Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Epic 25 - Compromise's Report

My report for Epic 25 can be found here .

So very different from my game.

Nicely played.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

That was unexpected! lol Very well thought out and well played. You were correct on the map design elements, although I daresay the thought process was pretty obvious. A very creative way of dealing with the challenges posed by this particular game.

Welcome back too! Please be careful not to lose any more sleep with these events. wink
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And I thought I was being aggressive (before backing off from a Phalanx rush, anyways). I forgot that Prince means the AI starts with warriors. Hitting hard early seems to be the best path in AW games.

Sullla Wrote:That was unexpected! lol Very well thought out and well played. You were correct on the map design elements, although I daresay the thought process was pretty obvious. A very creative way of dealing with the challenges posed by this particular game.

Welcome back too! Please be careful not to lose any more sleep with these events. wink

Sometimes the creativity backfires, but it's always fun to try. And my rule now is: no Civ after 8pm if I have to be at all functional the next day! Thanks for the comments.

Olodune Wrote:Hitting hard early seems to be the best path in AW games.

It worked out well for me here, though I think timmy827 got Stonehenge by waiting....

Compromise Wrote:no Civ after 8pm if I have to be at all functional the next day!

It's still 7pm somewhere....


very interesting thoughts about the AI's starting units on Prince and their behavior! My scout only made an initial detour through my peninsula (it didn't quite register with me what the tundra squares meant) before heading straight north, then west, but I didn't have a chance to take as close a look at London as you did.

And wow, you managed to pop FIVE huts! eek The only hut I ever saw besides the one on the island was the one west of the starting spot. My scout then never saw one again...looks like I had taken a route exactly navigating between all those hut.

Nice work an the ultra-early warrior rush! Removing Toku so early from the game must have helped tremendously, but I confess I'm not a friend of early rushing, as the AIs are so horribly bad at defending against this. And for me, facing the dog soldier challenge was the best part of this game! wink

Denying Shaka copper was a great move too, even though you got lucky finding it, and a nice circumvention of the no-pillage rule. lol

But the rush on Rome was brilliant! And nice to read that Blake's teaching the AI to whip gave you some headache. smile

Thanks for the report on an fantastic game! hammer

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

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