Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Lew Adores Mist starting positions

I also think we don't have to worry about fishing off the bat, we should build a worker first in both caps anyway. WB is simply a slower start. Even the water cap has wet rice right there to improve for a +5 food. And not going worker first loses so many worker turns. In this scenario then we don't have to be locked into getting a civ with fishing.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Not going WB first at the seafood spot sounds like a pretty significant mistake to me. First ring fish + FIN leader?

Big Ass Group Chat Logs:

Lewwyn: look at that
got everyone
BRick: woot
Scooter: nicely done
Pindicator: we're like a circus
BRick: hi
Commodore: Awesome
Lewwyn: so you think no WB first is a mistake for the water cap?
Commodore: So, I hear Fin Fishing starts are awesome
But I also hear they get you killed by Khmer. wink
Lewwyn: lol
Pindicator: low blow frown
Scooter: that's it. i'm gone.
juuust kidding
Commodore: I'm not quite sure about the WB start.
Scooter: huayna just got picked
Commodore: If it was wet wheat, or corn, I'd say worker easily
Lewwyn: so rice isn't enough?
Scooter: on WB start - i haven't done the math yet. it would need testing. just a hunch that it's better
Pindicator: we should play it out
Commodore: Well, it might be enough.
Commodore: Fishing seems like a nice start tech...but it's awkward.
Lewwyn: I mean quick speed food box is 14 for citizen 1 right? or is it 12?
Commodore: Maya, Byzantium, HRE are all great.
Pindicator: 14
Commodore: 14
14, 16, 17
Lewwyn: you work the grass forest for 3 turns while you pop borders
thats 6h
Scooter: i keep forgetting its quick.
Lewwyn: and 6f
Scooter: i was thinking normal math in my head
Lewwyn: then work rice
Elimist: mutliply everything by .67
for food box
Lewwyn: so 3 turns to city pop
Commodore: 9h
Lewwyn: 15/14 food and 15h
Commodore: Plains hill
Lewwyn: yeah I caught that
so T7 work forest plains and grass and finish WB
Commodore: T8, Fish/rice?
Lewwyn: size 2 building worker with fish + rice
so +8
5t worker
Commodore: That's a nicely set up number
Lewwyn: so worker t13
thats not too bad
Elimist: so darius/bismark/huayna so far
Lewwyn: if you go worker first it finishes in 8t
Commodore: Yeah, hellooo wonders
Seven/Mack, Ind, Ind
Elimist: pyramids and oracle will be pretty important, i think
Scooter: (side non-micro comment: bet anything smackdown takes liz)
Commodore: And we're last in turn order.
Lewwyn: well hopefully they all take leaders
Elimist: faaaantastic
Lewwyn: all the way out
Pindicator: this is pretty nice that the non Mack-7 crew is taking IND leaders
Lewwyn: so we can do the double civ pick with no reservations
Commodore: Yeah, that's ideal
Scooter: i'd ignore IND if i'm them. but whatever
Pindicator: i think we definitely ignore IND now smile
Scooter: yeah load up on leaders kids
Lewwyn: Well IND is also cheap forges
Scooter: PLEASE leave us HRE
Elimist: do we want HRE?
Commodore: Mansa/Hannibal/Liz all going, you think?
Pindicator: if we pick HRE then I'm going to insist on Joao
Scooter: darius/hre sounds beautiful to me. i dunno about you guys
Elimist: double fin is allowed right?
Commodore: Darius of the HRE gets free cities, basically.
Pindicator: darius/hre fed by Joao/whatever
Scooter: double fin would also be good
Elimist: darius HRE has been used a few times though, and from what i remember it always disappoints
Commodore: I've played him badly and I've played him well (with bad meta).
Scooter: i could see vicky or hannibal or something
Lewwyn: I think HRE is viable if we feed with joao :D
Elimist: FWIW it seems good to me too
Commodore: Yeah, Imp feeder to HRE
Lewwyn: I like vicky
Elimist: do we know how far apart our starts are
Commodore: Vicky/Darius is sexy
Lewwyn: not yet
Scooter: 10 tiles vertical, i think 5 horizontal?
tahts what plako said
Commodore: 10 vertical, 4 horizontal
Or the other way around?
Scooter: pretty sure 10 is vertical
Elimist: so we shouldn't have trouble gifting settlers then
Scooter: i remember that for some reason
BRick: yeah it's 10 vert
Commodore: Either way, not increibly far off.
Lewwyn: I think joao is sexier than vicky just so we're clear :D
Elimist: k
Scooter: well, we can settle and immediately gift correct?
Pindicator: yeah
Elimist: or just gift settlers
this isn't FFH
Scooter: well
Commodore: Yeah, makes it easy.
Scooter: then you have to walk all the way to borders
Commodore: Imp is probably going through
Elimist: yeah i suppose it depends on circumstances
Commodore: Clearly, Elli, we need tollerant Darius.
Elimist: yes
tolerant is good
and pair it with jonas
Commodore: :P
Scooter: btw, the double fin thing
the inland start looks really nice for a fin mega tech capital
Commodore: Joao is better as a pure feeder
Scooter: the coastal start does not
Commodore: Vicky is a better economy pick.
Any other Imp at all tempting?
Elimist: i'm not so sure joao is needed though, even with ORG rathauses
i'd really only favor IMP if it was vicky i think
Pindicator: i keep toying with cathy as an odd feeder/techer
but i'd rather do Sury in that case
Commodore: Yeah
Lewwyn: I don't think sury is gonna last lol
Scooter: i think sury wouldn't be bad at all
but yeah
Commodore: And Pericles better if the Cre route, IMO
Elimist: is CRE a good pick for our second leader?
Commodore: One other option:
Scooter: my wishlist for the inland start goes something like: 1) vicky 2) pericles 3) <bunch of other things>
Lewwyn: my wish list is sury, joao, pericles, vicky
Commodore: Cre is...awkwardish
Lewwyn: what about mehmed?
Scooter: mehmed would be
oh man
beaten to it
Lewwyn: wink
Elimist: what is he again?
Scooter: exp/org
Elimist: EXP ORG right
Commodore: Means Darius better love monuments
Elimist: yeah double ORG seems good
Pindicator: lol
Elimist: is this map wtery?
Commodore: ~33%
Pindicator: not enough for circum
Commodore: So a fair amount of coast.
Scooter: i think the idea was similar to pb6
Elimist: isn't 50%+ normal though?
Commodore: Darius is the Fisher Kinf either way.
Lewwyn: I wonder if someone is going to pick org/ing (augustus right?) and run for glh
Commodore: Fin coast, etc, etc.
Scooter: and pb6 cities were what, 75% coastal?
Commodore: Org/Ind is FDR
Elimist: what do you guys think about CHA
Commodore: And Mackoti loves him.
Scooter: i like it
Elimist: from what i remember happiness will be a problem
Scooter: hannibal is still attractive to me
Lewwyn: well its not diety is it?
Commodore: Krill will be advocating Joao
Scooter: happy is same on all difficulties
Lewwyn: yeah
godamn krill
Elimist: aren't happy caps smaller on high difficulties?
BRick: Krill will ragequit if they don't Joao
Scooter: nah, that changed in bts or something
Commodore: Sort of, HR units are more expensive.
Scooter: i think it used to be in vanilla
right that
Lewwyn: Krill will ragequit the moment any roadblocks appear
Scooter: unit costs are pretty heavily impacted by difficulty
Commodore: I want to falsify 48 reports to weedishness just to troll him. wink
Elimist: so early warfare is better or worse, then?
Commodore: Worse.
Scooter: DO IT DO IT
i'll start reading again if you do
Elimist: if units are expensive then won't people have smaller garrisons...?
Lewwyn: lol
yeah likely
but this si quick speed
Elimist: so... we kill them
Elimist: goddam quick
Lewwyn: they can get an army super fast
Commodore: Well yeah, but Quick conquesting is...yeah
Scooter: warfare pre-knights will be terrible bad. this will not be an exciting game for awhile
Lewwyn: stupidest thing ever
Commodore: Rumpus is naval, cataphracts, or cavs.
Pindicator: i know, very disappointed at quick speed here frown frown frown
Elimist: how did we get gerrymandered on game speed
Scooter: honestly this game on normal would take a year
Elimist: all the "normal speed" votes got concentrated in one team
Commodore: Oddly, it was 3-1
Lewwyn: because ALL of us want normal but we're AL on the same team
Pindicator: everyone saw lewwyn & commodore team up and wanted to avoid that
Elimist: yeah exactly...
Lewwyn: XD
Pindicator: dang, beat me to it
Lewwyn: yeah they screwed us
Commodore: Yeah, we're going to be fighting a mild mad dog expectation.
Scooter: lets kill them all
with like, rifles and junk. not axes
Lewwyn: with science!
Elimist: culture victory
Scooter: and science
Elimist: and culture
Pindicator: diplo
Scooter: that would never work
Commodore: Honestly, I'd say meta:
RMoG allies
HHHHHHHH tasty dish
SMack worst rivals.
Lewwyn: We'll blind them with science!
Commodore: Hey, I almost beat Seven via diplo once.
By getting his teammate to vote for me...
Lewwyn: you know culture victory is not impossible
Lewwyn: its quick speed after all
and two hermitages
Elimist: and lewwyn adores wonders
Lewwyn: well
we only need one wonder
Commodore: Crap wonders for culture!
Scooter: yeah except there's good teams in this game
Elimist: we should pick that wonderwhore boudica
Lewwyn: frown
Pindicator: Chicken Eats Ya!
Lewwyn: lol
we got shit for that but whos laughig now suckas
anywya is possible
Elimist: the thing is, if people saw you going for culture again they would probably take it TOO seriously
rather than the other way around like last time
Lewwyn: lol
it be a chance to bulid another 250+ unit stack
Elimist: who needs an excuse for that
btw for the record
i feel like we got screwed on both turn order and pick order
Scooter: pick order 1st was totally fine by me
Elimist: not sure how that happened
Lewwyn: turn order though
Elimist: yeah but the quadruple snake pick...
Lewwyn: is terribad
Elimist: i suppose someone had to be last
Scooter: quadruple snake? having the 8-9 picks together is super great too. 1st pick was pretty great
Commodore: 8-9 i nice
Lewwyn: well we got darius who can almost be paired with anyone
Pindicator: 1st turn order gets best overall with this pick strat
Elimist: yeah i guess we'll go civ-civ next right? pick other leader last
Lewwyn: and still be useful/good
Pindicator: they get to double pick twice
Commodore: Yeah, that's great
Lewwyn: btw
Pindicator: darius of vikings? smile
Scooter: yum
Pindicator: dunno honestly
Commodore: Preference probably Vicky >Joao > Mehmed > Peter here, btw
Elimist: do we really think water will be that important?
vikings have meh start techs
Scooter: wait they have hunting
no thanks
Lewwyn: lol
Commodore: Water will be fairly good
Elimist: yeah we probably already want fishing
Pindicator: there were water battles in pb6
Elimist: we skip hunting and another if we can, maybe myst?
Lewwyn: viking and china
Elimist: yeah but would vikings have given a big enough edge on those battles?
Pindicator: or viking and any agg/wheel
Lewwyn: fishing, hunting, mining agr
Elimist: can we possibly do wheel/fishing/mining/ag?
Commodore: Lakes like this give navies play, but less manuver room
Elimist: i think we want earlyish pottery right?
Lewwyn: and forts
Commodore: Yeah, England/France, etc.
Lewwyn: lol
we need early pottery
Pindicator: darius needs to be japan for cheap factories on the way to shale :P
Scooter: hey somebody should do a china/japan duel sometimes. i'm pretty sure that's never happened before
Lewwyn: if we can get wheel, agr and fishing
Scooter: very sure
Lewwyn: and go pottery first
Elimist: and mining too right?
Lewwyn: well doesn't matter as much
Elimist: i'd rather have mining than myst
Pindicator: Mali is Wheel/Mining, right?
pair them with N.A. or Dutch
Commodore: Yeah, Mali is nice
Pindicator: hmmm... late game Darius Dutch is nice to think about
Scooter: one attractive option is taking something that doesnt have agri or wheel... and go civ/leader at 8/9... and pick from one of the 50 agri/wheel civs at the end
Pindicator: gotta get there first
Elimist: that'd be a better water pick probably
than vikings
Pindicator: yeah, scooter that would be my idea on it too
Lewwyn: well it is quick speed pin
Pindicator: just thinking all those dikes and if we're feeding darius cities already, that's even more dikes
Elimist: yeah but if all the leaders are already picked or almost all of them
then we would have no reason to pick our second leader yet
Scooter: i really want to see dutch properly abused
would be fun to do it
Lewwyn: <-is dutch in pb8
Elimist: it's definitely fun in single player
Pindicator: well, hurry up and abuse someone then :P
Lewwyn: try not to win too fast comm
Elimist: moai in every city
Commodore: Yeah, good leader/HRE, Dutch/French/Egypt/Ottomen/Sumer in the last slot.
Pindicator: and if there arent any good leaders left i say we take 2 civs and pick from the remainders
Commodore: Hahah, no worries, Lewwyn, "Sury" is slowing me down here. :P
Lewwyn: lol
Commodore: #REXypeopleproblems
Elimist: corporations are permitted?
Commodore: Yep
Seriously, rathus-corps are nuts
Scooter: plzplzplz
Lewwyn: corporations oh man
Elimist: one problem with HRE
mysticism + hunting
Scooter: smackdown will definitely go leader-leader IMO
Lewwyn: I can get behind that maybe
Pindicator: yeah, we probably take an Agr/Wheel civ to pair with it
Commodore: Yeah, normally, its their Achilles' heel
Scooter: the other two picked... bismarck and huayna. not natural HRE synergy. so i'm hoping
Lewwyn: no fishing?
Elimist: if we take Ag/wheel then we skip fishing...
Pindicator: oh yeah...
Elimist: but fishing is cheap
Commodore: Paired with China, Dutch, or Ag/Wheel
Elimist: how fast can we get fishing
Lewwyn: yeah but that start is so important
Pindicator: I'd still take Agr/Wheel and tech fishing first
that worked for me in 45
Lewwyn: and you guys just convinced me WB first is bets
Commodore: Or even one of the Fishing/Mining
Elimist: well by the time we get to pick again, i expect taht at least 2 of our opponents will have both their leaders
Commodore: Agriculture first, then AH with double pre-req
Pindicator: oh, well wb first then we'll take Rome or Carthage to pair with Joao
Commodore: Or ignore rice, AH and BW
No England love for a funder?
Pindicator: oh yeah, england is better
Lewwyn: dutch is fishing agr
Elimist: too many civs
Lewwyn: so HRE and dutch
Pindicator: let's pick 4 civs
Lewwyn: would work
Elimist: er
Pindicator: j/k
Elimist: i thought we wanted darius dutch or darius HRE
darius can't do both
Lewwyn: frown
Elimist: unless we just pick darius again
that could work
Scooter: do we at least agree if hre is there at 8-9, we take that no matter what?
Pindicator: lol
Elimist: traits can be doubled right?
Lewwyn: how about darius's little sister daria
Elimist: so we double both traits
Lewwyn: lol
Pindicator: someone wake mackoti & krill up - that team needs to decide
Elimist: do we want any early wonders at all?
Pindicator: probably not with 2 IND civs already taken
Lewwyn: everyones going for mids
I think maybe we just build more settlers and workers
Elimist: think we could grab oracle?
Pindicator: joao joao joao joao joao joao
Lewwyn: is it worth it on quick speed
I mean?
Elimist: in 21 we beat an IND team to the oracle without being IND
Lewwyn: denial maybe
Elimist: early code of laws
Lewwyn: >_>
Elimist: the whole reason we'd pick HRE
Lewwyn: can we get the techs for it
Pindicator: i thought it was the landschneckts
honestly, i expect one of the IND teams to pick a combinatino of myst/mining and aim for oracle
Commodore: CoL beeline is good, but Oracling MC would be hard enough
Scooter: well, i bet bismarck gets paired with hannibal
and they get henge
Commodore: Getting Writing in that time frame?
Lewwyn: yeah I just don't think it happens
Elimist: i think it's interesting that bismark was picked before huayna
i'm not sure why they'd do that
Lewwyn: bismark's strong yo
Elimist: except maybe hannibal
Scooter: well bismarck is the fastest way to get henge usually
Commodore: Exp/Ind for fastest possible 'henge
Elimist: yeah bismark is but FIN
Scooter: or any early wonder
Commodore: Serdoa's advice?
Scooter: probably
Lewwyn: grrr serdoa
Commodore: Yeah
Lewwyn: if we get HRE
Commodore: H-club needs to listen to CFCJester!
Lewwyn: I still want a fishing civ
Elimist: EXP seems a bit weaker though when neither start can work 4 hammers from the start unless they move off the plains hill
Pindicator: and a fast civ
joao of england :P
Elimist: that seems by design
both PH starts being forested too
Lewwyn: and its possible we could tech agr or wheel before the worker comes out
Commodore: Plako said he's moving woods to the plains on 4-2
Elimist: ah clearly i don't read enough
Commodore: Yeah, Exp is buffed by the plains forest.
Lewwyn: so HRE is hunting and myst. I think we should get at least fishing + either agr or wheel
Elimist: how many turns would it take us to research fishing
Lewwyn: each turn is a delay on the WB though
and a delay on pop 2
Elimist: yeah but that's not automatically bad
Commodore: 1.75ish for immortal/large?
Elimist: or is it
Lewwyn: its a huge loss IMO
Elimist: worker first is that bad in comparison?
Lewwyn: after simming it, yeah
Elimist: meh
let's see
america, fishing agg
carthage, fishing mining
UK, fishing mining
japan fishing wheel
Lewwyn: mining is cheap
agr and wheel are more expensive
Commodore: Well, going Agri->BW is fine
Elimist: native america fishing agri
Commodore: Joao or Vicky want the sheep mined anyway
Pindicator: Vicky may want it pastured
if it's riverside
Commodore: It is
Elimist: dutch fishing agri, skipping a couple more mining civs
Commodore: But +1h vs. +2c
Pindicator: situational 1h vs 2c
Lewwyn: use this:
drop down tech:fishing
Pindicator: america!
Lewwyn: I agree with mining sheep until later
Elimist: ah, i was using the BAT civpedia
Lewwyn: we can pasture it later
esp if joao
Commodore: Right
Elimist: shopping malls ftw
Lewwyn: :D
Elimist: how did that become our unique building though...
Lewwyn: lol no idea
Elimist: at least some of them make sense
like totem poles
or dikes
Commodore: America for the lulz would actually tempt me.
Lewwyn: one of these days I want Pericles of arabia
Pindicator: factory ub seems like it would be a better fit...
culture! i was thinking of that here smile
Lewwyn: I just think you could do awesome stuff with madrasses
Commodore: No kidding
Just note those techs now
Elimist: madrassas give extra culture and priest slots, right?
Commodore: Yeah
Lewwyn: stupid starting techs
darius of HRE and Pericles of arabia would be amazing
if only they had better start techs
Elimist: the unit support formula is still .24 right?

*claims group's archivist title

I bet smackdown takes Joao... With two IND leaders ahead of them I don't see why they would bother with the early wonder route. Or maybe I'm just turning into debbie downer frown
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(March 1st, 2013, 00:43)pindicator Wrote: I bet smackdown takes Joao... With two IND leaders ahead of them I don't see why they would bother with the early wonder route. Or maybe I'm just turning into debbie downer frown

Well they are first in turn order so their IND would be the one IND to rule them all.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Smackdown took Mehmed and Sumeria. We seriously might get HRE.

(March 1st, 2013, 10:19)scooter Wrote: Smackdown took Mehmed and Sumeria. We seriously might get HRE.

We may have to choose between Joao and Pericles tongue
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(March 1st, 2013, 10:54)pindicator Wrote:
(March 1st, 2013, 10:19)scooter Wrote: Smackdown took Mehmed and Sumeria. We seriously might get HRE.

We may have to choose between Joao and Pericles tongue

HRE + Vicky at 8-9 please! wink

I favor Victoria over Joao myself, but if Lewwyn or Ellimist have a preference for the redhead, I'm happy enough.
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hard to say, need to think and discuss tmr morning. But i think both joao and vicky are viable. Need to sleep.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

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