Sponsor: RefSteel, with thanks to toddestan for the inspiration!
Opening Date: Monday, February 25, 2013
Duration: Four Weeks
Patch: OPTIONAL! (Official version 1.3 OR kyrub's patch 1.4M)
Difficulty: Two different maps are available; you can play either or both (e.g. using the gentler map A as a warm-up to get used to the variant, or as a fall-back in case you get slaughtered on the extreme map B). See the posts below for the details of each.
Scenario: The amazing Sakkra powers of reproduction - the fastest of any race in the galaxy - come at a price: The emerald light of their home star of Sssla - or at least of a star just like it - is a necessary part of the reproductive process. As a result, civillian populations can only inhabit worlds that orbit green stars.
Scoring: None. Results will be listed in alphabetical order.
Notes: Saved games are cross-compatible between the regular (Version 1.3) unpatched game and kyrub's 1.4M patch, because kyrub is frankly amazing. (Yes, compatibility has been tested many times, including again just now by me.) Feel free to play this Imperium using EITHER version of the game - whichever you prefer.
[EDIT: Further information on each map, with opening screenies and save files, are posted below.]
[VERY LATE EDIT] Obviously I'm getting rusty at this whole Posting Imperia thing. Here, finally, are the necessary links to the Intro to the Imperia and rules for participating. Exceptions to the rules can be made for individual games of course, as in this case when we're allowing kyrub's 1.40M patch to be used instead of 1.3 by anyone who so wishes. Also please avoid the tactics banned in our exploits list (a list of ways we've found of taking advantage of bugs or massive and obvious holes in the AI which we've agreed not to use since they're not in keeping with the spirit or fun of the game). On closing day, you can post your report as a new thread in the Reports and Discussion forum.[/EDIT]
Opening Date: Monday, February 25, 2013
Duration: Four Weeks
Patch: OPTIONAL! (Official version 1.3 OR kyrub's patch 1.4M)
Difficulty: Two different maps are available; you can play either or both (e.g. using the gentler map A as a warm-up to get used to the variant, or as a fall-back in case you get slaughtered on the extreme map B). See the posts below for the details of each.
Scenario: The amazing Sakkra powers of reproduction - the fastest of any race in the galaxy - come at a price: The emerald light of their home star of Sssla - or at least of a star just like it - is a necessary part of the reproductive process. As a result, civillian populations can only inhabit worlds that orbit green stars.
Scoring: None. Results will be listed in alphabetical order.
Notes: Saved games are cross-compatible between the regular (Version 1.3) unpatched game and kyrub's 1.4M patch, because kyrub is frankly amazing. (Yes, compatibility has been tested many times, including again just now by me.) Feel free to play this Imperium using EITHER version of the game - whichever you prefer.
[EDIT: Further information on each map, with opening screenies and save files, are posted below.]
[VERY LATE EDIT] Obviously I'm getting rusty at this whole Posting Imperia thing. Here, finally, are the necessary links to the Intro to the Imperia and rules for participating. Exceptions to the rules can be made for individual games of course, as in this case when we're allowing kyrub's 1.40M patch to be used instead of 1.3 by anyone who so wishes. Also please avoid the tactics banned in our exploits list (a list of ways we've found of taking advantage of bugs or massive and obvious holes in the AI which we've agreed not to use since they're not in keeping with the spirit or fun of the game). On closing day, you can post your report as a new thread in the Reports and Discussion forum.[/EDIT]