Turn 10
Dinosaurs and Care Bears both researched techs this turn.
Care Bears settled on Turn 1 (as opposed to Turn 0 like everyone else), so they must have researched a 9-turn tech. Given their Mysticism/Mining start and likely working a 3f/1c tile while building their non-Expansive Worker (combined with their probable plains-hill capital tile), it was most likely Agriculture or The Wheel that they researched. Soldiers didn't change between turns, so it must have been Agriculture.
As for the Dinosaurs, they must have researched a 10-turn tech. Bit hard to determine here, unless they switched research partway through. They wouldn't have had enough time to research AH, Sailing or BW by now even if working a 3c tile the whole game. Probably not Masonry either. Judging by the lack of an increase in soldier count, I'm going to bet on Agriculture. The other possibility is Mysticism, but that would be a bit of a dud first tech.
So most likely both teams researched Agriculture.
We won the battle against the Wolf taking no damage and gaining 1 XP.
Silver to the south! Not in a particularly appealing location, but could grab it along with a Crab in a later city.
Next turn we could move Hugh the Scout either 1N-1NE or 2E. I'm inclined towards 1N-1NE because it will reveal tiles we're more likely to want to settle with a second city. Also moving 2E looks like it would restrict us to 1 move the following turn due to forest tiles, whereas 1N-1NE looks like it has open plains for us to make 2 moves on the following turn.