I get home later than usual this Saturday but I hear people still want to gvg.... this is double rewards weekend, and on top of that saturday will be the Zaishen Quest, which should bring out a whole lot of teams and faction.
For build, I am working on a more balanced hexway mockup, but thumpers could work well if we need to use heroes most of the time. Or we can do another round of SF eles if people prefer that. The top teams are switching away from split builds, I'm just hoping people around our level will follow suit so we can mosh them into a pulp instead of getting outplayed like usual.
For build, I am working on a more balanced hexway mockup, but thumpers could work well if we need to use heroes most of the time. Or we can do another round of SF eles if people prefer that. The top teams are switching away from split builds, I'm just hoping people around our level will follow suit so we can mosh them into a pulp instead of getting outplayed like usual.