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Okey: I'll try to crack some demographics now. Made Excel-spreadsheet, but I can't exactly promise that I'm going to crack everything, but I may try to gather info as much as possible.
Shall we use dropbox or something like that?
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized
August 28th, 2013, 16:13
(This post was last modified: August 28th, 2013, 16:29 by Arkipeller.)
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Oh... two questions and one suggestion:
1: The Average counter - Does it always round down or to the closest whole number?
2: The BNP/Gold is counted as Com+Cult+Esp+(Research*Bonuses) - expenses), saying that both of the cultural empires started with 20 in BNP (Simulated). The question is: 9 com + 4 cult + 4 spypoints + 9 research does not equal 20, so what do I count wrongly here?
Suggestion: When taking Demo shots: Could you note down the players that have already made their moves?
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized
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Due demo capture at turn 0 was done before both of the Creative Leaders had their city settled, we actually know that at least a third civ must have worked a tile with commerce, since there was a 20 Gold leader before creatives starting. By now it seems that this leader had to be the sumerian team, if not shared with other teams.
A 20 commerce + a middle ground of 5x 16 + three not started at turn 0 will suggest that all the other started teams at that points went for tiles with commerce.
Both we and the Byzantines gained Hunting this turn (turn 7), since there was an increase in average power.
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized
August 28th, 2013, 18:53
(This post was last modified: August 28th, 2013, 18:54 by WilliamLP.)
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(August 28th, 2013, 16:13)Arkipeller Wrote: Oh... two questions and one suggestion:
1: The Average counter - Does it always round down or to the closest whole number?
Everything in the F9 demo screen is rounded down.
Quote:2: The BNP/Gold is counted as Com+Cult+Esp+(Research*Bonuses) - expenses), saying that both of the cultural empires started with 20 in BNP (Simulated). The question is: 9 com + 4 cult + 4 spypoints + 9 research does not equal 20, so what do I count wrongly here?
Maybe your equation should be gold income for the first term, rather than commerce?
A CRE leader on a normal starting city makes 9+1 BPT at 100% (there's always a mysterious extra beaker, no matter what). If they are researching a tech with 1 prereq they get an extra 20% beakers (10 + 2), so the GNP score is 12 (research) + 4 (culture) + 4 (espionage), and that's your 20.
I've found this post extremely helpful:
Among many surprising things about the demos is that life expectancy in years is actually a percentage calculation.
Also, this link for score is useful:
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Turn 7 is here!
One other team besides us had a score increase from tech this turn - the EggHeads. They must have researched either Hunting or Fishing from the time taken. Judging by the increase in rival average soldier count, it must have been Hunting.
Revealed a decent food resource at last - Corn! Also a tasty 3f/3c Oasis tile next to it, which will allow the Corn to be irrigated with fresh water. And all within range of the Gold without a border expansion too. Sweet!
Looks like a city 1S of the Gold might be ideal, depending on what else we reveal. Shall we move Hugh the Scout 2NE onto the Oasis next turn to check what the tile 1S of the Corn is? Or we could move 2E to get visibility across another lake before moving 1NE-1NW to the Oasis. Thoughts?
Switched to work the grassland-forest at the capital while finishing the Work Boat, as discussed earlier. Next turn we'll net the Fish and start working that tasty 5f/3c tile while building our first Worker.
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Nice, the gold site is much better than expected!
I'd definitely favor ending the scout's turn on defensive terrain in case of animals, so 2E.
The tile bleed 1S of gold looks like desert I think? If so, there's probably little point in scouting it now.
A competing option for the second city would be 1E of gold, to use the sheep from the capital immediately. It's probably only viable with immediate Henge though, and even then the corn is so good it might be inferior not to get it improved ASAP.
August 28th, 2013, 19:49
(This post was last modified: August 28th, 2013, 19:50 by Lord Parkin.)
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(August 28th, 2013, 11:23)WilliamLP Wrote: I hate to say it but the west looks a little uninspiring to me. That lake would be fantastic if there were a spot to work it with a lighthouse, but I don't think there is?
It's not exactly great. I suppose we could farm the two flood plains and make a half-decent city nearby, though it pains me to do so as a Financial leader.
(August 28th, 2013, 11:23)WilliamLP Wrote: The east looks more interesting right now, with the forests and grass river network.
Yeah, looking forward to exploring over there.
(August 28th, 2013, 15:15)Arkipeller Wrote: Okey: I'll try to crack some demographics now. Made Excel-spreadsheet, but I can't exactly promise that I'm going to crack everything, but I may try to gather info as much as possible.
Shall we use dropbox or something like that?
Dropbox is fine, though I find it's easiest to keep track of a spreadsheet you can view and edit online (like through Google Docs). Either way works though.
(August 28th, 2013, 16:13)Arkipeller Wrote: Suggestion: When taking Demo shots: Could you note down the players that have already made their moves?
Actually that information is already contained in the screenies. Every player with an asterisk (*) to the left of their name had ended their turn at the time the screenie was taken. I suppose you could check Civstats to confirm that they didn't log in again afterwards or another team didn't log in beforehand without finishing turn, but in general the * should be a fairly accurate indicator of who's no longer making changes to tiles and techs.
(August 28th, 2013, 17:08)Arkipeller Wrote: Due demo capture at turn 0 was done before both of the Creative Leaders had their city settled, we actually know that at least a third civ must have worked a tile with commerce, since there was a 20 Gold leader before creatives starting. By now it seems that this leader had to be the sumerian team, if not shared with other teams.
A 20 commerce + a middle ground of 5x 16 + three not started at turn 0 will suggest that all the other started teams at that points went for tiles with commerce.
Hmm, I'd be surprised if they all did. The Expansive leaders (Eagles & Condors, Yossadorn, EggHeads) almost certainly would have worked a 3 hammer tile if they could (to get a bonus on their first Worker). Eagles & Condors started with Fishing so could have done a Work Boat start, though that's less than ideal as an Expansive leader. The other teams that started with Fishing (Dinosaurs and Gladiator's Glory) may have gone for a Work Boat first, and working a 3 hammer tile would also make sense there.
Will look into this more later.
(August 28th, 2013, 17:08)Arkipeller Wrote: Both we and the Byzantines gained Hunting this turn (turn 7), since there was an increase in average power.
Oh right... just noticed you'd already noticed this.
August 29th, 2013, 02:17
(This post was last modified: August 29th, 2013, 02:19 by Lord Parkin.)
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Turn 8
We're #1 in GNP! At least, temporarily.  That's thanks to the Fish and the double prerequisite bonus on Animal Husbandry.
Blame Caledorn got a tech this turn. Given the high probability that they've been working a 3 hammer tile due to being Expansive and not starting with Fishing, they've almost certainly been generating 10 beakers/turn, so must have researched Mining or Mysticism. As they started with Mysticism, it must have been Mining that they teched. This matches up with the increase in rival average soldier count.
More Crabbiness! Could potentially get both Crabs and the Deer with a single city, though hooking up the other Crab might require a fort or city on the other lake (assuming they're not connected).
Next turn's scouting move: 1NE-1SE? Nice to keep ending turns on defensive terrain, just as an insurance policy.
Netted the Fish and switched the citizen to work it. Began building our Worker, which will be ready on T18.
August 29th, 2013, 02:29
(This post was last modified: August 29th, 2013, 02:30 by Lord Parkin.)
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(August 28th, 2013, 19:31)WilliamLP Wrote: Nice, the gold site is much better than expected!
Yeah, had been starting to think the south might be as barren as the west. Glad it's not.
(August 28th, 2013, 19:31)WilliamLP Wrote: I'd definitely favor ending the scout's turn on defensive terrain in case of animals, so 2E.
(August 28th, 2013, 19:31)WilliamLP Wrote: The tile bleed 1S of gold looks like desert I think? If so, there's probably little point in scouting it now.
You're probably right. Could be Incense or something there, but most likely not. We'll be able to use a Warrior to uncover the tile before we finalize a settlement decision anyway, assuming our Scout doesn't get around to revealing it before then.
(August 28th, 2013, 19:31)WilliamLP Wrote: A competing option for the second city would be 1E of gold, to use the sheep from the capital immediately. It's probably only viable with immediate Henge though, and even then the corn is so good it might be inferior not to get it improved ASAP.
I guess, but the capital will probably want to be using that Sheep a fair chunk of the time. And a 10+ turn delay on hooking up the Corn isn't trivial either. Best to do a sim once we know more about the territory over there - still a chance (albeit slim) that we could reveal more resources within reach of the Gold next turn.
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after worker and warrior?would be a second settler yeat?
Team 'we will eat you heart while its still beating and we are just lying to you to keep you calm before we attack you' Pitboss 14