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Sorry for being absent and late with C&D for a while now. I simply haven't found the time and energy to do it the way I did earlier.
Plenty happened during T107 that should be noted.
There were a power drop of 6000 during the early turn not explainable by whippings, ie it's a loss of an axe for either the Spanish or CFC.
WPC settled the city of Sunrise, claiming 6 tiles.
The Spanish did a 2-pop whip. CFC performed 3 1-pop whips during the turn, one of Daivagati (to size 4), one of Mantra (to size 3), and one of a city we don't have have visibility on (it's now size 2). CivFr whipped a size 2 city back to size 1. CivPlayers also 1-whipped a city we don't have visibility on. The two invisible cities were whipped to size 2 and size 1.
Also, the rival best in hammers rose markedly (67->75), while the rival best in food shrank (175->161). My take on that it's CFC.
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T108 - 175 BC
Cliff's Notes: CivPlayers researched a classical tech in 9t, likely Mathematics. WPC, the Germans, and CFC all received some land score. Otherwise pop increases for all teams but the Germans and Univers. We also met Apolyton, and have determined their techs.
Score table
Team | Score change | Pop | Tech | Land |
RB | 17 | 5 (+2 pop; 76 total) | 12 (Aesthetics) | | WPC | 9 | 2 (+1 pop; 27 total) | | 7 (Great Plains 9 tiles; 89 total) | Spanish | 3 | 3 (+1 pop; 26 total) | | | Apolyton | 2 | 2 (+1 pop; 42 total) | | | Germans | 4 | | | 4 (5 tiles; 88 total) | CivFr | 5 | 5 (+2 pop; 55 total) | | | CivPlayers | 17 | 5 (+2 pop; 36 total) | 12 (classical) | | CFC | 15 | 10 (+4 pop; 62 total) | | 5 (Terasvin 3-ring 7 tiles; 103 total) |
Score analysis
There were a total of 55 increase in score. F8 analysis indicates 5 new pop points globally, but that includes 2 3-pop whips by Apolyton, so 11 total as the turn rolled (they also settled a city, but my F8 shot came between the whips and the new city...). There are 21 land tiles to score from T88, of which 16 are known to belong to WPC and CFC, leaving circa 12 in score to tech.
WPC: Received 7 score in land from their T88 city Fields of Color, leaving 2 score from pop. Since rival worst in population rose with 15000, they grew a size 2 city to size 3.
CFC: Received 5 score in land from when Terasvin expanded to 3-ring borders. From the map we can see that Mantra grew to size 4, Daivagasi to size 5, Lana to size 11, and I note down an unknown city growing too, giving them 62 total pop. This also made CFC edge past us in the geometric population metric.
Spanish: Grew 1 new pop, to 26 total.
Apolyton: Grew 1 new pop, to 42 total.
Germans: 5 land tiles would give them 4 score, and unlike most of the other teams wouldn't impact the rival worst or rival best values for the turn.
CivFr: Grew one city to size 7 and one to size 5, as per the rival best in population. Has 55 total pop.
CivPlayers: Is the only team left with enough score for a tech, so I note them down for a classical one in 9t, and for 2 new pop, 36 total. Rival worst in power rose with 7000 (from 92 to 97), so I pencil in Mathematics for them.
Power analysis
Global power increased with 52000, which includes Apolyton's first 3-pop whip. 6000 of that belongs to the Germans, probably an axe, and 7000 to rival worst, noted down as pop and Mathematics to CivPlayers as above.
Power from pop increased with 1000 each to the Spanish, CivFr, and CivPlayers, 2000 to CFC, and shrank with 1000 for Apolyton in the above value. That leaves 36000 to units and buildings.
We met team Apolyton this turn, and they had researched Alphabet earlier, as surmised. Sullla already did his analys of of their techs:
Quote:I will translate this screen to save all of you the need to get out your tech chart. Here's how we stack up:
Shared Techs (ignoring Ancient Age stuff): Currency, Mathematics, Monarchy
Apolyton: Meditation, Alphabet, Code of Laws, Philosophy
Realms Beyond: Monotheism, Aesthetics, Calendar, Construction, Iron Working
We had one mistake in our numbers, we had them down for Aesthetics instead of Currency. I went ahead and fixed this in the chart. (We also had them down for Archery instead of Priesthood, but that involves Power numbers, and so I'll leave that for kjn.) That's pretty darn accurate seeing as how we had absolutely no contact with Apolyton until this turn!
I only want to add that I had waffled quite a bit over Apolyton's classical techs besides Monarchy, Mathematics, and Code of Laws, and I think I even had them down for Currency earlier on.
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WPC and Apolyton managed to settle a city each between my C&D screen shotting, and Sullla's turn playing. Together, the two cities claimed 12 tiles, for 37 total tiles claimed this turn.
Apolyton also performed 2 3-pop whips, and the Spanish a 2-pop whip. Also, I have somehow missed one of Apolyton's cities. I went back and compared the APTmod turn roll mails with the score sheet back to T56, but couldn't find when the missing city was founded. My theory was that they founded the city at the very start of the turn, where it might be missed in Civstats but wouldn't appear in the turn roll mail, but no dice. Not sure what's up with that.
The Spanish now has 24 pop, and Apolyton 37 pop in 9 cities.
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Late in the turn, the global power rate had fallen with 9000, but the interesting thing is that there were no change in war weariness for the Spanish or CFC. Instead the rival worst had fallen with 6000. CivPlayers had performed three more 1-pop whips, losing 2000 in power, and I assume they also lost a spear or a chariot in a battle against a barb. The rest of the power loss probably comes from the other whippings - there has been a lot of them this turn.
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Before ending T108, CFC performed 2 whips, one 2-whip of Lana, going from size 11 to size 9 - they must be quite desperate for units if they whip there, and a 1-whip of Raj, from size 6 to 5.
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T109 - 150 BC
Cliff's Notes: A large global power increase, mainly focused on CFC and Univers, and perhaps another team. Univers researched a classical tech in 13t, tentatively noted as Iron Working. CivPlayers one-turned an ancient tech. Otherwise mostly pop increases.
Score table
Team | Score change | Pop | Tech | Land |
RB | 17 | 8 (+3 pop; 80 total) | 6 (Meditation) | 3 (4 tiles; 127 total) | WPC | 3 | 3 (+1 pop; 29 total) | | | Apolyton | 12 | 12 (+5 pop; 42 total) | | | Germans | 3 | 3 (+1 pop; 38 total) | | | CivFr | 5 | 5 (+2 pop; 57 total) | | | CivPlayers | 19 | 7 (+3 pop; 36 total) | 6 (ancient in 1t) | 6 (Xochicalco 9 tiles; 106 total) | CFC | 7 | 7 (+3 pop: 62 total) | | | Univers | 19 | 7 (+3 pop; 55 total) | 12 (classical in 13t) | |
Score analysis
F8 analysis shows 18 new rival pop, and GNP analysis shows no new known techs. 5 land tiles were claimed this turn. 9 land tiles from T89 were scored, leaving circa 17 score to tech.
CFC: Grew Lakshmi to size 6 from map info, and two other cities as well, for 62 total pop.
CivFr: Grew their second city to size 13 and another city to size 3 from the rival best in population and the top cities list, for 57 pop total.
WPC: Grew a pop, for 29 total.
Germans: Grew a pop, for 38 total.
CivPlayers: Recieve 6 land score from Xochicolco on T89, and I note down an ancient tech, tentatively Fishing, and 3 new pop, for 36 total). They are probably heading towards Calendar.
Univers: Gets the last 3 pop, for 55 total, leaving 12 for a classical tech in 13t. With their large power increase (see below), I note down Iron Working for them, though HBR and Mathematics are also possibilities.
Power analysis
Global rival power rose with 77000. Rival best (still the Germans) rose with 1000 from pop. Rival worst rose with 11000, from 93 to 104. If it's still CivPlayers, 2000 of that came from pop. Apolyton gained 3000 from pop, CivFr 1000 from pop, CFC 2000 from pop, and Univers 1000 from pop, leaving 67000 to other causes.
APTmod shows a power increase of 1000 for WPC, and also an increase in their culture generation from 7 to 8, so I note down a totem pole for them, for six total. CFC increased their power with 18000 (2000 from pop), for 16000 effective, probably a mix of two axes and one spear or chariot.
We also got graphs on Univers, and they also increased their power markedly, with 25000 (141000 to 166000), of which only 1000 came from pop.
Assuming CivPlayers still is the rival worst in power, that leaves 28000 to the rest of the teams (the Spanish, Apolyton, and CivFr), which is still a markedly increase. I think there might be more wars erupting to our east. Might be worth asking around about that among the teams to our east.
I'm going to try to sit down and analyse Univers demos later on (power, culture, pop, cities, gold, and EPs), or if someone else wants to take a stab at it, feel free to PM me and I will provide the raw data.
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Let the rest of the world break into fierce combat while we NAP ourselves into victory.
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me
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Can we say "Lord Parkin PB4 redux"?
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Except without the flatline power rating and insane unidirectional reach cities.
March 6th, 2013, 18:46
(This post was last modified: March 7th, 2013, 02:16 by kjn.)
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T110 - 125 BC
Cliff's Notes: Apolyton researched Monotheism. CivFr and CFC each researched a classical tech, and Univers an ancient tech. Otherwise mostly pop increases. Global power increased with 72000, of which CFC stood for 20000, and they and another team passed us in power.
Score table
Team | Score change | Pop | Tech | Land |
RB | 16 | 7 (+3 pop; 78 total) | | 9 (13 tiles; 140 total) | Spanish | 2 | 2 (+1 pop; 25 total) | | | Apolyton | 11 | 5 (+2 pop; 44 total) | 6 (Monotheism) | | Germans | 3 | 3 (+1 pop; 40 total) | | | CivFr | 24 | 7 (+3 pop; 60 total) | 12 (classical) | 5 (7 tiles; 113 total) | CivPlayers | 2 | 2 (+1 pop; 37 total) | | | CFC | 19 | 7 (+3 pop; 65 total) | 12 (classical) | | Univers | 16 | 10 (+4 pop; 59 total) | 6 (ancient) | |
Score analysis
GNP analysis shows no new known techs, and F8 analysis shows 15 new rival pop points. The only land tiles to assign from T90 are 7 tiles from CivFr's city settled that turn, for circa 42 score total, leaving circa 35 to tech.
Spanish: Grew KwaDukuza to size 3, for 25 total pop.
Germans: Grew Wasserburg to size 2, for 40 total pop.
CFC: Grew Indira to 14 and Raj to 6. I assume they have grown two more cities, and then researched a classical tech. It's not IW (confirmed via tile yields) or HBR (still only one team knowing this that we know of), so I pencil in Construction for now.
CivPlayers: Grew one pop in an unknown city, for 37 total.
Apolyton: Only way to get 11 score is with an ancient tech and growing 2 pop, to 44 total. The tech trading screen shows they have researched Monotheism.
CivFr: Grew their capital to size 15, per the top cities screen. They grew two more cities, but there are two possible solutions (6->7&1->2 and 5->6&3->4), so these are unknown for now. They also received 5 land score, leaving 12 for a classical tech in 6t. I pencil in Currency for now.
Univers: Simple eliminaation leaves 4 pop and an ancient tech for Univers. I pencil in Priesthood for them for now.
Power analysis
Rival global power increased with 72000, rival best with 13000 (still the Germans), and rival worst with 7000.
APTmod data shows no power change for Univers, while I expected a change of 2000 for them from pop. It might be that they have lost a scouting warrior, or a stronger unit while building another (or researching a tech with a power rating). CFC increased their power with 20000 (1000 from pop), and passed us with 195000 total. No change to WPC's power.
Sullla mentioned that we were first in both GNP, food, and production at the same time. That should worry our competitors. However, the thing that really should worry them longterm is the Approval rate - we're #1 there as well, having the most pop of all the teams by far. Ie, we not only have out-teched and out-expanded every other team, we also have far more room to grow than them too.
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