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[Spoiler] First rodeo: Jalepeno takes the bull by the horns.

Turn 16

All clear on the home front.

Micro plan calls for farming the gems next. Covering the workers with a warrior to prevent any opportunistic scout snipes from the fog. If a lizardman swoops in and eats all three, there will be tears.

Not so clear abroad...

Yell0w's at size 5 with me, growing a turn later. Everyone else is at size 4 except Sian, still at size 2. Unless he's getting choked hard (and we seem to be so far apart), I can't think of a good reason for that.

None of that matters because rival best GNP just jumped 10 points to 34. yikeseekyikeseekyikeseek Looks like someone got lucky with something. cry I actually don't think it's an academy, otherwise it'd be even higher (I'm making base 20 coins right now, plus 6b from the GS; with academy that'd be 39 +6 culture = 45). On the other hand, it seems like too big of a jump to just be a settled GP. Settled GS maybe? Too small for a bard. My guess is that someone popped mining from a graveyard, and just started working the gems. Part of it could also be switching from first tier tech to something with a prereq. Both WK and TBS gained techs (and pop) last turn.

(May 20th, 2013, 08:41)jalepeno Wrote:
(May 20th, 2013, 03:28)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Posting to show I'm still listening, but don't have any comments to make (hint hint pitboss 9 lurkers).

I really appreciate it. It can feel so very alone posting with no responses.

I know how it feels.

Hmm is farming the gems really good if we're about to mine them?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(May 20th, 2013, 14:07)Qgqqqqq Wrote:
(May 20th, 2013, 08:41)jalepeno Wrote:
(May 20th, 2013, 03:28)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Posting to show I'm still listening, but don't have any comments to make (hint hint pitboss 9 lurkers).

I really appreciate it. It can feel so very alone posting with no responses.

I know how it feels.

Hmm is farming the gems really good if we're about to mine them?

If we didn't already have the second worker, it probably wouldn't be worth it. It's a waste of 4 worker turns, but it gives 7 extra commerce while building the settler and that gets us mining a turn earlier. That in turn means the workers can mine while the settler is moving, and go farm the corn right when (well a turn after) C2 is settled.

Yeah thought it'd be something like that, definitely worth it then, there's nothing else for them to do.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(May 20th, 2013, 09:04)jalepeno Wrote: None of that matters because rival best GNP just jumped 10 points to 34. yikeseekyikeseekyikeseek Looks like someone got lucky with something. cry I actually don't think it's an academy, otherwise it'd be even higher (I'm making base 20 coins right now, plus 6b from the GS; with academy that'd be 39 +6 culture = 45). On the other hand, it seems like too big of a jump to just be a settled GP. Settled GS maybe? Too small for a bard. My guess is that someone popped mining from a graveyard, and just started working the gems. Part of it could also be switching from first tier tech to something with a prereq.

Ummm, so I'm realizing that this was a foolish over-reaction. My own GNP will hit 34 when I start researching mining. banghead That's with working corn, incense, oasis, gems farm, and cow farm, so whoever has 34 must be going all out commerce as I am.

Hope ya'll are getting some amusement out of my feeble attempts at C&D. smoke

I've got a post where I think I've worked out how many forests everyone has, completely ignoring rounding...
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(May 22nd, 2013, 05:46)Qgqqqqq Wrote: I've got a post where I think I've worked out how many forests everyone has, completely ignoring rounding...

.... don't make me wait for it! I wants to see. yup

Slight pitboss9 spoilers:
(January 17th, 2013, 14:02)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Revisiting Jowy/BCs life expectancy, presuming no jungle (they planted T0, and jungle can't start in the BFC naturally) or floodplains (firstly that would mean a rather large amount of forests where there not normally found near floodplains secondly it makes all the sums harder frown and thirdly it throws off the values known) then the lower figure (lets call it J) has:
Either planted on a river with 1 forest and subsequently grown two forests ( unlikely as it requires a singleton forest)
Or planted off a river with 6 forests and subsequently grown two.

While the higher T0 figure (lets call it BC) has
Either planted on a river with 7/8 forests
Or off a river with 12/13 forests.
(January 17th, 2013, 22:30)Cornflakes Wrote: Ah, i was only looking at the rival best number. After taking another look I'm assuming you are getting the 81 by multiplying rival average by number of rivals and subtracting the best: 28*6 = 168 - 87 = 81, right? ... HOWEVER the numbers on the demographics screen are rounded down as the decimals are dropped. The average of 28 could really be 28.5 or 28.75 ... 28.5*6 = 171 - 87 = 84, which is above the current rival wo
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Turn 17-18

Actually, this is really just turn 18, cause nothing happened on turn 17 besides Sian growing to size 3 and rival best GNP bumping up to 35 (causation or just correlation...pretty sure it's the later).

Turn 18 brings up a slight discrepancy between the game and my micro plan (*edit* - now updated).

We've got 2 more beakers than I was expecting! That means I can switch the oasis to a GL farm a couple turns earlier and overflow some into a warrior after the settler. Pretty easy to see where I went wrong. Last turn I had 10b overflow from crafting, added to 27b this turn, gives 37b *.2 = 7.4. Floor(7.4) + 37 = 44. Thing is, I'd read a basic C&D article over at CFC that said that overflow didn't get pre-req boni. They even suggested trying not to carry over any beakers when going from non-prereq to prereq. rolleye If I'd realized how wrong they were, I could have squeezed a few more beakers into crafting, allowing me to overflow even more food-hammers from the settler. Hooray for painless learning experiences.


Pretty obvious now that the GNP jumps are people switching to mining from crafting. Or perhaps in the case of the people who started with crafting, just now getting plantations up after building a couple of farms first. Rival best GNP of 35 looks to be someone working the same tiles I am, save for a GL farm over the cow, but without being in agrarianism (puts them perfectly at r-best crop yield of 18). I'd guess that's HK, deciding to save a turn of anarchy until he can do a good double switch. Fast dwarven workers should also have been able to get that many improvements up in this time. Someone could also have gotten the same +1F or +1C I got, took the coin, and be working the deer instead of the cow.

Turn 20
(Turn 19 skipped due to lack of interesting occurrences)

Turn 20 on the other hand...

Got to switch a GL farm in for the oasis. rolleye Settler and mining both due EOT23.

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