June 12th, 2013, 07:50
(This post was last modified: June 12th, 2013, 08:41 by kjn.)
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CFC captured Umgungundlovu (now size 4) this turn. I think they lost a single unit doing it, while the Spanish lost in the neighbourhood of 25-30k in power.
Will report war weariness numbers and more exact changes in demos once I can log in.
ETA: Obsolete data, see my next post.
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June 12th, 2013, 08:39
(This post was last modified: June 12th, 2013, 08:46 by kjn.)
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CFC's war weariness is up to 55 now, was 45 at the start of turn. So they probably attacked an killed two Spanish units, with no losses to themselves. This also fits their increase in power from 665 to 667k (4 new pop).
The Spanish lost 14k in power (from 189 to 175k), so likely a loss of two axes, or less likely a war elephant and an impi.
ETA: CFC pillages 111g from Umgungundlovu, up to 865.
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June 12th, 2013, 08:41
(This post was last modified: June 12th, 2013, 08:41 by Fintourist.)
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Yeah, Germans do seem like real civ pro gamers compared to Spanish.. Remember, Germans were significantly crippled due to WPC's crazy attack. Otherwise, they might be in a quite okayish shape. Spanish Apolyton has accomplished even worse position completely on their own
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Generalissimo Franco knows Feudalism, or would if he still wasn't dead. He has continued to refuse sharing that knowledge with the German team. I think they instead have grown up to four pop, and added several units to their army. Estimated power increase of 40k, which would fit decently with getting four war elephants and some change.
WPC continues to build military (though slowing down the pace) and probably grew a single pop.
The Spanish probably grew a single pop, and their power is still flat. I had estimated them to be able to hold out to T155, but even that seems to be optimistic…
Apolyton had a modest score increase of 12, probably population and land.
CivFr had a large score increase of 37. Given that they finished Guilds last turn, it's an open question if it's a tech or a national wonder, but that can be confirmed once we can log in. They are also due to some land points. They had a modest increase in power.
CivPlayers had a modest score increase of 12, probably population and land.
CFC had a large score increase of 32. At a guess they've researched Literature now, and are going for the National and Heroic Epics next. Their APTmod power graph stayed flat.
Univers had a small score increase of 9, probably population and land.
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The Germans has so far done three whips, one each of 1, 2, and 3 pop. The 3-pop whip was in Worms, and with no hammers invested, so I guess there will be a new war elephant next turn, unless CivFr stops supplying ivory.
I think the other cities that they whipped were Wittenberge and Weil der Stadt, but Westheim is also a candidate for a 1-pop whip.
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Not much to say here. CFC researched Literature, and CivFr researched Drama - they're apparently not worried about a war with CFC. This also implies they are unlikely to cut off ivory deliveries to the Germans.
I think CFC has finished another 2 knights, and the Germans now has walls around Webringen and Helm's Klamm/Wipperfürth, and also some more war elephants.
CFC's war weariness is up to 56 against the Spanish, and I think the latter has done some limited offensive operations, being up to 7 war weariness against CFC. The Spanish has also finally started to whip seriously, doing two 2-pop and one 1-pop whip before ending their turn.
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Relatively minor score changes for most teams, greatest one was 20 for Univers (who also got a Great Scientist) and 17 for CivPlayers, making it unlikely any national wonders were built or techs researched.
The Germans gained 10 score, and then performed 5 2-pop whips, in Webringen, Wismar, Wilhelmshaven, Wanzleben, and Warendorf. This also tells me that they must have grown Wanzleben when the turn rolled, it was size 3 on T152.
APTmod doesn't show any major changes in power, though the Spanish are finally starting to edge upwards… Modest increases for both WPC, the Germans, and CivFr. Our own is mostly flat too, but then we depend on drafting for many of our units.
Based on the accumulated hammers, I think most of our main rival teams are pushing infrastructure right now. The exceptions are WPC, and the Germans, and the Spanish, and all three of them are out of the running.
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The Germans continue to whip, doing two more 2-pop and one 1-pop whip. I think Worms was 1-pop whipped for 20H (a dry whip), that Wesselburen was 2-pop whipped, and that Weil der Stadt was dry whipped for 2-pop (40H invested now).
They've whipped way 15 pop so far this turn. Given that they had 55 pop when last turn ended, and at most could have grown 4 on the interturn, they've whipped away a quarter of their population now.
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Go, Spanish, go!
Granted, the Spanish took a beating too it seems, but the losses seems to have been 3:2 in the Spanish favour.
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