2301: Builded 3 explorers
2302: Builded 3 explorers
2307: Vulcan colonized
2308: Builded 1 explorer - 15M sended to Vulcan
2314: Sol start producing Colony
2322: Colony produced and sended to Esper
2326: Esper colonized, 10M sol to Esper 23M Vulcan to Esper. Sol goes Colony and research prop.
2327: Sol start researching 4 range.
2333: Sol produced colony
2335: Esper Build 3 explorers
2336: Esper build 3 explorers
2337: Finished 4 range from being researched.
2341: Start reseaching planetology.
2342: Toranor colonized. After choosing barren, I start knowing my options in tech by spending 5 RP in SOL while building COLONY.
2343: Colony produced sended to centauri
2350: Centauri Colonized. Meets alkari. Trade pact to 75. Alkaris have EXACTLY 1 planet. NAP Signed. (Lazy mistake here)
2359: Kakata taken. (At this point i'm using vulcan mainly and some part of toranor to populate planers, i have vulcan eco to max) Sol is producing colonies and the rest of the planets are building a productive infrastructure.
2360: Altar gets Rich event.
2362: Guradas colonized (I use 1 year later than the one showed on the "on X year planet Y has been colonized" I use the year that i see in the race panel after the year has been colonized)
2363: Sakkras vox get Quake event. ESper start researching barren.
2367: Barren completed. Research on factory 9
2370: Esper start building colony
2371: Toranor start building Colony
2376: Incendius taken, Sol start producing factories.
2377: Industrial 9 finished. Dunubius taken.
2380: Esper start researching 80% industrial waste.
2383: Rha taken, Meet sakra. 150 trade, Nap signed. They have 2 planets.
2384: Tau cygani taken.
2385: Stalaz taken, 80% Industrial waste finished. Improved eco restoration started.
2387: Stopped producing colonies through the empire. Sol, esper, Toranor centaur, full research.
2388: Kakata joined the research production.
2389: Guradas join the research
2390: Finished Improved eco restoration, started +20 terra.
2392: Sol start producing Colony B
2393: Finsihed +20 Started +30(I never got why they removed the 100% option after you finished reserach, I used it a lot and woudl still use it.)
2394: Kronos
2398: Centauri got depleted event
2400: Maloor taken.
2401: Laan taken.
2404: +30 finished Dead environment taken.
2409: Volantis taken, Darloks contacted NAP and 350 Trade.Dead environemtn finished. Mass production of Colony dead started. Soil enrichment started.
2410: Alkari breaks nap
2413: Research comes again.
2414: Everybody threatens me to stop my expansion i convince darkloks that alkaris should be attacked.
2416: Finished soil enrichment, STarted researchign computerse wtih the hope of hitting a robotic factory improvement
2417: ECM 1 finished.
2418: Aquilae colonized.
2419: Rotal colonized.
2420: Romulas colonized ECM2 finished, no robotic control improved space scanner. Start researching propulsion so I can colonize more planets so the council comes and I can finish this.
2421: Range 5 finished, Pycho colonized.
2423: Intertial stabilizer finished. I colonize one planet. Council comes, I vote Myself and win.
Conclusion: This didn't differ much of my human play. Still this was even more lame. I didn't build a single base or a laser in all the game, I never got to war. The AI did nothing. The only reason I didn't win before Is that I shoulda rush dead environment.
While this was an unusual uneventfull game. Most my games on impossible don't differ much from this. Is very common from humans to win the game without ever building a single weapon, and that's why I rank them as the best Race.
2302: Builded 3 explorers
2307: Vulcan colonized
2308: Builded 1 explorer - 15M sended to Vulcan
2314: Sol start producing Colony
2322: Colony produced and sended to Esper
2326: Esper colonized, 10M sol to Esper 23M Vulcan to Esper. Sol goes Colony and research prop.
2327: Sol start researching 4 range.
2333: Sol produced colony
2335: Esper Build 3 explorers
2336: Esper build 3 explorers
2337: Finished 4 range from being researched.
2341: Start reseaching planetology.
2342: Toranor colonized. After choosing barren, I start knowing my options in tech by spending 5 RP in SOL while building COLONY.
2343: Colony produced sended to centauri
2350: Centauri Colonized. Meets alkari. Trade pact to 75. Alkaris have EXACTLY 1 planet. NAP Signed. (Lazy mistake here)
2359: Kakata taken. (At this point i'm using vulcan mainly and some part of toranor to populate planers, i have vulcan eco to max) Sol is producing colonies and the rest of the planets are building a productive infrastructure.
2360: Altar gets Rich event.
2362: Guradas colonized (I use 1 year later than the one showed on the "on X year planet Y has been colonized" I use the year that i see in the race panel after the year has been colonized)
2363: Sakkras vox get Quake event. ESper start researching barren.
2367: Barren completed. Research on factory 9
2370: Esper start building colony
2371: Toranor start building Colony
2376: Incendius taken, Sol start producing factories.
2377: Industrial 9 finished. Dunubius taken.
2380: Esper start researching 80% industrial waste.
2383: Rha taken, Meet sakra. 150 trade, Nap signed. They have 2 planets.
2384: Tau cygani taken.
2385: Stalaz taken, 80% Industrial waste finished. Improved eco restoration started.
2387: Stopped producing colonies through the empire. Sol, esper, Toranor centaur, full research.
2388: Kakata joined the research production.
2389: Guradas join the research
2390: Finished Improved eco restoration, started +20 terra.
2392: Sol start producing Colony B
2393: Finsihed +20 Started +30(I never got why they removed the 100% option after you finished reserach, I used it a lot and woudl still use it.)
2394: Kronos
2398: Centauri got depleted event
2400: Maloor taken.
2401: Laan taken.
2404: +30 finished Dead environment taken.
2409: Volantis taken, Darloks contacted NAP and 350 Trade.Dead environemtn finished. Mass production of Colony dead started. Soil enrichment started.
2410: Alkari breaks nap
2413: Research comes again.
2414: Everybody threatens me to stop my expansion i convince darkloks that alkaris should be attacked.
2416: Finished soil enrichment, STarted researchign computerse wtih the hope of hitting a robotic factory improvement
2417: ECM 1 finished.
2418: Aquilae colonized.
2419: Rotal colonized.
2420: Romulas colonized ECM2 finished, no robotic control improved space scanner. Start researching propulsion so I can colonize more planets so the council comes and I can finish this.
2421: Range 5 finished, Pycho colonized.
2423: Intertial stabilizer finished. I colonize one planet. Council comes, I vote Myself and win.
Conclusion: This didn't differ much of my human play. Still this was even more lame. I didn't build a single base or a laser in all the game, I never got to war. The AI did nothing. The only reason I didn't win before Is that I shoulda rush dead environment.
While this was an unusual uneventfull game. Most my games on impossible don't differ much from this. Is very common from humans to win the game without ever building a single weapon, and that's why I rank them as the best Race.