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Another ReMaster of Magic here - Worlds of Magic

Hi there, ladies and gentlemen!

Here we go again with a little but a very important update at the same time.

1.- The dwarven race

First, the unit list. We are thinking about what to do with boars and wizards, and also there's the possibility to add axe-throwers and dwarvish weapons. Thoughts?

Axe Lords
Boar Riders
Dwarven Defenders

2.- Economy

Some users have been asking about the base of economics in the game, as we have wrongly assumed that everyone should know how it worked on Master of Magic. In case you want more details, here you can find a great explanation. In Aaron words:

Very obviously, this post is going to address how the economy works in Worlds of Magic. Not surprisingly it's going to work much like it did in MoM and other 4X strategy games. However, there are some differences I'd like to highlight.

I'll start with a basic explanation for those who might not be as familiar with 4X games as the rest of us. First, there are a number of resources used both by your Sorcerer and his subjects. In most cases these are: Food, Gold and Mana. (Undead use Negative Energy, but I'll get to that in the differences section of this post.) Now, these resources are all produced by your population. (Or found as treasures on the world map. Or gained by a fortunate random event. Still, they're mainly produced by your population.)

When you build a city it “claims” a certain amount of territory that the citizens will then be able to “work” (this ties into “city influence” which we touched on in a previous post.) The population of the city can be assigned work in a number of areas: Farming, Production, Research (And possibly “Specialist”, but that's a topic for another post.) The area the city has claimed gives you bonuses to some or all of these tasks depending on what type of terrain and features it is filled with. The structures you build within a city can also effect these bonuses. As a result you can build cities that focus on food or military production or focus on magical research.

So far this is all very MoMish. (I know you couldn't assign “researchers” in MoM, but you could in MoO2!) However, unlike in MoM you will be able to store food, just as you can gold or mana. It will be limited by the number of structures that can preserve food throughout your empire. So, the more granaries you have the more food storage you'll have. Why is this an improvement? Because if you go through a short spell of famine you won't have an unit that “deserted due to lack of food.” That is, of course, until your storehouses are empty.

Another difference is the undead and negative energy. They produce and consume it like food. However, we're not sure we're going to allow it to be stored yet. The debate is still up in the air. It could be rationalized that negative energy could be crystallized and stored, just like mana. However, it might be more flavorful if it couldn't be stored. It could be one of the undead's limitations. Also, no terrain is “naturally” suited to the production of negative energy. It has to be corrupted before it can be used. (Obviously, all terrain on the shadow plane is corrupted at the start of the game.) Nor is any terrain type more suited to the production of negative energy. So, no place on the world map is either great or terrible for an undead city (as long as it's surrounded by land and not the sea.) All places are equally suited to the production of dark energy once the land is corrupted.

Undead also have no need of gold, although a sorcerer using undead will need it. Very few heroes work for the “good cause.” They want to be paid. This means using the undead is going to require you to get gold from other sources. You'll just capture another race's city and make them pay taxes you say! Well, good luck with that! The other races hate the undead and would generally rather die than serve them. Now, there will be ways for a sorcerer using undead to get gold, he just needs to plan ahead.


And that's all. I also want to say that from now on I maybe won't be able to do weekly updates as I have been doing. Soon we will announce really big news, and the team is going to be busier than ever (myself included). Of course I will try to take a look from time to time, but you are invited to take part in our forums. Don't forget to stay tuned smile. Thanks a million, guys.

Official Facebook Worlds of Magic fansite
Game forum

Hi everybody, how are you doing?

Let's go with the weekly/fortnightly/somewhat-ly updates :D.

1.- We've had an interview with the friends of Tacticular Cancer, so as you may pressume, there are lots and lots of info. I hope it is of your interest.

2.- We have a brand new and exciting official website for Worlds of Magic. It's still on development, but I'm happy to introduce the new Womsite:

(clapclapclapclap and so on)

3.- As you can see, WoMsite is in English, Spanish and Polish at the moment. We would be happy to feature more languages, so if you want to give us a hand and translate it to another language (it won't be more than 600 words) please tell us :D.

About the threads, we have had little time to spent writing (writing post at least, lol). So, now the time is short and big things are coming, we are asking you to revise much of the information we have released this time ago, as we want to prepare a very good FAQ based en your questions:

I warn you, if your question is going to be "when are you going to release actual gameplay screenshots" save your question. VERY, VERY SOON :D. See ya!

Kickstarter is up!! :D

Hi All,

I would like to let you know that a Master of Magic and Master of Orion characters designer will be now working with Worlds of Magic. Among other duties, he will be responsible for creating all the game characters.

More info here:

(April 15th, 2013, 17:59)doomtrader Wrote: I would like to let you know that a Master of Magic and Master of Orion characters designer will be now working with Worlds of Magic. Among other duties, he will be responsible for creating all the game characters.

The graphics is (by far) not the most important thing in MOM/MOO.

(April 19th, 2013, 11:12)bjg Wrote:
(April 15th, 2013, 17:59)doomtrader Wrote: I would like to let you know that a Master of Magic and Master of Orion characters designer will be now working with Worlds of Magic. Among other duties, he will be responsible for creating all the game characters.

The graphics is (by far) not the most important thing in MOM/MOO.

This is not about graphics, but about design. Anyway, we are not focused on amazing graphics, but will make the game on a proper presentation and design too dancing .

Speaking of graphics, we hare published a new dev-video showing the evolution of the battle board. Hope you like it smile.

Hey there, people! Anybody here? ; P

Finally we can show progresses on the World Map. Some elements have been added, and of course water has changed a lot since your last visit, lol. Hope you like it.

95% at the moment!

Well, I am incredibly happy to announce that we have reached our base goal, so the minimum funding for development is now guaranteed! That's BIG THANKS to all of you guys. Now we are trying to hit some stretch goals, and make sure that the game will be released with as much content as possible.

Also, I take the occassion to tell you too that Draconian will be the 5th faction for Worlds of Magic, as the community have decided. Here you can find some art from George Purdy, you know, the creative director and former Master of Magic - Master of Orion designer smile.

[Image: draconian1_colour.png]

[Image: draconiansculpt6.jpg]

[Image: draconianfront.jpg]

[Image: draconianback.jpg]

[Image: draconian2_colour.png]

See you soon,and thanks again!

Hi there!

Today we can say we surpassed the 35K GBP stretch goal! So the seven faction is a reality too, soon we will ask the community (aka YOU) about what faction will be the next. Also, now it is possible to pledge via PayPal. Of course paypal pledges will count for the new stretch goals!


Hello All.

We have broke the 40k stretch goal tonight, and with 29 hours left we can try to hit the 45k, which is additional race and Linux and Mac version available at the release date.

Thanks for your support, spreading the word and for backing us.
You can still give us a hand, and help making this game greater.

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