Far away, in the lands east of the Specific Ocean, a great struggle of political ideaology arose. The ideals of Commuocracy and Democranism, eternally opposed, found themselves drawn into open war. One of the largest of the United Democratic Socialist States broke away, declaring themselves the Republic of Freedomstan. El Presidente Alfred Gupta of the UDSS ordered an incursion to retake the former state, but after 2 years of intense fighting, a stalemate was reached and a neutral zone was drawn between the Twin Lakes. 3 years passed peacefully....
Without warning, terror bombings began filling the Newsvids, sprinkled all across the UDSS. Rumors of Freedomstanian involvement abounded, but nothing could be proven. El Presidente Gupta declared that his elite Bundespolizei were on the case and there was nothing for the populace to worry about, but when a theat on his life was mailed to him while staying at his The Presidental Lodge, he chose to take shelter in a bomb shelter deep underground for a little while. However, not all of the guard he took with him should have been trusted, as after only 2 days underground bomb making supplies were found, as well as a note on Freedomstanian paper saying that a bomb would be ready to go off in only 5 days.
Since the complex was brilliantly designed to only unlock for openign once a week, no one would be able to escape before then. The UDSS leaders decided that the best approach was to split everyone into 2 rooms, and try and figure out who might have the bomb on him, in order to keep him away from the president. They realized that this approach was silly and not the most rounded out but it gave a decent enough story for the game so they didn't mind. Now to get down to business....
Two Rooms and a Boom is a social deduction, hidden role game. There are two teams, the
Red Team and the
Blue Team. The Blue Team has a
President. The Red Team has a
Bomber. Players are equally distributed between two rooms (separate threads), between the two teams, and given roles. The game consists of 5 rounds. At the end of each round, some players will be chosen by an elected leader to be traded between rooms. If the
Red Team’s Bomber is in the same room as the
Blue Team's President at the end of the game, then the
Red Team wins. Otherwise the
Blue Team wins.
Gameplay Rules
At the start of the game, the Game Moderator will create two different "room" threads (labeled something like "[the control room] 2R1B#1: Round 1" and "{THE BOMB SHELTER} 2R1B#1: Round 1") and a main thread (this one) in which the GM posts the current status of people in rooms during the game. The GM then randomly assigns all players to the two rooms and randomly assigns their alignment/roles via private message. The GM then begins the first round by posting something like: ROUND 1 WILL END 48 HOURS FROM NOW in each room's thread.
Each round is 2 days long. All players assigned into a room MUST NOT look at the other room's thread. They may only read and post in their assigned room. If you want to help prevent an accidental misclick into the other room, Zakalwe's browser script is recommended.
The script can be found here.
Over the course of the round, players have a few different actions that they can take:
Electing a Leader
Each round, an elected Leader will select a number of players (specific to round # and player #) to send to the other room at the end of the round.
To vote to elect a Leader for a room, players cast a vote for any player in their room. They do this by stating in bold
Vote for [player]). The leader count will be tallied throughout the day, and players can un-vote (
Revoke vote for [player]) and re-vote at any time. At the end of the round, whichever leader candidate has the most votes will send their choice of hostages to the next room. If there is a tie, whichever candidate reached their current vote count FIRST will be the leader. A player may vote for himself as leader.
Sending Hostages
At any point during the round, a leader candidate (or even someone without any votes for leader) can list a number of "hostages" to transfer to the other room. Their choices for hostages to be sent can either be publicly stated or sent in a PM to the GM, and are identified by putting in bold
Send [player 1], [player 2], [etc]. In case of multiple lists of hostages to be sent by one leader, whichever list was submitted last before the deadline will be used. If a leader does not submit a list of people to switch within the time limit, The next highest voted leader candidate will have their hostage orders executed. If no send lists are submitted, then the players sent will be chosen randomly. A leader may also send themselves, if desired.
Revealing Alignment/Roles
During a round, players can do what is called a "full-reveal" or a "color-reveal". If you reveal with a player, you reveal to them your color (for color reveals) or color AND role (for full-reveals), and they can respond in turn. If players wish to do a reveal, they must publicly state in their room's thread in bold, "
Offer [color-reveal/full-reveal] to [player]" If the offered player wishes to accept he must then also say, "
Accept [color-reveal/full-reveal] from [player]" After both players have "locked in" their wish to co-reveal via bolding, they are FORCED to divulge their role card with the other player (ie, you can't back out if you realize you're about to reveal to a player on the other team).
Reveals are executed by a PM to the other player, where you send ONLY your color (Blue/Red/Grey) or color and role (i.e., Blue President) to the other player. These are also required to be factual; this is the equivalent of showing a card with your role on it to another player, and can't be faked. The GM MUST also be included as a recipient of the message, to track reveals as they go on.
What if a player wishes to back out of a reveal prior to the actual reveal? Let's say A puts in bold that they wish to reveal with B. Prior to B putting in bold that they will reveal with A, A can back out of the reveal by putting in another message, in bold, "
Revoke [color/co-reveal] offer to [player]" Once B puts in their reveal orders, however, the reveal is required by both parties, regardless of whether they wanted to reveal or not.
Players are also allowed to simply show another player their color or role if they'd like. To do this, a player would publicly state in bold in his room's thread, "
Private reveal [color/role] to [player]" Likewise, you can publicly reveal your role to the room, by bolding your color or role and announcing it in the room's thread, "
I am [color/role]". Since these reveals are to the room, no PMs are sent.
To summarize different actions, we have:
Vote for [player] - voting for leader of a round
Revoke vote for [player] - revoke vote for leader of a round
Send [player 1], [player 2], [etc] - leader's orders to send players to another room
Offer [color/full-reveal] to [player] - to propose a color or co-reveal to player
Accept [color/full-reveal] from [player] - to accept a color or co-reveal from player
Revoke [color/full-reveal] offer to [player] - to cancel a previous color or co-reveal offer to player
Private reveal [color/role] to [player] - share role/color with player
I am [color/role] - share color/role with room
Since bold is used for these specific actions, please refrain from using it in regular conversation.
End of Each Round:
After the round ends, the GM will take the lists of people to move from each room's leader, and swap those people to the other room. The GM will then create 2 new threads for each room, (labeled something like "[the command room] 2R1B#1: Round 2" and "{THE BARRACKS} 2R1B#2: Round 2"), and the next round will begin. Players may look back at the "old" rooms
in which they were present until the game is finished. Players may not directly quote posts from previous rounds, paraphrasing is okay but not quoting. This process continues until the end of the 5th round.
Win Condition:
At the end of the 5th round after the last hostage exchange, The GM will evaluate who is in which room. Whichever room has the Bomber in it will explode, killing everyone inside. If the President is in the room with Bomber, then the entire Red Team wins. If the President is not in the room with the Bomber, than the entire Blue Team wins. If other roles with alternate win conditions are present in the game, these win conditions will be evaluated at this point as well.