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Sounds good, thanks.
Active in:
FFH-20: Jonas Endain of the Clan of Embers
EITB Pitboss 1: Clan/Elohim/Calabim with Mardoc and Thoth


So I've had very low motivation for this game for quite a while, and bouts of both network issues and depression are making this extremely difficult and stressful to play, so I'm going to ask to drop out and get a replacement. I'll put the password in my thread and message Mervech with the information.

I do apologize for all of the delays and issues I've caused, and I can at least say I did enjoy the early strategizing and hope you all have a good game of Civilization. Thanks for your time, and I hope to eventually be able to play with you again after I've cleared up my issues and made sure I could play/can stay motivated. Good luck and have fun all.

I'm sorry to hear that, gtAngel. Civ is supposed to be fun, not stressful.

Take care of yourself, and I hope to see you around. Whether or not you play again.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker



No worries; just a game.

...just clicking the thing yields:

[Image: 85e8.jpg]
Played: FFH PBEM XXVI (Rhoanna) FFH PBEM XXV (Shekinah) FFH PBEM XXX (Flauros) Pitboss 11 (Kublai Rome)
Playing:Pitboss 18 (Ghengis Portugal) PBEM 60 - AI start (Napoleon Inca)

When I try to load from in-game
[Image: 1zx9.jpg]

Don't worry about assuming that I'm stupid when it comes down to what I could be doing will probably be something stupid that's going on.

Perhaps I need to configure my system to the "start with a adventurer"-mod?
Played: FFH PBEM XXVI (Rhoanna) FFH PBEM XXV (Shekinah) FFH PBEM XXX (Flauros) Pitboss 11 (Kublai Rome)
Playing:Pitboss 18 (Ghengis Portugal) PBEM 60 - AI start (Napoleon Inca)

I actually had the same initial problem.

I ended up reinstalling the mod and that took care of it.
Active in:
FFH-20: Jonas Endain of the Clan of Embers
EITB Pitboss 1: Clan/Elohim/Calabim with Mardoc and Thoth


(June 24th, 2013, 01:12)Ellimist Wrote: I ended up reinstalling the mod and that took care of it.

Still same after reinstall.

Perhaps I didn't uninstall it properly? How do I do that?
Played: FFH PBEM XXVI (Rhoanna) FFH PBEM XXV (Shekinah) FFH PBEM XXX (Flauros) Pitboss 11 (Kublai Rome)
Playing:Pitboss 18 (Ghengis Portugal) PBEM 60 - AI start (Napoleon Inca)

Welcome to the game, Molach!

I'm afraid I can't help you with the tech issues. As far as I know, we're just running standard EitB v.9.

Here's the chat I had with Mardoc when I fixed the problems on my end:

Ellimist: hey
I'm having some trouble loading the initial save for 25, and was wondering if you're able to load it
merovech says the civ is passworded already but i can't even get to the prompt

Mardoc: huh.
I'll try if you'd like
need you to send the save file to me, of course

Ellimist: just did
basically what i'm trying to find out
is if the problem is on my end
and what i need to fix if so
or if merovech changed something about his eitb folder and that's the problem
if that's the case, he can probably send the scenario file to someone else to start the pbem from or something

Mardoc: trying now

Ellimist: my errors were from before it asked me for a password
so if you get that far, you're not getting them

Mardoc: just loaded it, and it does ask for password have v9 installed, and named plain 'Erebus in the Balance'?

Ellimist: hmm
so if i reinstall the mod, that might do it

Mardoc: reinstall might, sure
you could try it from my dropbox, that version has worked

Ellimist: sure
do you recommend trying to uninstall first?
or just let it overwrite

Mardoc: would uninstall first

Ellimist: just delete?
i don't see an uninstaller

Mardoc: yeah, just delete

Ellimist: wow 542 MB

Mardoc: yeah, that's what happens when it's a stand-alone

Ellimist: half downloaded

Mardoc: hmm...looking at your posted errors, it might be on Merovech's end, he shouldn't check 'protect modified assets'
Active in:
FFH-20: Jonas Endain of the Clan of Embers
EITB Pitboss 1: Clan/Elohim/Calabim with Mardoc and Thoth


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