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La Plaisanterie, C'est Moi - Ichabod's Spoiler Thread

Well, thinking about it some more, I think tehre's a chance Seven wont go for the Oracle. Here's why:

1. I started with Hunt/Agri. I teched AH, The Wheel -> Pottery, Mining -> BW and now Myst.

2. Seven started with Myst, Hunt, which is less beakers than me. He already has Polytheism. That means that he either doesn't have Pottery, AH or BW. Maybe even 2 of these techs. Frankly, I don't see Seven delaying these techs for the Oracle, which is a risky play by itself (2 IND civs in the game too). What would he gain? MC or CoL (I don't even think he has time to get writing for CoL)? CoL gives him courthouses, but now is not the time to get courthouses. MC gives Forges, but he's not IND.

My conclusion is that Seven won't benefit from an Oracle play, so he won't do it. Maybe he plans to oracle Mathematics, but I don't see this as very likely.

Not that this thinking will help changing the reality, but at least it makes me feel a bit more safe. lol

Hey, Novice. If you can open the new save, could you tell me if Buddhism has already fallen? I won't be able to get to the save that soon.

Sorry, I can't get to it either.

I think Seven could have teched Poly just for the religion. He values religion quite highly, and in a 6 player game you have to make haste. He probably has full C&D going though so it depends on what he knows. I think him racing for a religion as Cre is a bit more likely than him racing for Oracle vs. two INDs.
I have to run.

(June 28th, 2013, 15:28)novice Wrote: Sorry, I can't get to it either.

I think Seven could have teched Poly just for the religion. He values religion quite highly, and in a 6 player game you have to make haste. He probably has full C&D going though so it depends on what he knows. I think him racing for a religion as Cre is a bit more likely than him racing for Oracle vs. two INDs.

No problem, it's just that I'm curious. lol

Thanks for the analysis on Seven, that's useful to know. I forgot to look if Seven adopted Slavery already, which could be very useful information.

By the way, everyone else on the map already met Krill (I could tell by the diplo screen "bug"). No player have met all the other players. I think Seven is missing only Serdoa. I'm missing Krill and Krill is missing me.

Any opinion on the GEng play, Novice? Worth it or just cute not-profitable play? I think the Pyramids will be avaiable for a long time, seeing the scarcity of stone, so maybe we could steal it that way. Any idea about how the GP chance formula works?

Buddhism was founded in a distant land... cry

Well, I'll keep with the Oracle plan, since I'm industrious and all. I know it wasn't Thoth who discovered Buddhism, since I have his culture graphs and there's no jump (or the graphs are delayed?). I think it was Kyan.

Another reason to go pester him. If he has an oracle micro, he better have units to protect his micro with.

Ok, Serdoa built Stonehenge and Thoth built the Oracle, so that's not an option anymore. frown Luckily, I didn't waste hammers/food with it, but the beaker loss is bad and I guess I could have avoided it, if I didn't ignore the writing on the wall before. Lesson learned.

I stopped teching to Oracle when there was 1 turn left to finish Meditation. I ran 100% gold last turn. I think I should go writing -> Maths now, maybe with fishing -> sailing somewhere.

There are some developments with Kyan. I think I screwed up his micro pretty badly with my warrior and he has one warrior of his own trying to reach my second city, but I'll have an immortal there before he can do anything close to dangerous. I think I was right about Kyan and the farmers gambit, so that Immortal will be a key point in getting the Moai city.

Pics later today. I had a busy weekend and the turn rate has been pretty sloppy, so it makes it difficult to update properly.

Well you need more settlers and workers anyway (I assume, I haven't opened the save), so not having to spend hammers on the Oracle will be welcome.
I have to run.

(July 2nd, 2013, 15:10)novice Wrote: Well you need more settlers and workers anyway (I assume, I haven't opened the save), so not having to spend hammers on the Oracle will be welcome.

Yes, I need. I want to get some key spots sooner, rather than later. Third city will be settled next turn, I think (I have to rethink this city micro, I think I'll chop a granary with two workers - after improving the cow and bronze -, get that city to size 5 and work 2 scientists, copper, sheep, cow). I'll chop/whip a settler from the 2nd city and chop another worker at the capital.

We'll see. I'm a bit annoyed at myself for not giving up on the Oracle, but I'd also be annoyed if I gave up and end up that I could have gotten it. Either way, I think there's a lot of fun still to be had. I'll have to take a look if Kyan did his homework of securing a strategic resource. devil

So much for trying to choke someone.

There was only one warrior that could hit me. Maybe he could road and attack with another unit, or a chariot from the fog.

No breaks to be catch in this game, it seems. frown

I got revenge on Kyan for the death of my warrior by killing his with my Immortal. It was lower odds than I'd like, but that single warrior could really mess up with all my cities if I didn't take care of him.

I also settle my third city for the copper.

Last turn, though, there were more bad news. Kyan settled the deer/gems spot, thoughtfully telling me that it's his 5th city. I moved my immortal there to take a look, which will probably result in his name being proven false next turn. I thought the trees would give me enough cover, but it seems Kyan's chariot will get 60% odds on it. frown It's also possible to see that Kyan's warrior got 5 xp (!) from his fight against my poor warriors.

Since I can't get the desired gems spot and Kyan is also creative (menaing he'll get the gems no matter where I settle), I decided to settle my next city 1N of the cows. I can improve that city fast enough and it has a lot of forests to chop.

I'm considering trying to raze that Kyan city. It suddenly dawned on me that I can't win this game, so I'll try to at least have fun with it. And fun, for me, is military movements. I won't be a sitting duck waiting to concede like in my previous game. This is always war, after all.

My planned fourth city has good production and chops. I'll get some axes and immortals and I'll go pester Kyan. Mathematics after writing on the research department. I have almost no cottages, so I'll probably make my economy crash and burn - after all, I've lost not only the gems commerce, but its happiness too.

This will be a tale of an agonizing death...

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