As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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PBEM 2 Organizing/Tech Thread

Just because of an early, cheap building that gives almost +50% early research (and faith!)? How good can this be? dancing

By the way, have you guys heard about the Assyria UA? You get a tech from your enemy for every captured city... No more backward military civ!

Well, tbh, I am not even sure how good they are. Sure you get an early tech-boost, but I feel that tech is not the issue early on. Production is.

(April 4th, 2013, 15:48)Serdoa Wrote: Well, tbh, I am not even sure how good they are. Sure you get an early tech-boost, but I feel that tech is not the issue early on. Production is.

I'm not sure either (I considered picking Maya, though). I just find it funny that you can get a building that gives 2 science when your whole empire is producing 4/5 science.

Frankly, I'm not sure about anything in Civ 5. It's almost as if I'm flying blind every game I play.

Starting bias is on, right?

(April 4th, 2013, 15:56)Jowy Wrote: Starting bias is on, right?


Spoiler for Jowy


Nope. I pick Arabia.

(April 4th, 2013, 15:55)Ichabod Wrote: kly, I'm not sure about anything in Civ 5. It's almost as if I'm flying blind every game I play.

This. Civ 5 is like a magic show and i'm 8 yrs old again.

Also, i can now strike 2 civs off my short list. Come on Azza, help make my decision easier
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(April 4th, 2013, 16:01)Jowy Wrote: Nope. I pick Arabia.

My horses are faster than yours, by the way. cool


(April 4th, 2013, 16:06)Ichabod Wrote:
(April 4th, 2013, 16:01)Jowy Wrote: Nope. I pick Arabia.

My horses are faster than yours, by the way. cool


Good, you'll need to be fast to run from my stronger horses

Just found out another interesting thing about the demand mechanics. The amount of gold you can bully is adjusted for speed (something around 50 gold at normal and 70 gold at quick). But the price to rushbuy things also gets adjusted for speed.

So, while demanding on normal gives 50/510 on a settler, less than 10%, on quick you get 70/370, almost 20%, way more profitable. It's almost a third of a worker too 70/220 (and since, apparently, demanding gold goes up for everytime you do it, 3 demands mean a worker and some spare). I had a turn 10 worker in my test game.

Of course, with all the other random mechanics, maybe that's not so bad. And I think playing on immortal will fix this. I'll test it later.

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