Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS] Lewger goes for the Bigwyn

(May 18th, 2013, 23:41)Bigger Wrote: Actually. I made a mistake. Confucianism is slowcheetah. He's not really a long term threat, I don't care if you spread that around. We also have Hinduism, which is scooters religion, in the exodus, so you can spread that around. Just make Taoism the very last priority religion.

We can afford to spread taoism twice and build 3 temples so we can get an extra cathedral in one of the cities.

I moved the galley with the buddhist miss in the wroong way by accident, forgot it had the missionary in it and thought it was the other one. Oh well. It can pick up a second buddhist missionary and then both those missionaries can go to Odyssey and King arthur. We do not need buddhism in Volsung. That city is what it is. A fishing village. Building buddhist monastaries and temples there is a huge waste because it will take forever and the pay off is marginal.

We are in the end game. At least for us it is the end game. We will not have any more offensive wars. Instead it will be all Defensive. We are in a race, in which we are very far behind, to see if we can get the culture up before one of the other powers can eat us. And honestly we're very eatable.

As soon as pin and Xenu are dead we're lowest on the rung and EVERYBODY'S power is increasing faster than ours, and we can't do much about it.

Building more cats. No more wealth builds. We need those hammers in units. We have to appear as untasty as possible for as long as we can.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

ok, enough of the negative nancy stuff wink xenu and scooter are still around, so we will have time to build up our power. may need to sacrifice missionary's for knights in some cases, but thats ok.

we should be just about finished with infastructure in all cities except paradise lost, exodus, job, beowulf, and popol vol.. . finish current builds and pop out knights smile maths, roland, gilgamesh, and the aeneid will pump out military quickly, and el cid, rama's journey, himel, mahabrata can help out as well. lets build lots of knights!

on the offensive war: serdoa is the only one we have to worry about by land. but plako and commodore could eventually come after us by sea(I don't anticipate slowcheetah ever being a threat to us). I figured taking azza's islands would make the sea more defensible. but im not sure thats true?? maybe pride and the thrill of taking cities from commodore (he doesnt have much military on those islands, so its just a question of building the navy) influenced me. If you think we'll do better just having a navy to defend our shores and not getting offensive, I'm fine with that. your the CV expert anyway smile

we need scientific method before we can revolt to free speech - do you think we can slot in rifling before we turn off research? I built some castles, so we can skip economics. but we'll want banking, gunpowder, etc. printing press would be very useful as well but its so expensive so im not sure we can afford it :/. rifling would make defending our cultural buildup much easier. your call I guess.
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Yeah I want to get to Rifles to defend. Going to need it I think.

I don't think its unwinnable, its just so much stuff needs to be done RIGHT NOW. Feeling very urgent. Anyway we'll want to tech everything before scimethod then just revolt and sit on culture. I agree that PP would be really helpful but I'm not sure we can afford it. Lets get astro and rifling > Sci meth and go from there.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

What's your rough estimate for how many turns of max culture slider would be enough for a win?

(May 21st, 2013, 14:46)Oxyphenbutazone Wrote: What's your rough estimate for how many turns of max culture slider would be enough for a win?

well since we have 0 cathedrals built its going to be a lot! lol. hence Lewwyn feeling urgent.

(May 21st, 2013, 10:08)Lewwyn Wrote: Yeah I want to get to Rifles to defend. Going to need it I think.

I don't think its unwinnable, its just so much stuff needs to be done RIGHT NOW. Feeling very urgent. Anyway we'll want to tech everything before scimethod then just revolt and sit on culture. I agree that PP would be really helpful but I'm not sure we can afford it. Lets get astro and rifling > Sci meth and go from there.

well PP will also help with culture when we turn on slider (well in gilgamesh and the odyssey, not in king arthur).. and its required for riflling, so :P

I do think we need banking regardless after astronomy. banks in gilgamesh, the iliad, the aeneid, and the 3 commerce cities we got from azza (exodus, job, paradise lost) won't be too painful and would be very useful, and banking is cheap. and of course it its also required for replaceable parts.

if you're abandoning wall street (which im fine with), then we can factor in at least a 2 person golden age.. do you think we should do a 3 person golden age or just use shah for for more artists? if we only do the 2 person, should we do it asap to speed up rifling, or save it to revolt to free speech?

if we're fine with building knights instead of muskets, the easiest path is banking-->PP-->replaceable parts--> gunpowder--> rifling. we might even get there the same time as serdoa lol

then we could go sci method and stop teching if we want. we probably will want to slot in chemistry at some point for frigates, though, since we'll have both pre-reqs. I think right after rifling, though, as I fear serdoa more than a naval invasion.

so banking>PP>RP>gunpowder>rifling>chemistry>sci method (gets a discount on sci method too, so thats nice).

the only question is whether we want to skip education altogethor, or slot it in early (unis would help and provide culture, oxford would be easy to build in gilgamesh with IND and stone). I could be convinced either way. I think if we are confident we will turn off research with sci method we should skip it, if we might get a few more techs (say steam power, for our AWESOME unique building) its probably worth it.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

tried to log in and look around, see if you've been able to do anything with the long pause

[Image: LtNTUyL.jpg]

why is the first cathedral in gilgamesh and not king arthur? just curious - i guess you're building lots of temples so it won't matter.

anyway, I logged out without accepting or declining this deal, I'll let you decide since I don't know what are resources are like recently. not sure if serdoa accepted the furs for silks deal (why wouldnt he?) but since we have bananas from xenu, will have our own spices soon, and don't really need sugar, I see no reason to accept it. unless you think placating plako is worth it.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

i think we had 3 furs when I offered the deal, so serdoa must have accepted it.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

The cathedral in Gilgamesh will generate more culture faster than in King Arthur. Arthur needs to get the Jewish monastery and temples and theatres built in order to have culture for the cathedral to multiply.

My plan is to get Gilgamesh to naturally build its full culture and Odyssey and King arthur to be Artist bombed. They will try to get as much culture as possible without using the Artists of course. The amount of time it takes to get all 3 to appropriate levels and also have enough GAs for it is something I'll have to figure out, but I have no idea how long its going to take at this moment because I need to build temples everywhere else as well.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

BTW: we are 1 point behind slowcheetah in score. he is in slavery, we aren't, so more than likely we pass him very soon dance we've been far behind the big 4 for awhile, so this makes me happy. progress?
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

sorry for the nitpicks:

[Image: 07buaZq.jpg]
if you were going to build a temple here anyway i wish you'd spread buddhism and built a useful one <G>.

how tall do plan to grow the iliad? seems better to give the wheat back to gilgamesh and get it to size 19. I built that silly farm just to temporarily grow it to 19 so it could work the furs and 2 mines (or, if you prefer, windmill the mines, grow to size 20, and then workshop the plains farm). in any case I think the odyssey will have to take over one or two of the workshops soon, so no more temples (iliad will need a bank at least, maybe an observatory??)

[Image: EqIcF0Q.jpg]
why not build the hermitage here (along with globe theatre)??? I think with 6 cathedrals and the wonder culture gilgamesh would probably be ok on its own? then we could have more freedom with the artists.

Plus, I think we need to go ahead and grab education after banking, and clearly want oxford in gilgamesh.

[Image: 2GDLRtX.jpg]
ok, this makes ssense - I think shah is our only tao source? maybe build the temple somewhere else, though, so shah can give all those hammers back to roland to pump out quick military?

[Image: VSruz31.jpg]
this is the only change I made. I didn't see any reason to grow don quixote past size 10 here, we aren't going to be building economic buildings here (just temples, missionaries, and military + barracks, I think). I guess you can reconfigure if you disagree.

for lurkers: demos are too depressing to post. MFG and food are getting better, GNP is not. we are falling behind all but scooter and xenu in power. (yet somehow it looks like scooter won the war vs slowcheetah, which is hilarious).
commodore and slowcheetah get chemistry next turn, so any offensive against commodore won't work. still east indiamen will fare better vs frigates than normal galleons will. we lost research visibility on plako, but I imagine he's not far from them either.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

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