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(May 28th, 2013, 19:13)Kuro Wrote: My first thought was "Hells yeah!". Then I realized the fish is encased in ice.
Surely you can settle southeast of the fish and grab a forge, factory with coal and Ironworks and build a workboat in a dozen or so turns. It won't even need a galley in there since permanent first ring borders can see the other tile in the fishing hole
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Hmmm...can you actually get a fishing boat to the fish if you settle SW of it? I guess there isn't ice blocking it that way. Fish/Silver/Silver/Copper is good, even if it is all iced up...
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Heheh, southeast of, yes I would guess you can. It's a bit of a march to the capital, however, and mined tundra silver is.. how many hammers? I tried to look it up but couldn't get anything definitive - just this:
civ 4 bts tundra hill silver
First link in the results gives CFC modifiers posts (like eg, terrain = +prod/-commerce; resource = +/- ; improvement = +/- etc). I'm sure I've got it wrong but looks like it might be a zero production tile when it's mined?
Anywhose, I also wondered how you would get the borders to pop if you wanted to get the other silver for trades or whatnot.
Merely a lame interjection, I'm enjoying lurking all you guys' posts actually. Probably pipe down in a bit when anything has anything to do with anyone.
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The tile will not give 0 hammers. Mined Ice Silver is a 0/2/5 tile. Mined Ice Copper is 0/4/0 tile (Or was it 0/3/0? I don't remember).
The city can't grow a lot, but it actually gets decent commerce + Production: It can work 3 sea tiles (Fish + 2 other ones), then both Silver and the Copper. I think it might be able to work the ice mine, as well, but don't quote me on that.
It's not amazing, but it is better than some of the other stuff we got. The annoying thing would be settling it early, but thanks to Imperialistic we could possibly do a decent bridge to it with three cities and get decent but not great cities out of all of them. If we had TGL, they'd all get bonus TRs: If we had Colossus, all would get improved water tiles.
We would either build a Monument/Library or get a religion into the city. It wouldn't be hard to grow using the Fish and whip out a Monument.
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Sweet-o. Like I say, I didn't quite check out the exact hammers or even the tile yield (!) but figured I was in approximately the right spot with the Google search.
Problem I see with that city is essentially what you saw initially - the city's rubbash! It will take a loong loong time to even get a workboat, like 11 turns to grow to size 2 even after you get a settler up there etc etc, then you still have only first ring borders and the like.
Guess the benefits of a city over yonder takes some consideration. The silver and marble up there are certainly sexy looking, though.
 anyway, ciao for now.
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Honestly, the biggest thing is the Silver. We only have two other happiness resources in our entire lands so far: A single Furs and a single Silk, and the Silk is really more in WilliamLP's grasp. Silver, which is +2 happiness with a Forge, would be an excellent boon. Yes, Hereditary Rule exists, but even happiness military cost cash and the city isn't really that bad: It can pump out something like 6T Workers and the Fish means it'll grow reasonably fast. The only issue is if we get there too late, since it is not a long term city. If we have either coastal wonder, it would actually make a decent commerce city.
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But it will take 12 turns to hook up the fish unless you have a couple workers there at the same time as the settler.
Ahhhm gonna go troll other threads - goodluck
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It's not going to be one of our first 3 cities or anything. Taking 12T isn't ideal, but it is doable, plus being Expansive we might be able to just cook up Workers and have them over there to help. Too early to say.
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Random things I find amusing: Our post count is only second to WilliamPLunder. Looks like we're competiting outside of the game, too!
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With the dotmap earlier, I'd suggest moving some cities around to get more food resources to be first ring. Unless you plan on getting a religion?
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