As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[Spoilers] Old Harry's Game

Turn 165

Theology in.

Christianity founded - I'll send the missionary to Barnet to increase the happy cap if I get free religion at any point...

Hydra completed assembly line this turn, but didn't declare. His power is now below mine and he doesn't have the cash to upgrade units. I think he'll start drafting and upgrading next turn, but won't be able to attack for five turns. Next turn I'll decide whether to revolt to rep/bureau.

Power after I end turn:


I think you're in the clear, for now. assembly line isn't really a quick fix. if you want to draft, it takes 2 pop instead of one - better to take the time to build factories and pump out infantry and cannons that way.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

Turn 166

Still no war, but Hydra's power jumped this turn and he revolted to Nationalism/Hereditary Rule. However he's building a fort here, so I think Bigger is right - he's trying to set up defences and won't be coming after me in the next five turns. Sorry lurkers. In five turns time I'll probably go to Theocracy/Police State/Nationalism and go all out units, but before that... mischief

I'll revolt to Rep/Bureau this turn (after drafting), I think Rep is better than Universal Suffrage - although I have 18 towns to get the extra hammer from (half of which get the bureau 50% bonus) I'm short of beakers at the minute and don't have money to complete builds. I'll spend the next 5 turns building banks in all the commerce cities and running a lot of scientists.

For tech path I'm thinking Mil Trad for Cavalry then Sci Meth, Liberalism, Communism for economy followed by compass, optics, Astronomy, Physics for better ships and air ships. Although this last bit could be replaced by Economics, Corporation, Steam Power, Railroad, Assembly Line for better units. In any case I plan to have Communism by the next time I can revolt. Not sure how exactly just yet.

I think this game is going to last a lot longer, so I wonder if I should put together a determined attack against Serdoa or Azza to save them the trouble of playing it? Or would that just give Hydra the space he needs to attack me?

Power after turn roll. Is that drafted infantry?


communism would be nice. can you post the gnp graph?

infantry will be much better than airships, though. of course I know physics is quicker than assembly line, w/ hydra already there you shouldnt put it off too long.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

Turn 167

Nothing happened. Which I'm taking as a good sign...

This shows Hydra's run to Assembly Line - partly golden age powered IIRC. My spike is putting 100% into Military Tradition which I complete this turn. I'll also complete three banks which should boost my break even science rate (from 40%)

Hydra did some more drafting...



Turn 168

Again not much going on. I'm going to research compass with the overflow from Mil Trad and build some harbours next turn. Not sure what will be next after that, probably Liberalism, but optics unlocks the Astronomy lightbulb (after Sci Meth obviously). Hydra continued to draft, but a little less this turn.

Turn 169

Another quiet one, I'm getting Liberalism this turn.

Hydra has a lot of Espionage Points against me, so I assume he can see a bunch of my cities. I've got my stack stashed somewhere I think he can't see and halfway between the possible points that he can attack.

Power (after turn end) - don't worry I can start drafting again in a couple of turns. scared


that power doesnt look bad as long as you're the defender. better than the last time he attacked, hehe.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

Yeah, I think I'm trying to tempt him to try the same drill again, right now that should work out brilliantly for me, but if he can keep drafting (infantry costs two pop right?) in five turns it might get a bit messy...

Turn 170

I lol ed at the tech popup this turn - apparently Liberalism leads to Communism. Someone tell Fox News! I'll get Communism next turn, then the turn after revolt to Police State/Nationalism/Caste System/State Property/Theocracy.

I've lost graphs on Hydra by 6 EPs, is it an exploit to look at them after I end turn? I'd argue not because he's earlier than me in turn order and I've only had an equal chance to spy after the end of my turn. In any case he's still expanding the power gap. alright


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