As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[Spoiler] First rodeo: Jalepeno takes the bull by the horns.

Why YES, it just so happens that this IS my first rodeo
Time to throw my hat into the ring...
Time to get up on that horse...
and ride off into the sunset. Saddle up.


(I don't actually know what for, just seems to be the thing to do)


I figured out what for: bulb lists!
Prophet:                     Bard:                        Sage:
TECH_DRAMA                   TECH_HUNTING                 TECH_EXPLORATION
TECH_WRITING                 TECH_MASONRY                 TECH_GUILDS
TECH_ARCHERY                 TECH_POISONS                 TECH_INFERNAL_PACT
                             TECH_MIND_STAPLING           TECH_ENGINEERING
                             TECH_RIGHTEOUSNESS           TECH_HIDDEN_PATHS
                             TECH_TRADE                   TECH_HONOR
                             TECH_CURRENCY                TECH_MINING
                             TECH_ENGINEERING             TECH_MITHRIL_WEAPONS
                             TECH_INFERNAL_PACT           TECH_ORDERS_FROM_HEAVEN
                             TECH_MATHEMATICS             TECH_PHILOSOPHY
                             TECH_MERCANTILISM            TECH_SMELTING
                             TECH_MITHRIL_WEAPONS         TECH_THEOLOGY
                             TECH_ORDERS_FROM_HEAVEN      TECH_MACHINERY
                             TECH_SMELTING                TECH_MALEVOLENT_DESIGNS
                             TECH_STIRRUPS                TECH_RIGHTEOUSNESS
                             TECH_TAXATION                TECH_FUTURE_TECH
                             TECH_THEOLOGY                TECH_NEVER
                             TECH_WARHORSES               TECH_SEAFARING

Merchant:                    Engineer:
TECH_OPTICS                  TECH_RAGE
TECH_GUILDS                  TECH_GUILDS

and turn order!
WK 0-12
sian 11-20
yellow 18-22
jalepeno 16-24
black sword 21-23
HK 23-3


Power values

Score C&D
Cyneheard Wrote:SCORE.
Your score is the sum of 4 factors:

Population: Each pop is worth a fixed amount of points, based on the map. We can find this out on the first turn of the game.

Land: If we owned every land tile on a map, then we would have 2000 points. Each land tile is worth (2000 / # Of land tiles on the map). We can find this out on the first turn of the game. Mouse over our civ's score, and this should pop up:

[Image: ms8eC0of]

In this game (and this shot is from T0):
Each Population point is worth 5000 / 2107 = 2.37 points
Each Land tile is worth 2000 / 2054 = 0.97 points.
The 5000 and 2000 are defined in the XML; 2107 and 2054 are map-dependent. The more watery the map is, the higher the pop score is relative to the land score. T-Hawk got to about 3x the map's "Max" population in his Marathon Sushi high-score game. But corporations break game mechanics in a lot of ways.

Land tiles only count when they've been owned for 20t, so I usually mark on a chart when I expect a civ to earn land points from settling their capital, expanding borders, etc. etc. If you look at the "Score" page here, and scroll up, you'll notice that on T20 and T21 Rego put in "9 (22) land", meaning: 9 land tiles earned 22 score on that turn for that civ.

Wonders: Each wonder (National OR World, so the Palace counts) is worth (1000 / 62) = 16.13 points per wonder. So wonders 1 - 7 are each worth 16 points, wonder #8 is worth 17, etc. etc.

Tech: Each tech is worth 6*that tech's era value (1 = Ancient, 2 = Classical, 3 = Medieval, etc. etc.) (EXCEPTION: the first tech is worth 5 points, not 6, because it's technically 5.99 points * the tech's era value). So we start with 11 points from tech, and earn 6 per Ancient Tech, 12 per Classical, and 18 per Medieval tech.

Ok, so this is my first multiplayer civ experience ever. it will not be pretty. the good news is that i've played a lot of sp ffh/eitb, mostly deity nowadays. the bad news is that building to T4 then killing everything doesn't seem to be the best strategy for mp.

anyways, as you probably guessed from my spoiler shield, my simple plan involves mounted units: 1. get them quickly. 2. kill. this is mostly to prevent my builderish, "ooh shiny" side from rearing up. if I play elves, there's no telling when I'd stop building (likewise an arcane civ; i'd wait for archmages). horsies require a disciplined attack plan, because they have a really hard time taking cities once everyone else has iron champions. so hopefully that will force me to stay on target.

i stumbled on the idea of doing a chariot rush with decius; construction is the only requirement off the vamp beeline and is a great econ tech, and since everyone would be expecting vamps it could come as a fun surprise devil Qgqqqqq - jumping on the bandwagon as dedlurker - let me down easy:

Qgqqqqq Wrote:Why chariots?
And if mounted, why not lanun/hippus/clan/kuriotates?

Decius is just too good at other stuff to justify chariots .

so still undecided which way to go; not quite ready to entirely give up on decius though. i hadn't touched calabim since switching to eitb and boy was my test game fun. testing has shown that more testing is advisable

There's now a discussion the tech thread about what bonus to start with. I'm on the fence between a free shade or a starting adept. Looking at my current short list of civs, which one we end up with could definitely swing my final choice. A T0 scientist or engineer could really help with getting that first lanun workboat out. On the other hand, a T0 inspiration cast in a kurio capital = guaranteed academy by turn 34 (even sooner if I go mysticism early).

I think I'm slightly leaning towards a starting adept, if only for the scouting that metamagic 1 would give. being able to float some eyeballs over enemy territory would be a huge help in planning an attack. The calvary branch doesn't normally lend itself to scouting enemy territory: going for hawks is off course, and sorcery comes too late if it happens at all, unlike for recon or arcane focused civs.

I'd love to hear some lurker thoughts on this. Is shade or adept better for a mounted line focus (adept could never keep up for one thing)? Am I missing any cool combos with my civ shortlist? (kurios, hippus, calabim, clan, lanun)

I don't think the adept is a good idea because it distorts the game too much, and is a straight variant that while interesting, goes beyond a sped up game.
The problem for lanun is not production,but researching fishing, so a scientist is definitely more impo
Again, what are you looking for in this fame?
If you want a mounted rush then you should be choosing based on that, but remember that humans are going to have proper defences.
rtant then a engineer
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(April 9th, 2013, 22:27)Qgqqqqq Wrote: I don't think the adept is a good idea because it distorts the game too much, and is a straight variant that while interesting, goes beyond a sped up game.
The problem for lanun is not production,but researching fishing, so a scientist is definitely more impo
Again, what are you looking for in this fame?
If you want a mounted rush then you should be choosing based on that, but remember that humans are going to have proper defences.
rtant then a engineer

yeah, the more I look over the field in this game, the more I think I'm going to need more than horses to get anywhere. this game seems pretty clearly split 50-50 between newbies and pros. I want to be competitive with the pros, and at some point that's going to require warring with success. without any mp experience, i'm going to need some really shiny war toys, which points to vampires. Of course, if the start is really lanun friendly, I could see going with falamar, but then I'd need to rely on outbuilding the big boys. With Decius it's a little easier to come back from a little lost focus in the early mid-game: build a ton of raiders vampires.

While we’re waiting for starting screenshots, and I’m avoiding thinking about who I want to pick, let’s take a look at the field:

Opponent analysis: a chorus in 3 parts

Part I: “Know Thyself” – My opponents in their own words

The Black Sword:
(April 7th, 2013, 09:04)The Black Sword Wrote:
I have played a fair amount of SP FFH, though I have yet to tryout EITB, mostly Tholal's mod so far and some very small experience with general civ MP.

(January 31st, 2013, 15:54)Sian Wrote: lets call that roughly equal ... i have MP experience, but no EitB experience tongue
Q, given that i'm not deep into the mod i doubt variants would make it any easier to understand ... bog standard game should work nicely
(March 29th, 2012, 13:38)Sian Wrote: … players that (like me) feels that they're to strong for greens, but still feeling redshirts/spectators when the Veterans duke it out forced to play to keep from ending last (or to pile on the favorite to keep them from winning) rather than having a chance of winning themselves

From his team analysis of EITB PB1
(June 4th, 2012, 22:17)WarriorKnight Wrote: ...
I won't go into player analysis but I doubt we're the scariest group of players in the game. I do plan on giving 110% to this game though, so bonus if our rivals underestimate us.

(August 15th, 2012, 13:31)Yell0w Wrote: I've played a few games by now but I'd still consider myself a newbe
I will enter this game if there is full diplomacy after you met ingame.

HidingKneel + Mardoc (assuming from the thread title that Mardoc is joining as dedlurker)
(March 8th, 2012, 20:01)HidingKneel Wrote:
So, I'm a relative newcomer here at RB. Been lurking the Fall from Heaven threads for a few months now, but this is my first time actually playing a game (actually my first PBEM of any kind). But don't worry: what I lack in experience, I will make up in enthusiasm. I'll set my sights on victory, but if if that's not to be, I intend to make it an entertaining defeat.

(January 5th, 2013, 13:09)Mardoc Wrote: First up, my goal for this game is self-improvement.
Thoth Wrote:
Mardoc Wrote:Details...
wink Mardoc, you're great to have as a teammate.
And now I remember why it is that I've done most of the logistics in games past when we've teamed up together. lol
That's me in a nutshell. It's also what I aim to change this game.
I've got pretty decent big picture skills, good empire planning, and I'm starting to get the hang of city management. I've got a pretty good feel for what is and isn't possible with an empire. I understand the theory of warfare, too.
But I tend to let the details slide a bit. Workers do whatever's in front of them, cities build whatever I needed 5 turns ago, military wanders in the direction of the enemy and maybe accomplishes something.
In order for me to jump up to the next level, I've got to do this the other way around: start with a basic idea of what my empire is capable of, make plans, and go backwards to the worker moves/builds/etc that I need for said plans. Look at what I'm about to need, and plan to build it, instead of building the stuff and tiles that I just noticed I'm missing. Then follow the microplan. There's a significant difference between a city plopped down, that a few turns later has workers trickle in, and a city plopped already on a road connection, with workers improving its first workable tile immediately, as just one example.
So, that's my main goal for this game: to kick it up a notch. I need to let my other games coast to an end, and not commit to too much more - and use that extra time for careful planning to replace playing by ear. Given this field of contenders, I think that would be a sufficient change to let me be favored to win. But even if I don't, if I can pull off the swap in style, I'll be pleased with my game.

Part 2: “A man is best evaluated by his enemies.” – My opponents in the words of others

The Black Sword:
He’s a blank slate as far as I can tell.

This guy’s played in a TON of pbems; where the heck are all the opponent analyses? If it weren’t for Mardoc, this feature would be pretty dull.
(February 24th, 2012, 00:24)BRickAstley Wrote: ...
Sian and Catwalk aka Bert and Ernie: Yes, Bert and Ernie, their personalities are so fitting. Almost for sure the favorites to win this competition, Sian's got the skills and strategy, and Catwalk likes to talk, and exert fun diplomacy. (something I aim to compete with him with) They will probably do what they can to build themselves up while identifying and crippling their greatest threat, and I'm not sure yet if that's going to be me with the Commodore backing, or slowcheetah. Be very very wary of them, and find some way to oust them and run away with the game.

(May 15th, 2012, 10:02)Mardoc Wrote: nabaxo/Amelia/WarriorKnight
WarriorKnight, though...his Elohim were pretty strong in PBEM3. Although he underestimated Thoth like everyone else, I don't expect that to repeat.

These three - it depends on how they mesh as a team. If WK ends up doing the micro for Amelia's flash of brilliance, with nabaxo helping tweak, then they'll be formidable. If nabaxo does the micro while Amelia gets stubborn about a silly plan and WK goes off and does something else, not so much.
(September 21st, 2011, 17:32)plako Wrote: ...
Opponent analysis using short pattern. List ordered according to threat level:
Serdoa: A bit erratic and has a track record of starting to play pretty badly, if things go wrong.

WarriorKnight: Probably the one I'll get easiest along with. Skillwise about even with Serdoa.

(January 5th, 2013, 14:06)Mardoc Wrote: ...
Yell0w (Agg, Agg)

Steadily improving, but probably the bottom of the current field.

Yell0w's still got some to learn about basic civ strategy. He tends to plant his cities too far apart, with too much emphasis on 2nd ring that he then can't use for eons. Too much emphasis on how good the city will be in 50 turns, not enough on its value in 10. He doesn't build quite enough workers. And he's a bit too aggressive, at the wrong era for that to be profitable. I expect him to attack someone at the tier 2 era, with axes or horses or some such, before he can really profit from the war. I expect war traits from him, so that attack will be a little small.

He's no noob, of course. He does end up with solid cities eventually, and you certainly can't farmer's gambit around him. Also, if he picks a Creative leader, or one with worker bonuses, that will counteract some of his natural weaknesses. Still, I expect him to be a kingmaker, to take someone out of the running, but not be in the running himself. Our main goal for diplo with him is to send him elsewhere. Unless we're lucky and he's halfway across the world to begin with smile.

More meta considerations: Pretty good at PYFT. At diplo, he'll say what he means, and expect you to do the same. Don't expect him to surprise backstab - but if he's not promised you safety, he'll quite likely come. And if he said he was going to attack you unless X - it's not a bluff.
Next up...the backward Charles!

(January 5th, 2013, 15:44)Mardoc Wrote: HidingKneel (Careful, Strong)

Slightly better version of me. Strong understanding of the game, decent micro (better than mine, anyway), prefers a builder game. And the 'just one more tech' game, too. Well...I think. He seems to be pretty good at introspection, and although he made the 'one more tech' mistake in 21, he doesn't seem to have made it in 23. Biggest problem with HK is he tends to overestimate his position a tad, and go for easy targets rather than #2. I don't think it's a coincidence that he got dogpiled in both the last two games he was in; he was ahead due to good play (and a little luck), and used that to take out the bottom of the field until the higher ranked players saw the light and did something. I expect HK to take the obvious route with whatever civ he chooses, but execute it well.

He's a bit better at micro than me, but he does tend to react rather than plan (also very similar to me, at least as of now)

HK's the main reason I feel I need to improve my game here. If I stick with my standard game, and he sticks with his, I'll be slightly behind, close enough that neither of us wants to engage. That's a recipe for a late game loss.

What's HK's biggest weakness? He's not willing to accept the casualties required to really go for the jugular against an equal foe. He also seems to underestimate collateral - too focused on high Str.


You want analysis on Sian?
(April 25th, 2012, 15:50)scooter Wrote: Alright guys, so I'm tired of writing leader previews every game. Plus there's several people who I think would be a lot better at it than me. So I've been asking around, trying to get a few people to do them for me since I'm lazy. So yes, we have 3 previews to do, and we have 3 guest writers here. That's right, this game is so laid back that I'm too lazy to write my own player previews. So without further ado, Commodore is going to start us off.

Commodore Wrote:[Image: pakal.jpg]

Sian (Mysterious, Pyramids) as Pacal (Fin, Exp) of France (Agriculture, Wheel)

Hum. Welp. This, my chilluns, is a power combination. Mids Junior™ AKA Sian here has decided to go with Pacal, considered by many to be the strongest leader in the game. Furthermore, France gives him the terrifying draftable 2-movers and a funny accent. France gets Agriculture/Wheel which is exactly what the good Dr. Mist ordered here on this start, and I expect these to allow him to be a serious contender.

As a player, Sian is decidedly a Mackoti acolyte, favoring GLH, Pyramids, and all sorts of shiny things over a more traditional REX + cottage spam. Sian breezed through the PBEM29 greens game, though many players questioned if his leader wasn't a bit too strong. I expect him to run some sort of hybrid economy that lets him get to gunpowder quickly, then draft some musketeers and hurt somebody. Let's just hope that somebody is not us. If it is, well that's just Civ, man.

Well that went off without a hitch. Thank you Commodore. Next, we have Krill, who I asked to write the preview for Luddite. This was a bit tricky, as Krill doesn't do email or long paragraphs, so I hit him up on chat. Well... This is what we ended up with. I attempted to clean it up a bit, but you can only do so much with this... whatever this is.

Krill Wrote:scooter: so Krill, can you write the Luddite preview now? his pick is in
Krill: huh?
scooter: you said you'd do the luddite preview for pbem36?
Krill: I did?
scooter: yeah you said you would last night
Krill: tbh i don't remember much from last night
scooter: were you drunk again?
Krill: doesnt matter. what am I doing again?
scooter: lol. write up a preview for luddite's picks. for the three player previews I want them to be guest posts. sounds kinda fun.
Krill: sounds lazy
scooter: two birds, one stone.
Krill: fine i'll do it. what's his pick
scooter: well he had first pick
Krill: oh so he picked Joao
scooter: well no
Krill: oh, Joao was banned
scooter: ... no. india/inca were banned, everything else was ok
Krill: and he didnt take joao? noob. you took joao right?
scooter: no I didn't. he took huayna capac of Spain
Krill: .... is this a greens game?
scooter: no
Krill: did anyone pick joao?
scooter: no
Krill: then this is a greens game
scooter: whatever, so can you send me a preview or not?
Krill: whatever. if he knows what's good for him, he'll switch to joao. barring that, he'll build stonehenge, oracle alphabet, found buddhism, and blame darrell for all of his mistakes
scooter: alphabet?
Krill: and he picked spain? this has to be a greens game. Spain is myst/fishing which is completely unplayable. should've picked Inca
scooter: Inca was banned
Krill: dont care
scooter: Alright, that's probably enough
Krill: good we're done. what was the point of this again?
scooter: ... I'm starting to question that myself
Krill: hurry up and play your pbem34 turn, I'm about to blow off my 13th culture bomb

Alright that was... something. So there we have it. Finally, to wrap it up is the guy that was hardest for me to track down. He was one of the more popular posters due to his unique style. However, he abruptly disappeared and one of our most well-known RB members claimed credit for him. I'm here to say that this is false. I finally got in touch with him. Yep, here is Locke to give us our last preview:

Locke Wrote:OK first I talk about leader. AutomatedTeller pick Willem, which is good because FIN and CRE are two of best traits. But I think Pacal a bit better. But this still not bad but boring pick so I can't say too much LOL.

Now I talk about civ. Byzantium is scariest civ in the game, but starting techs maybe worst in the game so that's not so scary LOL. Maybe War Chariots kill them because they dont build Cataphracts if they're dead LOL. This good civ if they live a long time, but maybe bad if they don't. OK I think enough said. If you want lose, then let them be. If you want to win, then better hurt them before they hurt you LOL.

Well then, that's all folks. Thanks to those three for helping me out.

(July 22nd, 2012, 14:39)thestick Wrote: Sian - Julius Caesar (Imperialistic/Organized) of the Vikings (Fishing/Hunting/Beserker/Trading Post)
Leader: More ICS fun? Fast settlers and lower maintenance, but no economic traits besides that.
Techs: Pretty bad. Fishing won***8217;t be good without Bronze Working. Hunting might be okay if there***8217;s Deer, but he gets stuck with a Scout. I wonder if he***8217;ll get Warrior choked.
UU and UB are obvious water picks. I***8217;m not too worried, though. I think land armies will be more important.

Shoot the Moon - Catherine (Creative/Imperialistic) of the Mali (Mining/The Wheel/Skirmisher/Mint)
Leader: ICS alert!
Techs: Another ICS alert! With no natural food techs, research Bronze Working and chop your way to expansion.
Even the UU could be an ICS alert. Build Skirmishers everywhere and hole up in your cities. Of course, he could as easily choke someone with them. Mints are decent (we considered them), but they probably aren***8217;t too overpowered without Industrious boosting them or the Industrious Oracle.

Nakor - Pericles (Creative/Philosophical) of the Koreans (Mysticism/Mining/Hwacha/Seowon)
Leader: Anyone else see him building Creative Libraries followed by hiring Scientists everywhere?
Techs: Still bad, no early food and reliance on either researching an early food tech or Bronze Working chops.
Hwachas look like decent Catapult replacements for shredding field armies. Philosophical Seowons look like a decent synergy. Wow, his pick works together nicely. Is it better than just picking strong traits, though?

mackoti - Ramesses (Spiritual/Industrious) of Sumeria (Agriculture/The Wheel/Vulture/Ziggurat)
Leader: Yet another Industrious leader. Spiritual isn***8217;t that good except for mass civic switches and monk economies, right?
Techs: Good starting techs.
Vultures could be a problem, being as strong as Swordsmen but still getting odds on Axemen. Plus, they get coinflip odds on Horse Archers. We considered Sumeria for the Ziggurat, and he***8217;ll probably spam those everywhere for an economy. Could you imagine someone being Catherine of the Sumerians?

Musicman/Catwalk - Pacal (Expansive/Financial) of Inca (Agriculture/Mysticism/Quechua/Terrace)
I have nothing to say here. Great leader, great civ. Surprised they didn't pick India.

(October 7th, 2012, 15:11)Commodore Wrote: Next up, we've got Bert!

[Image: Hannibal_Barca.jpg]
Sian (stubborn, irascible) as Hannibal (Fin, Chm) of Mali (The Wheel, Mining)

Sian (wantstobeletalone) likes archer spam, failgold, and wonders, and dislikes other human beings, diplomacy, and blue skies. Wants to try out spamming his new archers, now 33% bigger. Feels Fin which is weird for him, but will enjoy bonking beakers together for great techs. Stonehenge fetish likely.
Sorry about the excess of analysis around them...
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(April 12th, 2013, 07:35)Qgqqqqq Wrote: You want analysis on Sian?
(April 25th, 2012, 15:50)scooter Wrote: Alright guys, so I'm tired of writing leader previews every game. Plus there's several people who I think would be a lot better at it than me. So I've been asking around, trying to get a few people to do them for me since I'm lazy. So yes, we have 3 previews to do, and we have 3 guest writers here. That's right, this game is so laid back that I'm too lazy to write my own player previews. So without further ado, Commodore is going to start us off.

Commodore Wrote:[Image: pakal.jpg]

Sian (Mysterious, Pyramids) as Pacal (Fin, Exp) of France (Agriculture, Wheel)

Hum. Welp. This, my chilluns, is a power combination. Mids Junior™ AKA Sian here has decided to go with Pacal, considered by many to be the strongest leader in the game. Furthermore, France gives him the terrifying draftable 2-movers and a funny accent. France gets Agriculture/Wheel which is exactly what the good Dr. Mist ordered here on this start, and I expect these to allow him to be a serious contender.

As a player, Sian is decidedly a Mackoti acolyte, favoring GLH, Pyramids, and all sorts of shiny things over a more traditional REX + cottage spam. Sian breezed through the PBEM29 greens game, though many players questioned if his leader wasn't a bit too strong. I expect him to run some sort of hybrid economy that lets him get to gunpowder quickly, then draft some musketeers and hurt somebody. Let's just hope that somebody is not us. If it is, well that's just Civ, man.

Well that went off without a hitch. Thank you Commodore. Next, we have Krill, who I asked to write the preview for Luddite. This was a bit tricky, as Krill doesn't do email or long paragraphs, so I hit him up on chat. Well... This is what we ended up with. I attempted to clean it up a bit, but you can only do so much with this... whatever this is.

Krill Wrote:scooter: so Krill, can you write the Luddite preview now? his pick is in
Krill: huh?
scooter: you said you'd do the luddite preview for pbem36?
Krill: I did?
scooter: yeah you said you would last night
Krill: tbh i don't remember much from last night
scooter: were you drunk again?
Krill: doesnt matter. what am I doing again?
scooter: lol. write up a preview for luddite's picks. for the three player previews I want them to be guest posts. sounds kinda fun.
Krill: sounds lazy
scooter: two birds, one stone.
Krill: fine i'll do it. what's his pick
scooter: well he had first pick
Krill: oh so he picked Joao
scooter: well no
Krill: oh, Joao was banned
scooter: ... no. india/inca were banned, everything else was ok
Krill: and he didnt take joao? noob. you took joao right?
scooter: no I didn't. he took huayna capac of Spain
Krill: .... is this a greens game?
scooter: no
Krill: did anyone pick joao?
scooter: no
Krill: then this is a greens game
scooter: whatever, so can you send me a preview or not?
Krill: whatever. if he knows what's good for him, he'll switch to joao. barring that, he'll build stonehenge, oracle alphabet, found buddhism, and blame darrell for all of his mistakes
scooter: alphabet?
Krill: and he picked spain? this has to be a greens game. Spain is myst/fishing which is completely unplayable. should've picked Inca
scooter: Inca was banned
Krill: dont care
scooter: Alright, that's probably enough
Krill: good we're done. what was the point of this again?
scooter: ... I'm starting to question that myself
Krill: hurry up and play your pbem34 turn, I'm about to blow off my 13th culture bomb

Alright that was... something. So there we have it. Finally, to wrap it up is the guy that was hardest for me to track down. He was one of the more popular posters due to his unique style. However, he abruptly disappeared and one of our most well-known RB members claimed credit for him. I'm here to say that this is false. I finally got in touch with him. Yep, here is Locke to give us our last preview:

Locke Wrote:OK first I talk about leader. AutomatedTeller pick Willem, which is good because FIN and CRE are two of best traits. But I think Pacal a bit better. But this still not bad but boring pick so I can't say too much LOL.

Now I talk about civ. Byzantium is scariest civ in the game, but starting techs maybe worst in the game so that's not so scary LOL. Maybe War Chariots kill them because they dont build Cataphracts if they're dead LOL. This good civ if they live a long time, but maybe bad if they don't. OK I think enough said. If you want lose, then let them be. If you want to win, then better hurt them before they hurt you LOL.

Well then, that's all folks. Thanks to those three for helping me out.

(July 22nd, 2012, 14:39)thestick Wrote: Sian - Julius Caesar (Imperialistic/Organized) of the Vikings (Fishing/Hunting/Beserker/Trading Post)
Leader: More ICS fun? Fast settlers and lower maintenance, but no economic traits besides that.
Techs: Pretty bad. Fishing won***8217;t be good without Bronze Working. Hunting might be okay if there***8217;s Deer, but he gets stuck with a Scout. I wonder if he***8217;ll get Warrior choked.
UU and UB are obvious water picks. I***8217;m not too worried, though. I think land armies will be more important.

Shoot the Moon - Catherine (Creative/Imperialistic) of the Mali (Mining/The Wheel/Skirmisher/Mint)
Leader: ICS alert!
Techs: Another ICS alert! With no natural food techs, research Bronze Working and chop your way to expansion.
Even the UU could be an ICS alert. Build Skirmishers everywhere and hole up in your cities. Of course, he could as easily choke someone with them. Mints are decent (we considered them), but they probably aren***8217;t too overpowered without Industrious boosting them or the Industrious Oracle.

Nakor - Pericles (Creative/Philosophical) of the Koreans (Mysticism/Mining/Hwacha/Seowon)
Leader: Anyone else see him building Creative Libraries followed by hiring Scientists everywhere?
Techs: Still bad, no early food and reliance on either researching an early food tech or Bronze Working chops.
Hwachas look like decent Catapult replacements for shredding field armies. Philosophical Seowons look like a decent synergy. Wow, his pick works together nicely. Is it better than just picking strong traits, though?

mackoti - Ramesses (Spiritual/Industrious) of Sumeria (Agriculture/The Wheel/Vulture/Ziggurat)
Leader: Yet another Industrious leader. Spiritual isn***8217;t that good except for mass civic switches and monk economies, right?
Techs: Good starting techs.
Vultures could be a problem, being as strong as Swordsmen but still getting odds on Axemen. Plus, they get coinflip odds on Horse Archers. We considered Sumeria for the Ziggurat, and he***8217;ll probably spam those everywhere for an economy. Could you imagine someone being Catherine of the Sumerians?

Musicman/Catwalk - Pacal (Expansive/Financial) of Inca (Agriculture/Mysticism/Quechua/Terrace)
I have nothing to say here. Great leader, great civ. Surprised they didn't pick India.

(October 7th, 2012, 15:11)Commodore Wrote: Next up, we've got Bert!

[Image: Hannibal_Barca.jpg]
Sian (stubborn, irascible) as Hannibal (Fin, Chm) of Mali (The Wheel, Mining)

Sian (wantstobeletalone) likes archer spam, failgold, and wonders, and dislikes other human beings, diplomacy, and blue skies. Wants to try out spamming his new archers, now 33% bigger. Feels Fin which is weird for him, but will enjoy bonking beakers together for great techs. Stonehenge fetish likely.
Sorry about the excess of analysis around them...

That's perfect! and Krill's 'analysis' of luddite made my day lol

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