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WW26: The Masquerade [Game Thread]

(July 23rd, 2013, 17:57)Half-Nose Harry Wrote: He hasn't mentioned Bert as a village lean either. Go and check his posts, the only mention I found of Bert was his first post where he voted Muriel because she had voted Bert due to his "I have a plan". Did you see something on Bert day 1 that I missed? If I was a watcher hoping to catch a wolf in the act of killing, Bert would not have been my first choice of who to watch.

Are you joking? Bert is the one i trust the most as villager. I think watching him is very logical action.

Lady Elizabeth picked a bad target to duel. I believe John, so i prefer he lives.

I believe John, and still don't see any evidence of guilt for him, so Lady Elizabeth.
Honestly, Will/Bert, I think you've easily said enough, that you might as well say the lot as its not going to fool the wolves any.
How many times must I discharge my blunderbuss?

As it stands, I have a strong village lean on Elizabeth and do not trust Scarlet John, so I will remain voting for John in the duel. If Bert/Will can corroborate his story tho, then I will change to Elizabeth, since that would move John more towards confirmed than Elizabeth, and watcher is a strong role.

shakehead The guy just outed our power role, on top of all the other stuff, and people are STILL believing he's a villager?

Muriel, you should read again. John posted his reveal after Bert told people not to vote Will.

(July 23rd, 2013, 04:27)Bert The Bard Wrote: Also, as pointed out on day 1 by Widow Edith and Fat Rose, it's odd that Short Richard votes Percy when he uses "too angry" as a town tell on Muriel. Richard does retort that he does not view Percy as angry, but Percy did accuse town of throwing the game and called Short Richard "Tiny Dick".

Other general scum tells on Short Richard is the attempt to start off topic discussions (why do you think LL is MJW?) and the need to point out when he's online and offline, and rushing to get a vote in. Feels like scum striving for all the activity points he can get. At the same time, he dismissed Percy as "rambling" and said that he "didn't have a clue what you [Fat Rose] were saying in the rest of your post, you lost me with that much text." So he is maybe more interested in appearing active than in actually doing his job.

So tentatively, Short Richard.

I didn't say that I thought Muriel was too angry, I thought she was too confrontational. I think that scum are more likely to slink away than to argue head-on. Percival felt angry against at the world instead of fighting head-on. As for lurking... I'm here now.

(July 23rd, 2013, 04:43)Muriel The Slow Wrote: Not only that, but this is horrible villager play; First, you announce that you gave up, which means wolves will never lynch you which would have been the best way to go if you are a villager who can't play anymore. Trying to make the villagers lynch you and being a martyr is nothing but super lazy villager play especially when it won't even help us catch a wolf. Then finally you come back and start making arguments even though you just admitted you don't have the time or the energy, but somehow you are suddenly reinvigorated and can participate like anyone else?

(July 23rd, 2013, 17:29)Half-Nose Harry Wrote: @ Scarlet John
Why would you be assumed to be faking if you post something? If the village is pushing people for not contributing, and then they contribute, I don't see how that leads to them being automatically lynched for faking it. The whole point of pushing someone for not posting is to get them to post so we can get a read on them. If you come off as scummy then yes people may stay on you, but it's a fallacious argument to say that you will be lynched just for posting. You're creating a fabricated no-win situation you say you're in and it seems incredibly scummy.

Agree with Harry here.

(July 23rd, 2013, 17:15)Muriel The Slow Wrote: It's John's last moment of defiance. And it's a nice move. He's right about Bert and Will not being subtle about their connection, which is also how a wolf could make this kind of a move. By calling out one as the power role, he has 50% chance of being right. If he was right, sure some might be convinced and he might live, but that's a long shot. What the wolves will gain, no matter if he's right or wrong, is the identity of a power role. This is why we can't confirm or disprove John's claim. Let the wolves take their 50% shot instead of a 100% one next night. And this is true even if John is a villager, though if he was, I'd add outing our power role in the long list of anti-village plays he has done this game.

You want Will to withhold the information that can tell if John's lying? Muriel.

Elizabeth, since I'm not feeling any particularly strong conviction on either of them.

(July 23rd, 2013, 17:22)Widow Edith Wrote: But how did Bert know that Will visited him and is a villager? and especially why would the GM be a bastard if Will is scum?

Where did Bert say Will visited him?

I'm getting village leans on Rob and Saul, though I'll admit that's a gut reaction that their cases on Muriel felt good.

Still getting null tells from Elizabeth and Sister Mary.

Scarlet John. I was originally quite annoyed at this whole duel thing, but now, I'm thinking that it was not so callously used as I initially thought. For one, it allowed us to more easily talk about other thingss besides "we need to kill John" and "no we don't." It will hopefully also provide a fair bit of extra info.

Uh, I meant Scarlet John

Oh also, whomever was accusing me of decidin that I want to lynch Muriel, then justifying it...I'm not quite sure what to say to you. I mean, even from the beginning she was promoting a patently false assumption regarding last names. She might not have appeared as much of a scum initially to me, bu she certainty didn't strike me as trustworthy at any point.

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