Hi Dunedine and welcome to Realms Beyond.
Where do I turn the reports for my games in?
After an Epic closes, the game's organizer will create a new thread entitled "Epic ##: Reports and Discussion Thread". You will want to post any report information in that thread.
How do I turn my reports in?
Just by posting in the thread mentioned above. You should be able to cut and paste any text right into a post. A few people will prepare reports and post them on their own websites, but this requires a lot of work and requires web hosting, so you don't need to worry about this unless you want to.
My print screen button does not work(ive tried several things), will this hinder my ability to be an active member of RBCiv?
No, you don't have to take pictures as you play. There's nothing wrong with turning in an all-text report after the game has concluded. You should keep some savegame files on hand, however, should any issue come up with the results.
In all epics do all of the honorable tactics have to be followed, or will that be stated in the concept part?
The Honorable list of tactics is a special ruleset used for specific games; Epic 1 was a game in which players were required to follow it. If the rules for a particular Epic do not mention the Honorable rules, then you do not have to abide by them. You do have to avoid the
exploits listed in the rules however; to use Sirian's terminology, you are usually permitted to take "dastardly" actions, but never exploitative ones.
Oh, and is this a very large community? Oh and is there a required length for reports, and what should be included?
That depends on what you consider to be a large community.

We'd like to think that anything that might be lacking in terms of quantity is made up for in quality. There are some truly outstanding players here - and more importantly, some truly outstanding people.
No required length for reports, in the past they have ranged from extremely long to sometimes as short as one paragraph (e.g. Always War: left city empty, defeated on turn 10). Include as much as you feel appropriate. As far as what to include, it would usually be good to write down any key techs researched, wonders built, wars fought, overall planning or strategy, etc. At a minimum, any scoring information for each Epic and how the game ended (victory or defeat type) should be in there.
Good luck!