping them bring down the Ljosalfar.
Okay, so... Summarizing...
Bobchillingworth Wrote:My main concern with the map is whether the players are in fact aware of what they'll be getting. The map isn't just "not balanced", it is massively, incredibly unbalanced. Now, if the players had asked for a randomly generated map with no balancing, I could see how you could hand them a map like this. But the fact that you've made clear and obvious edits across this map and it's still so unbalanced means that you're leaving yourself open to a lot of justified criticism
I didn't check to see exactly which edits were made, but this statement is still very valid.
The Hippus capital is very good. The others also good, but they have barbarians to deal with and the Hippus are the only civilization that gets a complete pass on lairs. Then the Hippus have the best unique feature in the game close enough to be part of their second city, with several other strong tiles very close to it. Then, the Ljosalfar/Hippus starts are closer by far than any other civs have it, and the Hippus worldspell is going to be brutal. Overall, the Ljosalfar would have things better, except the Hippus are forced by the terrain to rush the Ljosalfar(crap land in the only other direction) and they have the tools to do it.
The Sheaim are going to be dead or crippled by the barbarians, and Balseraphs will probably end up facing down 3 gargoyles before turn 20. The Sidar could do okay, but they're going to be no match for whoever comes out on top of the Hippus/Ljosalfar situation.
At a minimum, the players should be given that BCW quote I copied above. They aren't going to get good use out of their various civilizations' toys, and some of them are predestined to fail miserably. They didn't ask for balance, but they didn't ask for massive and obvious imbalance either.