Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Maniac's Imperium 23 - Back after a long absence

Sooooo... I've been away for a while... doing other things... running on-line RPG's, doing some work with Sci-fi conventions like Dragon*Con and TimeGate among others, being sick for a while, spending more time with my family (being sick really makes you appreciate them), and, well, you name it. I'm a really diverse person I guess. People tell me I am anyhow.

Through this time, I never lost my love of MoO, and I'd play a game now and then, it's just, well, I had other things I wanted to do. Then, the other day, my gf started playing a game of MoO and, well, I decided I wanted to play one as well. Then another, and a third... After a couple of more games to get back in practice, I dropped by RB hoping the Imperiums were still going on, did some test games with kyrub's patch, and... well...

RefSteel Wrote:It's good to see you around again, Maniac! I must admit I really miss your Imperium reports, though I realize they can take a lot of time.

Well, gee, you sure know how to make a guy feel good! How could I not play and report the latest Imperium after that?

Answer: I couldn't.

Unfortunately, I wasn't sure if I'd have time to do a really good report or not, and said as much.

RefSteel Wrote:I hope you get the chance - but my recollection is that even thrown-together reports you didn't consider "really good" have been very enjoyable to read, so I'm looking forward to it regardless!

Well, gee, I don't know if I agree with that. My Imperium 2 and 3 reports are, frankly, awful. My Imperium 4 and 5 ones are average at best, and I probably got a little exploitative in the game play (although, I feel that I had a reasonable excuse to ask for that war declaration in Imperium 5. A chance to win in 2349 happens how often?) My Imperium 1 and 7 ones were pretty good... though a lot of my pictures for the Imperium 7 report seem to have been "eaten", which makes the read a lot less entertaining now than it was when I originally posted it, since it is very picture intensive... I might go back and try to find/restore those missing some rainy afternoon. Not sure if I could find them though.

I expect the ones RefSteel is remembering are Imperium's 10 and 11, which, I have to say, I am quite proud of, although I think the actual games themselves were very memorable, which definitely enhanced the quality of reports.

If you are expecting another Imperium 7 style "Day of the Darloks" variant, an Imperium 10 "Peaceful Conquest" run, or a successful Uniting the Triad kind of game and report... I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. I actually did not play this one for score, or add any home brew variant approach this time. I just played to win.

The "in character" stuff for this report is being written as I post, and I'm not entirely sure where it's going, so... There will be no time to edit/revise anything, so if I make a few errors here and there in the story, you will just have to live with them. You're going to get the rough draft for the finished product, and you will like it! (erm, I hope...)

For the record (and for my own beneift for finding them easier in the future): here are my previous Imperium reports if anyone is interested...

Imperium 1 Shadow -
Imperium 2 -
Imperium 3 -
Imperium 4 -
Imperium 5 -
Imperium 6 does not exist.
Imperium 7 -
I need to report imperium 8. I played it ages ago unspoiled. It's notes and pictures are on the desktop somewhere...
Imperium 9 does not exist.
Imperium 10 -
Imperium 11 -

OK, more than enough self-indulgence from me. Onward to the game report! (Pieces of which will be posted as they are completed)

EDIT: Removed the "spolier" score info, since RefSteel has already taken note of it, and it will be posted momentarily in my final post of this report.
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

As per usual, the Turn log is in normal text. The "story" is in blue.


Hmm, this is NOT the setup I would have chosen for my first Imperium in a while. I really hate the Meklars on Impossible. I'm not making this up. I said this all the way back in my Imperium 4 report! I especially dislike them on smaller maps. I rarely ever do well with them, although the last few times, when I have NOT waited to max factories before starting colony ships, I have done better.

So, Meklars... While I WILL score the event, I won't be "playing for score". I'm not going for the just settle 2 or 3 planets then win by waring ant taking over the entire galaxy as fast as possible routine, which is the way to "win" this event's scoring. I'll be happy just to win this time.

Speaking of maps... that's a crap-ton of dead space near the home world. The lack of stars in the area is really disconcerting... Just look at this...

[Image: imperium231.jpg]

Of definite concern is that star circled in red. If an AI starts there, particularly if it's the Sillicoids, but even potentially the Humans or Psilons, I'm probably going to get choked off very early. I'll have to fight for every planet I can get down there if that's the case, and it is my intention to do so if necessary.

An AI starting at the stars circled in orange could also be a problem if they are willing/able to move aggressively towards the choke.

I also circled a star in purple. That star is only a minor concern, but, if an AI does not start there, it leaves open the remote possibility of poaching some stars across the dead space near that star.

With this in mind, if there are habitable stars down there and I run into early scouts, it is my plan to build LR Lasers and fighters to fight for every habitable planet down there if it seems feasible that I might get them. I really hope that both those stars to the north are habitable, so that I can at least get a few planets...


Do NOT read delusions of grandeur on my part into the story that follows. I'm not in any way, shape, or form claiming to be anywhere approaching the best MoO player around here, nor trying to make light of the reporting skills of anyone else. I'm sure there are LOTS of good reports up here that I haven't taken time to read yet, and won't until I get a chance to play those Imperia unspoiled myself!

Also, do NOT read anything into the report about my feelings for anyone here, either positive OR ESPECIALLY negative. (Actually, I have nothing negative to say about anyone I've ever interacted with here in the MoO section!) PARTICULARLY not Sulla, who's a great guy and was one hell of a fun person to play MP Civ with back in the day. I'm just trying to write a funny, satirical report, and this is the only angle that came to mind for this game and time has run out to come up with anything else. Any resemblance to anyone, living, dead, or anywhere in between is PURELY satirical.


Lord Todd Marshall was bored. Being an Orionian had it's perks, sure. His race could control their own environment, they could live forever, baring accident, they had the ability to travel through space and time, as well as to bend the very laws of their own universe to their whims. However, his race rarely ever used their great powers, being usually content simply to observe others, and gather knowledge... which, in Lord Marshall's opinion, was all very boring.

On this day, a day that, as far as Todd Marshal (known to his friends as Maniac for his rather erratic behaviour) was concerned, was even more boring that usual, he was laying around looking over some new embryonic material put together by someone named kyrub. This stuff, he thought, might actually be able to provide enjoyable experiences for a change.

Suddenly, he realized he had a visitor.

"Hi Maniac." Said a voice behind him. The voice belonged to someone known as RefSteel.

"Hello, RefSteel. Long time no see. What brings you to see me?" asked Maniac, as he turned to face his unexpected company.

"Well, I don't know if you are aware of the fact, but, I've been placed in charge of the Imperia project... the one testing the races of the realms beyond Orion..." RefSteel's voice trailed off.

"Ah, really? I was unaware." Maniac responded flatly, trying to appear disinterested. "I thought Sulla was placed in charge of that department after Sirian left."

"He was... but..." RefSteel's voice trailed off again.

"But now it's your department. Congratulations." Maniac said unemotionally.

"Thanks." said RefSteel.

A rather uncomfortable moment of silence ensued, during which Maniac looked back down at the screen with kyrub's material on it. Why wasn't it doing exactly what it was supposed to, he wondered. Perhaps it was some strange system setting... After a few moments passed, he relized RefSteel wasn't going away, so he spoke again.

"So, you're in charge of testing the races of the realms beyond orion now... is that all you came to tell me?" asked Maniac.

"Err, well... yeah... I mean, I was rather hoping that..." said RefSteel rather clumsily.

"You were rather hoping that I'd take part in them again now that you were in charge? Is that what you've come to say?" asked Maniac.

"Well, yeah, it is. Look, I don't know why you droped out... what if anything happened between you and Sulla that caused you to drop out of service after the 12th mission, but I know you were one of the original Imperium members, serving under Sirian himself. I know you took part in all of the missions lead by him, even the mysterious missions six and nine, though the contents of those were never released to the public, and, to this day, are so classified that not even I can access them." RefSteel said.

"Yeah, that is all true. What of it? For twelve missions, I subjected myself to being less than omnipotent, less than fully immortal. I took part in the testing other races of all sorts, trying to determine wich if anyo of them might be worthy of ascinding to our continuum. I served in all kinds of hellish realms beyond Orion. Twelve times I put my very existence on the line so that we could try to gain a better understanding of other races. I did stuff so secret that I can't even speak to you about it...

Does it not occur to you that, maybe, just maybe, after all those missions, after putting my very existance on the line time after time, all I want is to spend time here peacefully observing like the rest of you? Maybe I enjoy watching our own suns in the sky, hearing the crunch real Orinian dirt makes under my feet.You know, one of these times I'll lose one of these stupid conflicts, my race will be exterminated, and I WONT come back. I don't want to end up dead, like Geode, or Prrsha. Ahhh, Prrsha, what a waste of a really hot babe that was. Whats worse, you know, *I* had to kill them for the mission to succeed? Well, OK, I enjoyed killing that ass Krungo, I'll admit that, but do you think I LIKE that I had to kill the resto of them?" Maniac asked hotly. So, you tell me, WHY should I go back?" Mainac finished.

"It sounds like you memorized that speech, Maniac. Who are you trying to convince, me, or you?" RefSteel asked.

Maniac had no answer, so RefSteel continued.

"As for why you should come back... because, however much you deny it, even to yourself, you miss the thrill of it all, especially of the battles." RefSteel finished.

Maniac didn't initially respond, but instead, just tilted his head back and closed his eyes, thoughts of Imperia missions past running through his head.

RefSteel waited patiently for a response that seemed as if it would never come. Just as he was about to give up all hope and leave, Maniac opened his eyes and said simply "When do I leave?"

RefSteel smiled and said "As soon as you're ready. The others are already assembled."

"Now's good." Maniac said. He got to his feet and the two began walking to the Imperial office. Who's with me?" asked Maniac.

"Yalara, Drupp, Carnax, Strader, and Dynalon" replied RefSteel.

"Carnax? I thought he was dead." Maniac said surprised.

"No, that was just a cover used by the AQ department sometime back." Responded RefSteel.

"I don't know most of those folks, though that Strader is a standup chap as far as I remember. You really know how to recruit, you know. I thought you were going to tell me that you wanted me back because of my experience, and that I was the best, and all that stuff. I probably would have said no had you done that, you know." said Maniac, continuing to walk alongside RefSteel.

RefSteel stopped in his tracks and had a very surprised look on his face. "Good heavens, no. I'd never have done that. You'd have seen through a line of crap like that a mile away." RefSteel chuckled.

"So, wait, if that's not... why did you want me back then?" Maniac asked.

"You really thought I wanted you back because you were good? Refsteel chuckled. No, It's simple really. While there are lots of others who are as good or better at completing the tests, most of the others write boring reports. You generally approach things in an... odd way. I like reading your reports. It breaks up the tedium." RefSteel said.

"You like reading my reports? That's IT? You bastard!" laughed Maniac.

"That's really it." RefSteel replied.

"So what's the mission?"

The two resumed walking.

"Well, it's pretty simple. About as straight forward as any of the missions have been in ages. We're testing the behavior of six different races that have the potential to one day rise up and defeat us under differing conditions. You're going to become a Meklar..." RefSteel said.

"Ugh! Not a Meklar... Is it too late to back out?" Maniac laughed.

RefSteel laughed as well "Yes, it's too late. We want you to lead a group of Meklars. This particular group is very industrious, and doesn't like to expand rapidly. We want to see if they can compete with the other races effectively even though they don't have many planets..."

"Great... just great. I hope I susvive long enough to entertain him with my report..." Maniac though.

2300: The yellow star is obviously the choice over the white star for the colony ship, not just because of the obvious higher chance of having a good planet, but also because, the way the start looks, it is probably "small map" urgent to move coreward. Colony ship sent to the Yellow Star, both scouts sent to the red star, so that one can be redirected somewhere else brought in range by the new colony at the yellow star... hopefully!

Somewhere on Orion...

"What the hell do you mean something went wrong, technician? It's not the alt+scramble virus is it? I thought that was taken care of." Asked an alarmed RefSteel.

"No, it's not alt+scramble... It seems something to have something to do with the latest transporter 1.3 patch.... when the races were being beamed down to the test galaxy their personalities were somehow... scrambled..." the technician responded nervously

Please note, I did NOT really scramble the personalities!

"So, what you're telling me is we don't really know what personality traits the races and our own people were given?" RefSteel asked in alarm?

"That's correct sir. Some were affected more than others... we don't know the extent of it all... I'm sorry..." the technician said.

Strugging to control his temper, RefSteel said simply. "Very well... Get out. Now!"

"Yes Sir." Said the technician, who couldn't get out fast enough.

RefSteel sat down at his desk. "Dammit!" he thought. "Well, this will be an interesting test alright... a test of a different sort... So much for Pacifistic Psilons, Honorable Humans, Xenophobic Sillicoids, Ruthless Mrrshans, Aggressive Bulrathi, and Erratic Meklars... And Maniac had been a perfect Erratic too... He was always doing all kinds of weird shit that the missions specs didn't call for..."

Meanwhile, down on Meklon.

"What a craphole of a galaxy I've been dumped into here." pouted Maniac, now known to his Meklar followers as RBO-23. He poured himself a mineral oil drink.

"How the hell did I let myself get talked into being a damn Meklar... At least there was never really any choice of where to send the colony ship to in this galaxy. That yellow stat BETTER be habitable or we're not getting many planets." he thought as he quaffed his beverage.

"There's nothing but dead space around here. On top of it, Ref was crazy if he though these guys weren't willing to expand quickly. These are some of the most expansionist Meklar I've ever seen. I wonder if he did this on purpose to throw me off... I don't know what he's playing at, but I'm not going to tell these guys they cant grab as many planets as they can, regardless of how it affects his plans. I just hope I haven't been set up to fail somehow, and that I can get out of this one alive... Damn I hate Meklar!" he pouted.

2302: Well, this looks good...

[Image: imperium232.jpg]

2303: After settling, we discover that only one more star is brought within 6 parsecs of our space, so we'll only need 4 scouts for now. I redesign the scout and whip them up, while sending 14 million to Primodius.

2304: Scouts fan out. Three million more trickled to Primodius.

2305: Three million more trickled to Primodius.

Scouts arrive at the Red planet and find this:

[Image: imperium233.jpg]

Maniac sat alone in his office, looking over the reports from his space program in disbelief. "OK, that tears it. There is definitely something wrong with these guys." Maniac thought to himself.

"No Meklar in his right mind would WANT to settle on this this crappy, no mineral ocean planet, let alone one that is supposed to be anti-expansionist. The production levels will be terrible. It will be practically slave labor for anyone who settles there. It will take a hundred years to get that planet to a proper level of factories, and even then, it won't be suitable for much other than to do research." he thought, as he continued flipping through the pages of the Maretta report.

"All that damn water will be shorting out everything. Yet, some of my followers still want to go. Hell, one of them even suggested it would be a great place to train marines! I guess he's got a point. Anyway, Ref's got some explaining to do at the first senate vote... I've got a feeling there has been a major cock-up of some sort, but we'll just have to ride things out for now... Good thing we're production experts. If I can't talk the crazy colonists out of wanting to go there, we'll have to build fleets to protect it one of these days most likely...Oh, damn, I'm late for my date with d0R4!" Maniac though, and he hurriedly put on his coat, and slipped out of his office.

This is NOT good, especially if it winds up being the planet on point in a war any year soon. It will have to be defended with fleets...

2306: Scout redirected from Maretta to the green planet south of it. Three million more trickled to Primordius.

Scouts turn up unexpectedly good news in the north.

[Image: imperium234.jpg]

Very nice find for a white star. I've seen better, mind you, (Size 75 Desert Ultra Rich comes to mind), but, nevertheless, very good news for this map to find a large habitable there.

2307: A final 1 million is sent off to Primodius.

Uh oh... Looks like someone started at red star...

[Image: imperium235.jpg]

It's just a scout, but still, it's concerning. Later in the turn...

[Image: imperium236.jpg]

Maniac sat at the end of his girlfriend's bed. "Dammit, that scout that showed up the other day at Maretta really screwed up everything. These crazy expansionist proponents just don't understand, we can't just drop everything and grab those planets right away, strange scout ship or not!" Maniac exclaimed to his girlfriend.

"Why not, dear?" asked d0R4-mo0n.

"Because, not only would it take years, absolute YEARS to build another colony ship right now. We're Meklars, we build factories. We're Meklars, damnit, not Sakkra!"

"What are Sakkra?" d0R4 asked.

"Never mind... What's important is that this premature expansion craze could collapse our entire economy, and set our technology levels back years! We can't go building colony ships now! We must build more factories first! They MUST listen to reason to reason!" Maniac insisted fervently.

"Yes dear, now, worry about it tomorrow. Come to bed." replied his shiny lady.

"Yes dear." replied Maniac, with a broad smile on his cybernetic face.

2308: Our final 2 scouts arrive at their destinations and find the following:

[Image: imperium237.jpg]

[Image: imperium238.jpg]

Maniac sat in his room with his girlfriend, flipping through holo-vid channels. "You know, you'd THINK finding all these planets that we could live on would make people calm down and realize there's no mad rush to colonize them all, wouldn't you?" Maniac asked.

"Yes, you'd think." replied d0R4-mo0n.

"But instead, all it's made them want to do is colonize everywhere as fast as possible. I just don't understand it all." Mainiac said forlornly.

"I don't know how much longer I can hold these looneys back, Ref." I'm afraid I might have to cave and start expanding soon. I hope it doesn't invalidate your experiment...

What a fascinating medium sized map. Every star that is scoutable is habitable, and within 3 parsecs of the next star in the chain! Highly unusual to be able to grab (potentially) seven start on ANY map with no research at all, especially on a map this size. Now, to somehow manage to really tank my score by grabbing them all... lol

2310: A Psilon scout shows up at Ryoun! Ugh! I don't need MORE competition for these planets! I really hope I can get that star, but it's looking rather dubious. Any turn now, someone will show up with one stinking fighter...

2313: The home planet is finally able to make a medium hull long range laser ship (dubbed Scimitar in this game) in one turn. I'm going to make 4 of these, two for each Maretta and Ryoun. It won't save the planets if they send a grand fleet at them, or even a well armed colony ship but, even on impossible it usually takes them 45 or so years to start arming the colony ships. What these things WILL do is blow up those 1 or 2 fighter sorties, which are what you commonly see at this point in the game.

Oh crap, more competition! A Silicod scout shows up at Maretta. We run it off of course, but thats THREE people after this planet now!


Helllo again, this is GNN ace news reporter P3c-0h coming to you live with a report from our planets capital. Prime minister RBO-23 and his Industrialist coalition has aparently avoided facing a recall vote by coming to terms with the rival expansionist party rivals on a compromise plan.

According to a plan, over the next several years, our space program will produce ships that will defend our new planets until our economy and production base can be made strong enough to be able to produce colony ships full time.

Leaders on both sides of the isle are hailing this as a landmark victory.

2314: Scimitar dispatched to Ryoun.

2315: Scimitar dispatched to Maretta

2316: Scimitar dispatched to Ryoun.

2317: Scimitar dispatched to Maretta. I design a laser fighter (dubbed Arrow) to defend Klystron. I'll send them to Klystron over the next 2 years.

2318: Arrows sent to Klystron

2319: Arrows sent to Klystron. The home planet returns to factories.

2322: The GNN Robot shows up with the following, unsurprising information. Hopefully that will keep their attn diverted away from expanding this direction for a while.

[Image: imperium239.jpg]

The humans show up at Ryoun just as the second of my Scimitars arrive... A colony ship and seven... SEVEN... yikes ... scouts. Had you worried :neenernee We send them packing.


Leaders confirmed today that another race did indeed try to colonize the habitable planet in the Ryoun system, but that they turned and fled when our glorious fleet of Scimitar fighters moved into contest their presence. Both major parties are hailing this as a great victory, and proof of the wisdom of the colonization compromise plan.

One promonent member of the Colonization party had this to say: "If we'd just left a scout ship there, who KNOWS what would have happened? Those unknown bastards probably would have settled on our planet. Those laser ships sure proved to them that we meant buisness!"

However, privately, some members of the assembly are worried that another race might bring a superior fleet to bear, and are vowing to push for colony ship production starting as early as nest year. This is P3c-0h reporting for GNN.

2323: I originally intended to wait till I could make colony ships in six years before I started in on them, but I no longer think I can afford to wait that long, so Meklon AND Primodius start making colony ships. The respective ETAs are 7 and 10 years.


We go directly to the capital, where RBO-23 is about to address the media.

My fellow Meklonians, it is my pride, and pleasure to announce to you that today, I have formally signed documents which will formally authorize the beginning of what we are calling The Great Colonization Plan™. We will begin making colony ships on both our worlds today. I believe this will go down as one of the greatest days in Meklar history. That is all.

2328: A lone Psilon Colony Ship shows up at Ryoun. It's run off.

2329: The humans try again at Maretta, but it's just a Colony Ship and five scouts, so they flee from my mighty Scimitars.

RBO-23 was in his favorite cafe, having lunch with admiral 4D4-m4, head of the space program.

"You know, I'm really glad you were able to broker that deal with the expansionist party a few years back. I hate to say it, but I think you were absolutely spot on in your assessment, where both parties were wrong. If we'd gone straight on to colony ships, we wouldn't have gotten them built in time, whereas if we'd just built factories... well, we wouldn't have gotten the colony ships done in time either. Those laser ships sure are doing the trick scaring off the other races from our planets." said Maniac

"Don't count your Psilons before they hatch, sir. That scimitar is a really good ship. I helped design her myself, and while it's true that we've done really well so far, there is always a chance that one of these inferior races might make a better fleet one of these days." said the Admiral.

"I sure hope not... right now, both our jobs might depend on that not happening..." replied Maniac.

2330: Meklon completes the colony ship, starts another. The colony ship is dispatched to Klystron, ETA 4 Turns.

The humans send another Colony Ship + Scout fleet at Ryoun. This planet is going to be very hard to get.

2330: Meklon completes the colony ship, starts another. The colony ship is dispatched to Klystron, ETA 4 Turns.

The humans send another Colony Ship + Scout fleet at Ryoun. This planet is going to be very hard to get.

*** A GNN Special Report***

GNN has confirmed today that the first of our glorious colony ships was completed here on Meklon today, and will soon be headed out to settle the small steppe planet in the constellation of Klystron. Once we have managed to set up a colony here, it can be used as a refueling base for our settlement of the Ocean planet circling the star known as Maretta. That is all that we have to report at the moment. As always, we'll keep you informed. This has been P3c-0h with another GNN infoburst.

Well, so much for the opening. It's impossible to say how we're doing... yet. We'll know more soon though...

Will we be able to get most or all of these planets I'm hoping we'll get?

Stay tuned for part two, which should be up either later tonite, or tomorrow moring, covering 2333-2366.
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

2333: Primodius finishes its colony ship, which is sent to Klystron for redirection. The planet returns to factories.

The humans try to colonize again at Maretta and Ryoun, however, this time, the ship accompanying the Colony ship is NOT named scout! (Same fleet in both places)

[Image: imperium2310.jpg]

I never find out what exactly is on that ship, because, fortunately, it runs.

Elsewhere, phase 1 of the Great Colonization Plan™ is complete! Klystron is Colonized! Scratch off another 25 points from the Maniac! (Why I didn't take a picture of this, I don't know... I deserve to lose an extra 25 points for that duh)

RBO-23 was once again in his favorite cafe, having lunch with admiral 4D4-m4

"Congratulations on the great success of settling another planet, sir." said the admiral.

"Thanks admiral. It's been a wonderful last few days, but, also, I'm a bit worried..." Replied Maniac. "You know, you were right about those people making better ships. Intelligence says that the ships that made the latest colonization attempt had some ships with lasers in their fleet. Just a few, and, fortunatelty, they backed down from our Scimitars but..."

"Yes, it's concerning, so we're sending some of our new Arrow fighters to help defend Maretta as well. There is also another two star systems in range of our scouts now, I've been wanting to ask your permission for our scouts to go have a look at them."

"I wasn't aware of that. That's a good idea. Great idea in fact. I'll have papers drawn up authorizing that when I get back to the office... speaking of that... I have another meeting shortly, so I'd better get going. Pleasure having lunch with you again admiral.

2334: Arrows and scout sent from Klystron forward to Maretta. The yellow star across the gap to the south is now in scouting range, as is a white star near Maretta. The scouts from the 2 planets protected by Scimitars head out to take a look. Meanwhile, Meklon sets its in production colony Ship to Reloc to Klystron, and Primodius sends 13 million colonist to Klystron.

2335: Second Colony Ship arrives at Klystron and is redirected to Maretta.

2337: Meklon finishes the colony ship, starts another.

Scouts arrive at the white star and find the following:

[Image: imperium2311.jpg]

Yeah, not likely we'll be putting up a significant fight for that planet in a galaxy with Humans, Psilons, and Sillicoids present.

Meanwhile, phase 2 of The Great Colonization Plan™ is complete.

[Image: imperium2312.jpg]

Unfortunately, there's probably more minerals in that colony ship than on this entire worthless waterball. Still, if I can get Ryoun, it will be worth settling here, even if I lose it some day. Scratch off another 25 points from the Maniac!

Oh, I almost forgot, we have our first contact! Hello emperor Strader... uhh, wait, your NOT emperor Strader...

[Image: imperium2313.jpg]

Sillicoids? OK that is unexpected and slightly disturbing.

[Image: imperium2314.jpg]

Ah, there's the person we EXPECTED to meet. Hello emperor Strader... err, wait, that's MORE than slightly disturbing... The Humans are erratic? protest

We've removed the early artifacts planets, and turned events off, but the first race we meet is Erratic, and is likely to introduce more randomness than either. lol I'm not complaining really. I'm definitely not suggesting we eliminate erratics, I just find it kind of humorous. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out across the various reports.

***GNN Special Report.***

Hello again Meklonians, this is P3c-0h coming to you live from Maretta. As you know, when we settled this planet, we came into contact with two new starfaring races. An apelike race, calling themselves Human, and a mineral race calling themselves Sillicoids. Soon afterward, our prime minister RBO-23 personally came here to meet with representatives of the two races to try to agree to territorial treaties, and to establish trade routes with these new races.

It has just been confirmed that, after being sequestered for days, we have finally agreed to and signed treaties establishing trade with both the Human, and Sillicoid races. Furthermore, after long, and sometimes heated discussions, the Humans have apparently finally decided to agree to, and respect our claim to this system. It is not known what, if any, concessions were made on our part to get the Humans to agree to our claim to this system. That is all we know at present. We'll provide you with more details as they become available.

2338: Lets take a look at the Galaxy Map:

[Image: imperium2315.jpg]

Well, The Great Colonization Plan™ is even more ambitious than I realized. Assuming I get Ryoun, and after taking on this Ultra Poor, I'd better, I'll have gotten everywhere that it was even possible to get, at least for many, many decades, baring something being available to the west (which seems unlikely). See the star circled in Grey? That's almost certinally Mentar. How do I know? It's right next to Cryslon, yet the Sillicoids didn't grab it. Besides, we've had encounters with Psilon ships. That almost has to be Mentar. What about the stars circled in Red? One of those is almost certinally Ursa. How do I know that? Well, the Humans have an alliance with the Bulrathi. It seems unlikely they could have gotten contact this early if they had started in any other location. I think the star just west of our location is the most likely, but it could be the other one if someone got an early long range fuel cell.

What to do with the laser fighters? I could send them to defend the toxic planet from the Silicoids, and I may send some ships there later, but I decide that, right now, it's more important to make sure I get my planet than to delay one from the Sillicoids, so I send the entire fleet except the scout from Maretta to Ryoun.

I send 25 million colonists from Primodius to Maretta.

I dial up both leaders and start 75BC trade. I could just do 25, but I usually start it at 100 or so when I'm able to, then just let it sit there for a while.

Our scout arrives at Laan, one of the Sillicoid colonies. The planet has no bases and only a scout in orbit, so we decide to scout it... hmm the humans have a scout in orbit too... shoo, shoo. The planet turns out to be a size 40 desert planet...

Holy shit we are VOTING? ALREADY?!

[Image: imperium2316.jpg]

Yalara 3 votes herself, Drupp 3 votes himself, Carnax 2 votes abstain, Strader 2 votes Drupp, Mystery Psilon Leader (leader name as yet unknown as I was playing) 3 votes abstain, me 2 votes abstain.

As he slept, Maniac, and the other leaders as well, were all astrally called to the Orinian Senate meeting by Lord RefSteel.

"Ref, dude, what the hell is going on? I thought you told me this group of Meklars were Industrialists, but they act like expansionists!"

"Yeah, well, there was a problem... see, when all the races were telleported here..." Ref started, before he was cut off by Maniac.

"Look, save the explanations. I just want to know one thing. Is it fine that I let these guys expand like they want to, or will that invalidate this entire experiment?" Maniac asked.

"No, it's fine. The actual intended experiment has already been invalidated, but, we've created another..." RefSteel said.

"Groovy. I'd really hate to be stuck in this bucket of bolts body for no good reason. As far as my vote, I haven't even met either of these people yet, so I can't say either of them has earned my support." Maniac said.

"As expected. Oh, and by the way, don't forget to prepare a "state of the empire" report for our next meeting in 11 years." RefSteel reminded him.

"No problemo. Well, unless there's something else, I guess I'll be going now." Maniac said.

"Nope, nothing else. See you Maniac." RefSteel replied.

As Maniac left, RefSteel frowned. Maniac was acting distinctly not erratic, RefSteel thought. He fervently hoped Maniac's report would not end up being just another boring report when this Imperia was all over.

2339: Colony Ship arrives at Klystron, is redirected to Ryoun. I make a handful more scouts at Primodius, just in case...

2342: A Sillicoid Colony Ship Arrives at Ryoun... it runs from the "Grand Fleet"

2343: A Mrrshan scout arrives at the Toxic Planet, our own scout shoo's it off.


[Image: imperium2317.jpg]

The Great Colonization Plan™ is complete! (at least in the south)

And, just as we have absolutely no planets to fight over anymore, Emperor Strader shows up. What the heck could he want? He wants a NAP? Really? I want that too! ( Even though the erratic bastards will probably just try to kill us next year! lol )

***GNN Special Report***

In a rare show of solidarity, Prime Minister RBO-23, head of the industrialist party, and g04-1T, head of the rival expansionist party hosted a joint celebration today, in honor of our race's settling of Ryoun.

I spoke with g04-1T earlier and he had this to say.

"Don't think that we're done expanding yet. Though we may have finished expanding southward, don't forget, we still have two planets on our northern frontier that our friends the Humans and the Sillicoids have both renounced any claim to."

Among those in attendance at the gala were representatives from the Human race, who, the word is, have renounced any claim to planets in the Ryoun system, and are in town to hammer out a formal non aggression treaty, which could set the stage for closer cooperation between the races for many years to come. As always, more details as they become available.

I'm GNN reporter, P3c-0h.

2344: Meklon finishes a colony ship, and sends it off to Selia. It starts on one final Colony Ship for Kulthos. Primodius sends 18 million colonists to Ryoun. The "Grand Fleet" is sent off to defend the Toxic planet from the Sillicoids for as long as possible.

2346: Selia colonized. GNN has the latest census rankings... Mrrshan, Bulrathi, Meklar, Human (who have taken Laan from the Sillicoids), Psilon, and Sillicoid in that order.

2347: Primordius sends 26 million colonists off to Selia.

2349: Vote Time: Yalara vs Drupp: Yalara 4 votes herself, Drupp 4 votes himself, Carnax 3 votes abstain, Strader 3 votes Drupp, Psilons 3 votes abstain, me, 3 votes abstain.

Once again as they slept, Maniac, and the other leaders were called in turn to the senate meeting by Lord RefSteel.

"Ah, Maniac! I wanted to let you know that, although we weren't able to solve the unusual trait issues with the other races, we've been able to do so with yours. Because of their cybernetic implants, the Meklars are all susceptible to a sort of... for lack of a better term, cybernetic brain washing. We're right now reconditioning them to be more industrialistic, as they were originally intended to be." Said RefSteel

"Well, that's good... I guess. I dono. I was kind of getting used to them behaving this way. On the other hand, we're running out of places to colonize, so maybe this is a good thing." Maniac replied.

"Well, lets have your report on the state of your race." RefSteel said.

"Well, see, it's like this. I had them stored in out main research computer, and an insidious computer virus struck..." Maniac said, but he was cut. off.

"Don't give me that kind of crap. You forgot to make a report didn't you?" RefSteel demanded.

"Uhh, yeah, I kinda did..." Maniac replied.

RefSteel sighed. "I'm starting to regret ever asking you to do this mission you know... anyway, before I kick you out of here, are you voting for either person?

"No... I still have no reason to support or denounce either of them, so I'm just going to abstain again... I'll show myself out." Maniac said, as he turned and left, floating astrally back to his cybernetic body.

2350: Well, this is the point where I'd usually provide a 50 year rundown, but, as implied above, I kinda forgot to take screenies... I do have a save I made in 2338 when I got first contact and I can tell you the following by estimation:

Our fleet consists of 9 total scout ships between the 2 designs, 1 Colony Ship, 4 Scimitars, and 10 Arrows.

The map looks similar to the most recently posted one, though I THINK the Sillicoids have another planet or two to the west. I'm just going off memory, so I could be mistaken. One thing I'm definitely NOT mistaken about is that the Humans have taken Laan from the Sillicoids. No other information was available at this time. And of course, don't forget, we've settled Ryoun.

The status screen would look pretty ugly. Our fleet strength is fairly minimal, though (at least in '38 ) not totally awful... yet. Our tech line... well, that has to look awful. If it doesn't yet, it will soon. It's 50 years into the game and we've not even STARTED research in ANY field! We're DEFINITELY not playing as Technologists lol Our production line is somewhere around half the humans line, which is slightly less than the Sillicoids line. Total power and planets, well, you can get an idea there from the previous stuff.

Planets, I have 5. Most of them are new, none of them are maxed out, and none of them have any bases... Why would they? Shield 1 titanium nuclear missile bases aren't going to scare anyone. Yeah, I'm not even at cardboard cutout level yet. Lets hope I survive long enough to get there!

2351: Meklon finishes the final colony ship and goes back to factories, and scouts find an ultra rich toxic planet in the nebula accross from Selia.

2352: Scouts find a medium sized barren planet at the white star accross from Selia... who knows, maybe we can get that planet... I doubt it, but, who knows...

2354: The Grand Fleet™ Runs off a couple of Sillicoid colony ships.

***GNN Special Report***

According to sources within the government, disputes continue with the Sillicoid race over the ownership of the lone planet in the Helos system. Prime Minister RBO-23 claims that the planet is clearly within our space, while Emperor Carnax of the Sillicoids claims that, since the planet is clearly not inhabitable by our race, it is theirs by right. Political analysts are worried over this impasse, and fervently hope that the situation does not escalate, and lead to open hostilities. Thanks for watching this infoburst, and, as always, we'll keep you posted.

2355: Kulthos colonized. So ends the primary expansion phase!

2356: Meklon sends 26 million colonists to Kulthos.

2361: A human fleet shows up and colonizes Stalaz, the barren planet. Oh well, would have been nice to have gotten it, but it wasn't worth starting a war over by any means...

Maniac stood before the general assembly. "In accordance with the treaty of Ryoun, which finally and firmly established our ownership of both Ryoun and Maretta, we have, today, finally and completely turned over all operations of and claims to the planet of Stalaz to the Human Empire. I know this will disappoint some of you, but, let me remind you, we got two planets in the deal, and the Humans only got one. Furthermore, let me remind you that, though I know many of you are loth to ever make compromises, it was because of a compromise plan between our governments two major parties, that we were ever able to stake our claim to those planets in the south to begin with. That's all. Thank You. No questions today."

2364: Primodius, nearing its factory limit, grows back the last 9 million pop so that it can max out the end of next turn.

OK, so, I said in the previous post this one would go to 2366... but... this looks to be a more natural division point, so, I'll end this segment here. Tomorrow morning, we'll put up the third installment, which finishes our first (and last?) century.
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

Maniac sat back in his chair, listening to his advisers argue about the state of the Meklar empire at his latest cabinet meeting.

"If we don't build more military, one of these races might decide we are weak and decide to attack us." said Admiral 4D4-m4.

"Absolute nonsense." Said V15-0R, his foreign adviser. "Relations have never been better!"

"Yeah, for now. But how long will that last? I mean, all it takes is one crazy ambassador trying to assassinate an emperor and we could be at war. We need to build more military now. More ships, and we really should look into that missile base idea that the marines came into at the very least." said the admiral.

"Look, the admiral is right, we're very vulnerable. However, building a fleet or missile bases immediately is not what we need to be doing." said a seldom heard voice from the opposite side of the room. The voice belonged to b33-K3r, the minister of science.

"Explain" said Maniac.

"Sir, while all our efforts for the last 70 or so years have been bent to exploring the stars, finding new places to colonize, and building factories, our enemies... I mean, our FRIENDS have been doing research on many things. They have discovered far better computers than what we have. The mainframes we're using are but paperweights to them. Fueled by these new computers, our... friends... have also discovered ways to allow more people and factories to live on planets that they already have, rater than wasting resources on reckless expansion"

"I object to that!" interjected the minister of expansion.

"Overruled." said Maniac "Sit down and shut up. Please continue b33-K3r."

"Furthermore, they have developed better factories, vastly more effective force fields, better ship engines and armor plating, and, yes of course weapons. Have you ever seen a neutron blaster sir?" asked the science advisor.

Maniac shook his head.

"It's only several times more powerful than a laser. It blows holes in 20 foot thick titanium plating in one shot, and goes right through our pathetic excuse for force fields. As it stands now, one of those things could blow up the best missile bases we could construct from orbit. The humans have tons of these things... If they declared war on us, we wouldn't stand a chance. It'd be like trying to stop tanks with cavalry. We need more defense, yes, but we need to be able to build real defenses, not just cardboard cutouts." the science adviser concluded.

The room fell silent while everyone pondered what the science adviser had said. At last Maniac spoke.

"You know b33-K3r, I think everyone here should be able to see the wisdom of this argument. Beginning next term, We're going to open a technology development lab on Primodius. If things go well, we'll consider opening them everywhere soon... except Maretta perhaps. I think we're going to build a military academy there... even effective tools are useless if not in the hands of trained, and effective soldiers." Maniac said.

No one commented or objected to this idea. The meeting was dismissed.

2365: Only needing a couple of clicks to max factories, Primodius opens even research in all fields, with the extra click in planetology and force fields.

Our tech choices:
Computers: Jammer I (over BC II)
Construction: Reduced Waste 80% (Only choice but I would have picked it anyhow. Cleanup is killing us)
Force Fields: Class II Deflectors of course
Planetology: Terraforming +10
Propulsion: Range 4
Weapons: Hyper-V Rockets. (Bah for no Hand Lasers)

2366: Yeah, you knew this was coming at the toxic planet eventually...

[Image: imperium2318.jpg]

I could run, but these ships have done their job and are just sucking up maintenance now anyhow, so I figure I'll take some of them with me... except I don't. I don't remember what weapons they had on those things, might even have just been heavy lasers, but the one thing they for sure had on them was SHIELDS. The entire fleet dies without inflicting a single casualty. Oh well...

***GNN Special Report***

War was today averted with the Sillicoid empire, when our two races signed the treaty of Helos, officially recognizing the claim of the Sillicoid race to the planet. An official spokesperson for RBO-23 had this to say.

"While we feel that our claim to the planet was legitimate under previous treaties, we've taken into consideration the fact that, without the support of the Sillicoid nations, we would never have been able to convince the Humans to honor our claims to Maretta anr Ryoun. Coupled with the fact that we do not currently have the technology to build a colony on the planet, we have agreed to honor the Sillicoids claim in return for future considerations."

We here at GNN are dissapointed by this stance, and urge our leaders to stand up for our rights in the future. I'm GNN reporter P3c-0h.

Meanwhile, Maniac was again having lunch with the admiral at his favorite cafe.

"Don't worry 4D4-m4, those ships did the job for which they were built. It's a shame about the loss of life, of course..." said Maniac.

"Those Scimitars really were glorious ships back in the day, but I guess b33-K3r was right. The fleet the Sillicoids fought us with was barely bigger than our own, yet, we barely even scratched their armor plating. More ships right now would be a waste of resources. I still think we should consider that missile base idea though...

2367: On hard, it might be worth fighting for that Ultra Rich Toxic in the Nebula, but on Impossible, I put my odds of getting it at less than 10%. Sooner or later the Humans or the Bears will get Toxic or Radiated, or the Sillicoids will get the needed range. Unless I bend my entire empire towards it, I won't get it, and, even though it IS ULTRA rich, it just isn't worth it. So, it's time to do this.

[Image: imperium2319.jpg]

Jammer I hits, the only way forward is Jammer II unfortunately... we start researching it.

2370: Meklon maxes out, starts research.

Maniac sat in his office. Accross from him sat his minister of science.

"You know, b33-K3r, I just wanted to thank you for all your efforts. Our new research lab is already starting to bear fruit in computer technology."

"No need to thank me. Just doing my job sir." replied b33-K3r.

"Yes, well... you're probably wondering why I asked you to come here..." Maniac trailed off.

The look on the science ministers face made it clear that he was, in fact, wondering just that.

"I wanted you to be the first to know. I've decided to open another science lab, right here on Meklon. Not only that, but, in honor of all that you've done the last few years to get us out of the stone age, we're going to name it the f4y3 memorial lab, after your late mother." said Maniac

"Sir, that's quite an honor, I don't know what to say." said b33-K3r, as a tear rolled down his cybernetic cheek.

"Careful, you don't want to corrode yourself." warned Maniac. "You don't have to say anything, just, keep up doing what you do."

2371: Range 4 hits, new choices are Nuclear Engines, Range 6, and Inertial Stabilizer. I find myself making an unusual choice.

[Image: imperium2320.jpg]

What the heck? Nuclear Engines? Haven't I complained about those in the past? So Why would I select those, especially with only Range 4 and Range 6 available? My reasoning; the expansion phase is OVER for me. There is nowhere to go, and almost nowhere even to explore, even if I had the range. I have little hope of gaining any more planets, so, with these ticking time bomb humans running around, I might actually need to build warp 2 fleets to save my planets at some point. Besides, Nuclear Engines are cheap, and I'm hoping that Range 7 is in the tree. I might need it to get the remaining contacts.

2372: Terraforming +10 Hits. New choices are Controlled Tundra, Terraforming +20, and Controlled Dead. With the Barren planet colonized, and no Tundra or Dead planets around, the choice is obvious.

2373: Terraforming done everywhere.

2374: Vote time! This time there are two new nominees. Carnax.... and RBO-23. Yalara 4 votes abstain, Drupp 4 votes abstain, Carnax 5 votes himself, Strader 4 votes Carnax, Psilons 5 votes abstain, me 6 votes (yes, we've pulled into FIRST in pop!) 6 votes Carnax.

Once again it was time to be summoned astrally to Orion by RefSteel. Once again, Maniac was the last to appear before him.

"Well, Maniac, how's it going?"

"Terrible, actually. If one of these guys decides to declare war, we're probably history, and Strader is worrying me... he's been behaving rather oddly. He is supposed to be leading an honorable race, though, so, maybe I'm just being paranoid." said Maniac.

RefSteel thought about explaining the scrambled personalities to Maniac, but remembered he tried to so so several years ago, and that Maniac "didn't want to know" so he just smiled and said nothing.

"So, anyway, lets make this short. There's a replay of Star Wars on tonite, and I want to get back in time to see it. You're voting for youself I assume?" asked RefSteel.

"No, actually, I rather think I've done a poor job managing my empire to tell you the truth. In all honesty, I'm voting for Carnax. He's done a damn fine job managing the Sillicoids." Said Maniac.

"Really? Hmm, ok. Even with your support, however, it does appear that he's lacking in support to be declared the winning race. Head on back to Meklon. I'll see you in twenty five years... if you haven't been exterminated first." RefSteel chuckled.

"That's not funny, especially considering the level of our current defenses." Maniac said grimly.

"Oh, and just one more thing... don't forget your report next senate." RefSteel chided.

2376: Class II Deflectors and Hyper-V rockets hit. New choices are:
Force Fields: Personal Deflector Shield and Class III Deflectors. We select PDS.
Weapons: Anti-Missile Rockets, Ion Cannon. (Missed out on NPG's too!) We like to grab a fighter beam at this level, and thus select Ion Cannon.

2380: Jammer II hits. New choices are Jammer III and Improved Space Scanner. While we lack peanut butter, we have PLENTY of Jammer now, thank you very much. We go for the scanner.

2383: Reduced Waste 80% hits. Much celebrating ensues. New choices are Improved 8 and Duralloy. With factories nearing completion everywhere but the ultra poor, we go for the armor.

We also receive excellent News! Sometime in the last few turns, the Humans have declared war on the Sillicoids... and everyone else from the look of it! The bad news is that the Sillicoids are ONLY at war with the Humans, although they have no alliances fortunately... This means I should get the humans support next election... of course, the bad news is that the Sillicoids just might get everyone elses support next election. eek

***GNN News Flash***

Relations between our friends the Humans and the Sillicoids have been deteriorating for some time, every since the unfortunate events in the Laan system, but today, they took an irrevocable turn for the worse, when the Humans made a surprise attack on or mineralistic freinds, and then issued a formal declaration war Sillicoids. It stated simply: Emperor Strader grows bored of playing diplomatic games with Emperor Carnax, and now wishes to play War games. Shudder Emperor Carnax, we come for you.

Backed by a Coalition of other races in the galaxy, races that, as you know, we have, as yet, been unable to meet, the Sillicoid leader Carnax is promising a long, and bloody battle. "They'll have to pry our planets from our cold, dead appendages." promised Carnax.

The prime minister has vowed to remain strictly neutral in the combat for the time being, urging the sides to lay down their arms, and work for a peaceful soulution, and furthermore, saying that it is impossible to chose one of his allies over another.

We'll keep you posted if there are any further developments.

Meanwhile, Maniac lay awake in bed, his stunning hot and shiny wife asleep beside him. Yes, Strader had been behaving strangely for some time... this war declaration didn't seem very honorable. He was beginning to wonder if Strader's personality overlay hadn't gone wrong somehow... In any event, the Human's clearly needed watching... he thought he'd talk to his intelligence department about it tomorrow...

2385: Nuclear Engines Hit. New Choices are: Sub-Light Drives and Range 7 like we hoped. We go for range 7.

2389: Personal Deflector Shield Hits. New Choices are Class V Planetary and class IV Deflectors. We obviously go for the planetary shields.

2393: Improved Space Scanner and Terraforming +20 both hit. New choices are:
Computers: Jammer IV (No, really, I have PLENTY Jammer!) and BC Mark V. Can you guess which tech we go for?
Planetology: Improved Terraforming +30 and Controlled Toxic. I have to give this one some thought. There ARE Toxic Planets (and a Barren one) that we have scouted, including one that we might even be able to colonize (yes, that Ultra Rich is a pipe dream, I know), while the +10 won't help THAT much... maybe one vote and a teensy bit of production. After much internal debate, I decide to go for Controlled Toxic. That will let us live everywhere except for Radiated Planets, and I figure if I war with someone who has those, we'll just glass any Radiated planets we might find.

*Postgame note. While I could not have known it at the time, +30 would have been a very useful tech to have gotten. However, I stand by my decision to go for Toxic at this time, as it also turned out to be useful. I will make some rather dubious tech choices as the game goes on, but this one, I believe, was not one of them.

2394: We now have the comical situation that we can see Mentar and another Psilon planet, though we don't have contact with them. Our computer tech is definitely outstripping our propulsion tech. lol

Ion Cannon hits. New choices are Scatter Pack V and Ion Rifles. We go for the Scatter Packs.

2397: What's this?

[Image: imperium2321.jpg]

Psilons? They must have just researched range six(+).

***GNN Newsflash***

GNN has just confirmed that the race calling themselves Psilons, who's homeworld we have known for sometime to be in the Mentar system, located near the Sillicoid homeworld of Cryslon, have today made first contact with us. According to our sources within the government, the Psilon race claims that they wish to honorably co-exist with us. These same sources have indicated that initial negotiations have gone well, and hope that we may soon initiate a trade package with this new race. More on this story at eleven.

2398: Oh my, the Psilons are... never mind, since we're 2 years from a 100 year rundown, I'll just let you see what the Psilons are then. I'm just a couple of turns away from maxing factories everywhere except the ultra poor, so I hold off initiating trade until then.

2399: Vote Time! Yalara 4 votes abstain, Drupp 3 votes abstain, Carnax 6 votes himself, Strader 5 votes me, Dynalon 6 votes abstain, me 7 votes Carnax.

***Astrally called to Orion once again, Maniac stood in front of RefSteel.

"I hope you remembered to bring your report this time?" queeried RefSteel.

"Yeah, I remembered this time, said Maniac, handing the folder over to RefSteel.

"Voting for yourself this time?" asked RelSteel.

"No, actually, though our situation has improved, we're still light years behind Carnax's empire, as you'll see when you read my report. In light of that, I'm voting for Carnax again." Maniac replied.

"I see... Well, either way, he still doesn't have the required support to have his race declared the winners. Anything you want to say or ask me before returning to your Meklar body?" asked RefSteel.

"Nope, so, I'll be going now." Maniac said, and dissappeared.

RefSteel thumbed through Maniac's report. Good grief what a load of boring crap. He was really beginning to wish he hadn't asked him to come back to the Imperia...

2400: OK So here is the 100 year rundown.

Here you see the Grand Fleet of the Republic in all its glory.

[Image: imperium2322.jpg]

Here you see the galaxy map.

[Image: imperium2323.jpg]

Please note that the Psilons are now about as large as the Sillicoids... Not good...

Here's the status screen

[Image: imperium2324.jpg]

Here's a look at the planets screen

[Image: imperium2325.jpg]

Yes, I'm playing defenseless again and still, but I have reasons. I've been maxing factories till recently, I have no planetary shields, and only class II deflectors to throw up in front of nothing better than Hyper-V rockets, and I only just discovered Ion Cannons. I've been hiding behind my NAP's and the fact that, with my increased production, I could throw up bases or build fighters quickly in a pinch. Also of note there is that my last planet other, than the ultra poor, will max out next turn, at which point I intend to max trade with both the Psilons and the Sillicoids. The erratic humans... no.

Of note here is how far behind I am in tech still, especially compared to the Psilons, and that I have managed to pull ahead in production. I've mentioned where I'm at as far as tech, so I'm not going to go over that.

I also discover that the Psilons have made peace with the Humans between turns. That's not good.

Duralloy Armor hits. New choices are Improved 7, Auto Repair, and Reduced Waste 60%. I'm tempted to jump on 60%, but I go for auto repair. In retrospect, a poor decision.

*Game note. Ive been perusing some of the other reports between thinking up the story for my report. Of the ones posted so far, it seems that I've been the ONLY one to have survived a diplomatic loss at this very vote yikes I'm guessing this imperium turned out to be a lot harder than expected... Anyhow, onward to the second century!
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

2401: I go for some major trade agreements now, as well as some tech trading.

[Image: imperium2326.jpg]

While I'm there, I pick up Hand Lasers for Hyper-V Rockets.

I call on the humans next. No, I'm not going to up my trade with an erratic, but I might find some useful tech. I try to get Fusion Bombs off them, but the price is Improved Space Scanner. I'm not paying that. I see nothing else I really want so I ask them for those bombs a second time... and this time they will do it for Duralloy, so yeah, ok, I make the deal.

Finally, I dial up Dynalon and open trade with him.

[Image: imperium2327.jpg]

I am unable to get him to make any agreeable tech trade however.

At this point, I begin defense spending with 4 clicks towards bases everywhere except the ultra poor.

[COLOR="Cyan"]***An Internal Memo from Prime Minister RBO-23 to Admiral 4D4-m4.***

Admiral, hope you are doing well. I just wanted to let you know that, now that we have better armor, missiles, and shielding, with the prospect of upgrades to all of them comming in the near future as well, we've decided to allocate about 20% of our civil funds to the building of missile bases everywhere except Maretta. Being the home of the military academy, we are confident in Maretta's ability do defend itself if needed. In the meantime, keep up the good work.

- Prime Minister RBO-23

2406: Ah crap, the Psylons have switched sides, and now fight with the humans, this could be really bad... Ore, really good... it could split the vote up more... we'll just have to see...

[COLOR="Cyan"]***GNN Special Report***

Hello again everyone. This is P3c-0h coming to you live from the Capital. In a surprising development today, the Psilon empire has announced they are switching sides in the the great galactic Conflict, and now support the Human cause, saying they believe they have been duped all along by the Sillicoids, and that the Humans are actually in the right.

We've tried to speak with representatives from the Human, Psilon, and Sillicoid embassies about this surprising turn of events, but so far, all our requests for comments or interviews have been denied. We'll let you know as soon as possible if there are any further developments.

2407: Planetary Shields V, Range 7, and Scatter Pack V all hit. The new choices are:

Force Fields: Repulsor Beams (which I select)

Propulsion: Fusion Drives, Range 8, and Warp Dissipator. I select the Fusion Drives. Fusion Drives + Stabilizer + bombs = bye bye planetary bases.

Weapons: UGH! Fusion Beams and Hard Beams. I take a detour back to grab Anti-Missile Rockets.

2408: I put 2 clicks into hide spying on the humans and the other races as well... I need to keep track of their technology...

I begin watching an endless stream of Bulrathi warships impale themselves on the Humans defenses at Stalaz.

[COLOR="Cyan"]***Internal memmo from Prime Minister RBO-23 to Admiral 4D4-m4***

Admiral, per you request to begin spying on our friends... after much reluctance, I have agreed to begin passive espionage with the other races with whom we have contact, at least temporarily, just so we know where we stand if war should happen to break out. I'll let you know as soon as we know where we stand militarily.

- RBO-23

2410: I note with pleasure that the humans do NOT have planetary shields... I hope this remains the case...

The Sillicods are even worse off in force fields, though much better off in weapons, where they have Merculites and eek Stingers.

The Psilons however...

[Image: imperium2388.jpg]

Umm... [Image: help.gif]

[COLOR="Cyan"]***Internal memo from C14-M1E, head of intelligence to Prime Minister RBO-23.

Sir, we've gotten preliminary reports back on all the races. You'll be pleased to note that the Humans planetary force field levels are much lower than expected, and that their propulsion technology is a joke, even worse than our own. I'll leave it up to the admiral to make the final judgement, but I believe we have little to fear from the humans at this point.

As far as the Sillicoids, the picture is not much different, although their planetary force field level is a bit stronger.

As regards the Psilons... Sir, I believe we should avoid war with them at all costs. When you take a look at their technology levels, I believe you will be able to see why. In fact, I've taken it upon myself to cease all spying operations with them at the curent time. We wouldn't want a simple misunderstanding to lead to our own genocide.

- C14-M1E

2415: Battle Computer Mark V and Anti-Missile rockets hit.

The new choice in Computers is: Battle Computer Mark VI. We choose to go back and Grab BC II quickly first.
In weapons, we choose to go forward with Fusion Beams.

I try to do another round of trading, but the only thing I find acceptable is Range 7 to the Sillicoids for BC III

2420: Controlled Toxic hits. The new choices are Bio Toxin Antidote and Soil Enrichment. With Everyone Running around with Death Spores, I go for the antidote for now...

*Postgame note. While this is often a fine, or even obvious choice on some maps, antidote over soil enrichment was pure smoke here. My thinking at the time was one planet was already feartle, and that I'd wait two levels and go straight to Gaias if that tech was in my tree. I won't flay myself too much for this mistake, because I was thinking defensively, and this path is pretty standard for me, but still, it was a mistake. On the plus side when I do get it... well, you'll just have to wait and see.

Remember that Ultra Rich Toxic in the Nebula? The one I had like, maybe a 10% chance to get, even if I defended it... well, it's...*STILL*....there... Time to design a colony ship to for it in the hopes of losing myself 25 more points lol

2421: BC II and Auto Repair Hit. The new construction choices are Zortium Armor and Improved Industrial 6. We go for the Armor along with BC VI

2424: Vote Time! Yalara 5 votes Abstain, Drupp 4 votes abstain, Carnax 8 votes himself, Strader 5 votes me, Dynalon 5 votes me, me 7 votes Carnax.
[COLOR="Cyan"]Once again, Maniac was whisked away to the galactic senate on Orion.

"Err, I was having a rather enjoyable dream I'd like to get back to right away, so I'll make this short. No, I've no questions. As for a report, we're making progress, but, in all fairness, I still have to vote for Carnax. He's doing a heck of a job leading his coalition, especially now that Dynalon has turned on him for some unknown reason. His behaviors seems more erratic than pacifistic, but then, Strader is behaving oddly as well. Anyhow, I'm leaving now ok?" Maniac said.

Refsteel nodded his assention.[/COLOR]

2426: Well, the Humans now had planetary shields... It would take a lot of fusion bombers to crack them, I thought. I'm now starting to consider attacking the Sillicoids instead. I'd be happy with a vote victory, but... it was dicey, especially not knowing for sure who my opponent would be anymore So I researched, and I watched, and I waited still...

[COLOR="Cyan"]***Internal memo from C14-M1E to RBO-23***

Thought you should know that the humans have made a major breakthrough in planetary shielding, though certainly not enough of one to prevent our fusion bombs from affecting them. How ironic it would be if they were destroyed by those, since they are the ones who taught us how to manufacture them.

Meanwhile, Sillicoids continue to lag in force field technology comparatively, although their missile technology is much further advanced. We shold try to convince them to trade us Stinger Missile technology at the earliest opportunity.

If we have to get involved in this war at some point, and have a choice which side to be on, I think joining the Human/Psilon side is much to our advantage, especially if we can convince the Sillicoids to trade us missile technology before we turn on them.

Maniac finished reading the memmo. What it said was true enough, except there were other considerations... ones none of the Meklar race could understand. RBO-23 pondered on the galactic senate...

Meanwhile, to my own amazement, this happened.

[Image: imperium2328.jpg]

Chalk up another -25 for the Maniac! And when I lost those points, this also happened

[Image: imperium2329.jpg]

2427: Lets look at the new map.

[Image: imperium2330.jpg]

Hmm, the Bulrathi have only 4 planets. Considering the Mrrshans have 5 votes, they probably have the majority of the planets in the blue box. I guessed that the blue planet near the thumb was Orion.

*I was wrong. After the game was over, I loaded the end game save up the end of the game save and use alt+galaxy to look around. Turns out that was the only Radiated planet on the map, and Orion was in the southwest.

The remaining planets in the southwest would likely to belong to the Psilons eventually... not good.

Then I notice this.

[Image: imperium2331.jpg]

Dammit, I'd assumed those ships were headed to attack the Human planet... Well, screw it, I just chucked 25 points out the window to get this planet, and, even though it's in a nebula, it IS the only rich planet I have. It's also my only means of contact with the Bulrathi. This planet is worth the risk of diplomatic reprisals. I dial up the Sillicoids and inform them of my displeasure, considering all the time I have voted for them in the past, and they relent.

[Image: imperium2332.jpg]

*It's come to my attention that some people feel that threatening people off colonies you have just settled is an exploit. I'm sorry, but I disagree. If the community ever made a hard and fast rule against this, I would, of course, conform, however. Maybe if you KNEW there were ships incoming BEFORE you settled, that would be one thing, but otherwise, it's actually, in MY OPINION, more legitimate to do this than it is to threaten them off your long standing colonies where you've had a chance to stand up defenses. It also makes sense from a logic standpoint. This was an unintended conflict on their part, so they should be more willing to back off. Now if we could only get them to understand the whole "it wasn't yours when we sent those troop transports there." issue rolleye

OK, crisis averted. Then I open Maximal trade with the Bulrathi, which happens to be 600BC.

[COLOR="Cyan"]***Excerpted from GNN News Tonight***

Foreign affairs with two races tops our news tonight.

Here is our Bulrathi affairs corespondent, D3s-4Tr, who is on location on Ursa. D3s, go ahead.

Yes, P3c, good evening. Tonight we have learned that we have agreed to formally open trade routes with the Bulrathi on up to 600BC worth of economic goods. Requests for technology trading have apparently gone unanswered and...

Sorry to interrupt D3s, but were going live to Tauri, where there is critically important breaking news. Can you hear me L4?

Ah, yes, hello. Well, we have good news tonight. Fortunately, conflict has once again been averted with the Sillicoid empire over a disputed system. As you know, the Sillicoids were also laying claim to this system, and, in fact, had a fleet en route to try to lay claim to this planet. However, word reached us only moments ago that Prime Minister RBO-23 and Emperor Carnax have reached agreement that this will indeed be the planet to be named later from the treaty of Helios as our people had hoped. Many of the higher ranking officials in the Sillicoid government seemed to be none to happy with this resolution, however, so it remains to be seen if relations have been permanently damaged.

Very good L4, keep us informed.[/COLOR]

2430: Repulsor Beams hit, the new choice is Class X planetary, which I select.

The Psilons have Enhanced Ecco Restoration... Our economy is a mess... They want repulsor beams for it, and only repulsor beams... Ordinarily, I don't like to trade away repulsor beams, especially when I don't have a decent missile to make missile boats to slag their repulsor ships, but... I'm not sure we could deal with the Psilons anyhow, so, reluctantly, I make the deal.

2435: Relations with the Psilons finally improve enough that I can get a NAP with them.

Fusion Drives hit. The new choice is Range 9. I go back for Inertial Stabilizer, which I want before we start making warships.

2442: And then, just before I'm ready choose a target and start gearing up our military for real, something happens that changes the course of this galaxy... forever.

[Image: imperium2333.jpg]

To be concluded...
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

Maniac sat in his office, toying with his portable, hand held communications inscriber. Since the computers were down, he intended to use the pen to write a letter to the wacko, extremist head of the expansionist party informing him that there would be absolutely no money in the budget for colony ships this year as, 1) there was nowhere left to settle and 2) There was no sentiment among the mainstream to colonize anywhere else anymore anyhow.

He was going over the further points he wanted to make in the letter. It had been difficult enough to convince some of the population to emigrate to that Ultra Rich production heaven in the Toranor system, there was absolutely no way enough people would be found to colonize anywhere else, even in there was anywhere else. Hmm... was there anything else he needed to add, he wondered.

His train of thought was interrupted by the appearance of m0n-1c4, his secretary.

"Damn, she's so hot." thought Maniac. "I wouldn't mind fooling around with her sometime, but I'd probably get caught."

"We have an incoming communication from Emperor Strader himself." said the perky girl. "He says it's urgent." She continued.

"Strader? What the heck does he want he want?" wondered Maniac. He'd been behaving more and more strangely with each passing year.

"Any idea what it's about?" he asked the girl.

"No idea at all." she said in her bubbly voice.

"Hmm. OK, put him on the main screen m0n." he said.

m0n-1c4 clicked a button on her cybernetic body, and in a moment, a holographic likeness of Strader appeared on a screen across the room from where Maniac sat.

"Hello Strader, you..." started Maniac, but he was cut off by Strader.

"We've known all along that the Meklars could not be trusted. It looks like a nice year for war Emperor RBO-23. Shudder, Emperor RBO-23, we come for you."

"What the hell, Strader, what are..." started Maniac, but the image of Strader faded out.

"Oh my god... what's going to happen to us now?" asked the girl, clearly shaken.

Maniac went over and and hugged his crying secretary.

"Don't worry m0n, we've been preparing for something like this the last few years... The humans will come to regret the day they declared war on us. In the history of their race, it will be a day which will live in infamy."

The perky little secretary buried her head on Maniac's shoulder and cried. "Hold me, just for a little while." she pleaded.

Maniac was only too happy to oblige...

Eslewhere, and soon thereafter...

***GNN Emergency Report: Humans declare war.***

Good evening, Meklar nation. I'm P3c-0h. I stand before you this evening bearing news of the worst possible kind. Today, our peaceful world has been shattered. The despicable Emperor Strader of the evil Human empire has declared war on us. His motives for this action remain unclear, but what is clear is that he has plunged us into a terrible, and senseless conflict.

We've tried to speak with top ranking members of the government and military, including the prime minister, or admiral 4D4-m4, about our current situation, but all requests for an interview have gone unanswered. Crisis or not, we here at GNN believe that you, the viewer, have a right to know what is going on at all times, so we'll keep trying.

Meanwhile, In this time of uncertainty, I urge you all to be strong, take care of one another, and never forget, we will ultimately prevail.


Meanwhile, later in the day, back in Maniac's office, an emergency cabinet meeting was taking place...

"So, what's the latest report on the human's technology C14-M1E?" Asked Maniac.

"Nothing much has changed since the last report, sir. They have nothing better than Retro Engines. They do have Fusion Beams, and Neutron Blasters, so they are doing quite well in beam technology, however they have nothing better than Hyper-V rockets for missiles. Though they do have fusion bombs, with the slow speed of their warships, our bases would rip their ships to shreds before they ever got near our planets, sir." said the head of security.

"Very well, that's good news." said Maniac. "How are our own technological efforts coming along b33-k3r?

"Well sir, we're very close to making breakthroughs in several important military technologies. Inertial Stabilizer, which will improve how maneuverable our ships are in combat, a mark six battle computer, fusion beams for our ships, and soon, ion rifles for our marines, and also a vastly better armor are all nearing a breakthrough. I do regret to inform you that our missile technology is... less than optimal and shows no signs of improving any time soon. Our scatter packs should do very well against the ships we think the humans have currently, but if they ever design larger ships with strong force fields, we could be in some trouble. Even so, I recommend waiting for our next round of breakthroughs before designing warships if possible" b33-k3r responded.

"OK, thank you b33-k3r." said Maniac. Admiral, do you agree with these recommendations?" asked Maniac.

"Yes sir, I do. I think that..." started the admiral, but, just then the door opened, and a rather breathless secretary cut him off.

"Sir, I have finally been able to raise Emperor Dynalon. He's on line three." said m0n-1c4.

"Good. Put him on immediately" said Maniac.

The image of Emperor Dynalon appeared before the cabinet.

"Well Dynalon, lets make this short. I'm sure you've heard about Strader's treachery by now. Just up and declared war on us out of the blue." said Maniac.

"The Psilons are a peace loving race. We abhor war in all its forms." said Dynalon.

"We don't like war either, believe me. This conflict was not of our choosing. How soon until the Humans drag YOU into a conflict? You KNOW we've resisted getting involved in this conflict on either side before now, even though we've had many reasons to have joined the coalition against the Humans, as have you, but the Humans seem hell bent on trying to take over the universe. Someone needs to put an end to Strader's madness... what say you."

"Very well. Yes RBO-23, the time has come for both our empires to strike out against the Humans, and eliminate their threat once and for all." said the image of Dynalon.

"That's a relief to hear you say that. I'm in the middle of a cabinet meeting right now, as you can see, and it's very late here. Can we have some more in depth discussions of the situation tomorrow?" asked Maniac.

"Yes, have your people get in touch with mine in twelve of your hours, if that's acceptable to you. I should have my staff together by then." Dynalon said.

"That's acceptable to us. We'll talk then. Have a good evening Dynalon. Maniac out." he said.

As the image of Dynalon faded from the screen, Maniac turned back to his cabinet... "You know, I'm not sure what it is, but I don't trust that guy one little bit. Keep an eye on him c14. Now, you were saying admiral?"

"Yes, well, as we're under no threat from the humans at present, in fact, I agree with b33-k3r that shipbuilding should wait until we have that new technology becomes available."

Very well then... you know, it really IS late, and I'm tired... lets adjourn until tomorrow, say, two hours before the conference with Dynalon, unless anyone has anything urgent... no? Very well, see you all in the morning then, dismissed." Said Maniac.

OK, fine. In fact, thanks Strader. This is actually a GOOD thing in the long run. See, I never use the "lets you and him fight" or "spectator war" option anymore, even to avoid an early diplomatic loss, as I consider it overpowered. I also never ask allies to declare war on one another either, unless I'm also an ally of the race I'm asking.

Because of the bug in relations, I only ask for them to dissolve their alliance, wait 15 turns, THEN ask for a declaration. Fortunately, there was no alliance between the Humans and Psilons at this point in time, so that wasn't a concern.

I rarely ever start wars in private games, and even when I do, I rarely ask for allies when I START a war. I might make an exception to asking for a declaration if there is a compelling reason, or if the two races have scrapped already at some point. Obviously, a variant game like Imperium 11 would be an example of a compelling reason, as that game would have been IMPOSSIBLE to achieve the goals of the variant otherwise.

In this game, I WAS going to start a war in 15-20 turns or so, but hey, I lucked out, and THEY declared war on me. When someone does the declaring ON me, I consider it well within my rights to ask for help, and, as such...

[Image: imperium2334.jpg]

[Image: imperium2335.jpg]

Also, please note that I'm not gaining any election vote advantage here. The only point of this is to prevent the Psilons from declaring war on me if they re-ally with the Humans. I'd rather not have to fight them, especially before I get a bomb better than fusion bomb.

Anyhow, enough of that, here is the Human tech situation...

[Image: imperium2336.jpg]

Their problems are legion. They have decent, though far from overwhelming, planetary shielding, definitely not beyond what the fusion bomb can crack. On top of that, they have terrible missiles. Worse yet for them, they only have warp one. Another problem for them; they don't have repulsors, so a stack of Ion Cannon fighters should be able to take out whatever they might build, although if they built a huge with shield 5 and auto repair (very unlikely), it could be a problem.

With every research field except force fields in the percents, I decided to let some more tech come in before I started building ships, however.

Oh, and that's not all that's going on. On another front, the Bulrathi are annoyingly trying to raid my ultra rich planet....

Hasn't this happened before in an Imperium... yes, I think it has...

RefSteel Wrote:I love it! Great report for an unbelievable game! Every hostile in the galaxy ... and practically all the planets, for that matter ... in the most peaceful Conquest since England's Glorious Revolution! I loved the twist ending too. (The Psilons declare, "We declared war at the end to test you!") Still, my favorite part may be:

ManiacMarshall Wrote:The Bears are trying to poach one of OUR planets.

RefSteel Wrote:Yeeeeup! One of our planets, right across the nebula and half the breadth of the galaxy from our homeworld, and a full five parsecs (or something) away from yours! How dare you bears try to poach it?

Well, since you liked that so much...

The Bears are trying to poach one of OUR planets™.

Yeeeeup! One of our planets. It's a full 4 parsecs from their home world, through a nebula. OK, Maybe it's not halfway across the galaxy, but think of it as a long way out for non expansionist Meklars and it'll work fine...

I'm expecting 5 Scatter Pack bases to be enough to shred 12 mediums... lets hope so anyway.

After clicking next turn we see what those things have on them... Not much.

[Image: imperium2337.jpg]

Yeah, one salvo from the bases and, cheers, bang, your dead.

Speaking of Fusion Beams, our own Fusion Beams research completes. The new choices are Ion Stream Projectors, and Omega-V bombs.

We go back for Ion Rifles first. We'll nab those bombs next, but those rifles just MIGHT come in handy, we'll see. Interesting Weapons tree this game...

2443: The Bears are trying a little harder this time

[Image: imperium2338.jpg]

But they never even get halfway to the planet.

Maniac sat in his office, the lights turned down, lost in though. He didn't even seem to notice m0n-1c4 open the door.

"Sir, I've got Emperor Drupp on the line." she said.

"Very well, put him on." he said.

The secretary clicked a button on her body, and the image of Drupp appeared.

"This better be important, to bother me at this time of night, RBO-23." said Drupp.

"Oh, it's important alright." said Maniac. "You see, for the second time, a fleet of starships bearing human markings has tried to attack Toranor. They didn't get anywhere near the planet, of course, but, you knew that already, didn't you Drupp." Said Maniac.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I thought you said this was important. Your skirmishes with the Humans are none of our affair." said Drupp."

"Oh, that's true enough, but then, we're not talking about skirmishes with the Humans, as you know well enough."

"Again, you speak in riddles, I'm quite sure I have no idea what you mean." said Drupp.

"Then let me put it to you in a way that I'm sure you can understand. Beware Emperor Drupp. Any further aggression will be met with immediate retaliation by the Meklar empire." Maniac smiled.

Drupp's facial expression clearly indicated he got the message very well.

"Have a good rest of the evening, Drupp. We go now."

m0n-1c4 clicked the button again, and Drupp's image faded into nothingness.

The girl glided over behind the chair where Maniac sat. She massaged his shoulders, and bent down and said alluringly "You know, you were so sexy just now when you're intimidating that jerk." she said.

He looked deeply into her eyes and said "You're so sexy all the time, period, ever." he said.

The two locked themselves into a passionate embrace.

2445: Inertial Stabilizer hits, we go for dissipators. Warp 4 and Range 7 should be all I need this game in those areas, so why not?

The Sillicoids show up and break our NAP... Their tune will change soon.

Maniac was once again having lunch with 4D4-m4.

"I really don't understand why the Sillicoids would renounce their boarder agreement. It doesn't make sense." Said 4D4-m4

I think that ass Krungo... err Drupp had something to do with it. Don't worry, I doubt anything comes of it, and their ships don't figure to be a threat to us. I figure once we get the technology and start building those ships that will kick the Human's ass, they'll cozy up to us again." said Maniac.

2446: We get a theft opportunity off the humans, all fields available. We select computers and get BC IV.

2447: Zortium Armor and Bio Antidote hit. The new choices are:
Construction: Improved 5 which I select
Planetology: Cloning which I select.

*Postgame note. OK, that planetology choice was clearly smoke of the highest order. The way the vote situation stands, either +30 or Soil Enrichment made more sense, but I was still focused on the idea that I'd see if Advanced Soil was in the tree instead of recognizing that the game should end before that tech ever got discovered, especially if I should secure an extra couple of votes...

Now that I have the Bio-Toxin Antidote and Stabilizer, it's time to see what I can get for those...

Hmm, you'll give me that for the antidote? Really?

[Image: imperium2339.jpg]

Oh, and even though I can't get this for stabilizers, and have to give Repulsors, this is just too good to pass up at this point in time.

[Image: imperium2340.jpg]

How about from the Psilons?

[Image: imperium2341.jpg]

That's a pretty nice haul for Stabilizer! Now, what can we get for the the antidote?

[Image: imperium2342.jpg]

Not bad at all... Probably not something we needed, but you never know.

***Coded Transmission on a secure channel from c14-m1E to RBO-23***

Sir, you'll be pleased to know that our development of the antidote for the plague that has been ravaging the Psilon and Bulrathi empires has brought dividends. We were able to trade that, along with some other unique technologies to both empires for some needed things that our own scientists have been unable to develop, including improved robotics technology, megabolt cannons, and the much needed stinger missiles. Please pass along my congratulations to b33-k3r and his team for the development of the antidote, and of course, to the black lance team for the development of the virus to begin with.

Now, all I have to do is to wait 2 turns. After the vote, it'll be time to make some ships to crush the humans!

2449: Battle Computer VI hits. The only new choice is Jammer VI. With a screen full of nothing but Jammer, we go for the top of the line one.

Vote Time! As expected, I have a new opponent... Yalara 5 votes me, Drupp 4 votes me, Carnax 7 votes me, Strader 4 votes Dynalon, Dynalon 9 votes himself, URGH, I'm ONE vote short, so I vote for Dynalon.

* Only now does it occur to me how much smoke it was to research antidote. Yeah, I just got some cool stuff in trade for it, but, If I'd have gotten either Terraforming +30 or Soil Enrichment instead, I could have won the game! duh

Yet one more time, Maniac is called astrally to Orion.

"Damnit, did it have to be tonight?" Maniac asked?

"Yes, it had to be tonight. Your little affair with the secretary girl can wait." said RefSteel. "You know, I'm a bit surprised at your little affair, actually. I thought you didn't like Meklar bodies..."

"Generally, I don't, but this girl is... different... so hot and wonderful..." Maniac trailed off.

RefSteel eyed Maniac. "You know, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were actually developing feelings for this mortal."

Maniac roared with laughter. "Developing feelings for her? You must be kidding. The pleasure of the flesh with her is just a distraction, something to try to make being stuck in this body a bearable experience."

RefSteel wasn't sure he believed Maniac, but he guessed it didn't matter. Surely Maniac wasn't stupid enough to throw away his immortality for her regardless.

"Whatever, are you voting for yourself, or Dynalon?" asked RefSteel.

"Before we get into that, what the hell is up with Strader. He's not acting Honorably. Some of the others aren't behaving normally either." Maniac said.

"Well, I TRIED to explain this to you several senates ago, you know, but you didn't want to hear it." RefSteel said.

"Well, I want to hear it now please." Maniac said

"When the different races and leaders were beamed here, a problem with the teleporter caused their personality overlays to be completely scrambled. We have no idea who got what for sure, but we know that only your race is currently behaving as they were intended to." RefSteel said.

"Damnit, I can tell you what Strder got. He got an Erratic personality overlay. He has to have, it's the only thing that makes sense." Maniac said.

"It does seem likely, but anyway, the night grows short, so, again I'll ask, who are you voting for?"

"Neither, actually. I don't think either of us deserve it to be honest, though I'm starting to reconsider... If all goes well this next term, I might very well be voting for myself next time." said Maniac. "Anyway, here is my report. Unless you object, I'll be going now."

"No, by all means go. Far be it from me to keep you from your affair any longer than absolutely necessary." RefSteel said with a smirk.

After Maniac left, RefSteel thought about Maniac's behavior. Taking a wife for a cover had made sense. It was pretty much normal procedure in fact, but, having an affair of the flesh? It seemed that every since the Orionian techs had been able to restore the personality overlay to the Meklar people through their cyvernetic implants, that Maniac had indeed been acting erratic, but mostly in his private life, rather than in his empire management. This was strange, even for an erratic personality overlay. This could be an interesting situation indeed...

2450: I was going to take some "state of the empire screenies" here, but they are time consuming, and I decided they might not be interesting. At the last minute, I just made a save file in slot one and decided I'd go back to it if I changed my mind. Well... I changed my mind so here they are.

The Fleet:

[Image: imperium2377.jpg]

The Map:

[Image: imperium2378.jpg]

The Status screen:

[Image: imperium2379.jpg]

We're running a solid second place now, with only the Psilons of any real concern

The Planets Screen:

[Image: imperium2380.jpg]

You'll notice that, yes, even the ultra poor has completed its factories, and even built several bases.

And, lastly, here is the Tech Collage:

[Image: imperium2381.jpg]

Umm, I had a brain fart. I forgot to make my robotics III factories, so there will be another, small delay making ships... rolleye

2452: OK, NOW we're ready to rock. First up is this design

[Image: imperium2343.jpg]

and to escort it around, we have

[Image: imperium2344.jpg]

Unfortunately, I can't make a missile boat design to my liking presently, so this will have to do. We begin building these reloc'd to Maretta everywhere EXCEPT the ultra poor itself, which is finishing factories (yes, really!) and preserving research.

Maniac sat back in his char, as a hologram of 4D4-m4 appeared.

"We've finally settled on a couple of designs that we think will bring the humans to their knees, sir."

The hologram of the admiral was replaced with one of a small ship.

"We're calling this design the Dagger. It's a small, highly maneuverable ship that carries a decent battle computer, anti-missile rockets, and fusion bombs." said the admiral.

"Looks good. I assume it should be able to reach the planet quickly once dropping out of hyperspace?" asked Maniac.

"Yes sir. We should be bombing the planet before those slow slug ships of the Humans know what hit them." replied the admiral. "Of course, they will need an escort, otherwise the humans will retain space superiority and be able to shoot down our transports, so we've also developed this design.

The image of the Dagger dissappeared and was replaced by another, snakker, sleeker design.

"We're calling this one a Hellcat. It's not quite as fast and maneuverable, but it's still pretty good, and it outclasses the human ships in that regard. It has a very good battle computer, so the ion cannons it mounts should be very accurate." sad 4D4-m4.

"Ion cannons?" Maniac frowned. "Don't we have far better beam technology than that?"

"Yes sir, we do. However, at present, b33-k3r and my top engineers are still unable to figure out how to fit those on a small hull. We COULD mount those on a bigger ship, but those take much, much longer to build and we'd lose a lot of defense, and, maneuverability. With the ships we'll be seeing from the Humans, ships that don't have very good armor, shielding, or manouverability, milspecs and b33-k3r's boys both feel this design will be better in the short run, and we can keep looking into to other designs in the future if need be."

Maniac frowned, clearly unconvinced. "You're the expert... if you're sure..." he said.

"I'm sure." replied the admiral.

"Very well then. Tell the folks at McDonnell and Lockheed to crank up production as soon as possible. I'm itching to take the fight to the Humans after all this time." said Maniac.

"Very well sir, 4D4-m4 out."

2453: We get a theft off the humans... We pick weapons and get... gatling laser... oh well.

2454: We get another theft off the humans. We try weapons again and get neutron blaster. We frame the bears for it.

2459: Ah crap, the Psilons have changed sides again. They have allied with the Humans! I must show them the error of their ways!

[Image: imperium2345.jpg]

Maniac tapped his portable, hand held communications inscriber on the desk, frustrated that it was taking his lover err, secretary, so long to get a holovid conference with Dynalon.

"I think she's gaining weight." Maniac thought to himself. "I wonder if I could get her to go on a diet."

That line of thought was immediately interrupted by the holographic appearance of Dynalon.

"Dynalon, what's going on? My people tell me you've switched sides in this war and allied with the Humans? Explain."

"We have not switched sides against your empire, as we have no grievance against you. However, we've discovered that many of the raids on our systems that we thought were being launched by the humans, were actually being done by the Bulrathi, with ships bearing human marking. We therefore, declared war on Emperor Drupp."

Maniac laughed. "They tried the same thing on us several years back, you know, but we were wise to them from the very beginning and warned them off trying that again and they backed down. Couldn't you have just told them that you knew what the hell they were doing and threatened them off trying that anymore?"

"Perhaps we should have tried that. We probably acted in haste. Regardless, Drupp's alliance mates believed his side of the story and have delcared war on us as well. In an attempt not to be at war on every single front, we agreed to form an alliance against the Bulrathi with the Humans." Dynalon said.

"Well, we're not exactly friends with the Bulrathi either, so we're more than happy to see you attack them, as long as you've no intentions of attacking us." Maniac said.

"We have no reason to attack you, although, I can assure you, emperor Strader has asked us to, and even if we did have such ideas, we have already three enemies to fight, and do not need anymore at present." Dynalon said.

"Very well, we understand each other then. If there is anything we can do discretely to help in your fight against Drupp, let me know. Maniac out."

Time to start assimilating human worlds for pop and relations purposes! The Barren planet near the nebula has long since fallen, and become a hot potato. I't's probably where the bears got those "human markings" from heh. I decide to leave Gion alone, as the Bulrathi and Mrrshans are fighting over it. I wouldn't want any misunderstandings... that leaves Hyades, Sol, Misha, Laan, and Kataka. I decide to leave Kataka in the hands of the Humans... I don't want them eliminated, especially not by me! So I figure I'll take the other 4 in a line from top to bottom, so 500ish of both designs head out towards Hyades.

We get a theft off the humans, no computers or weapons. I select construction and get... Improved 9. Ah well. We can frame the bears or cats, we pick the bears.

*Well, that closes out the buildup years. Next up: :duel:
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

2460: In the words of Maniac Marshall: "Ha ha, it's party time!"

[COLOR="Cyan"]Maverick counted down the seconds until his hellcat dropped out of orbit... three... two... one...

"Maverick to Yellowjacket squadron. No fighter cover on my screen. Lets do our best to draw the fire from those planetary bases away from our bombers. Break formation and good luck."[/COLOR]

[Image: imperium2346.jpg]

The planet shoots at my bombers?? Odd. They usually shoot at a fighter stack w/o AMR over a similar bomber stack with them. Oh well, no biggie. We lost, umm, 8 bombers, and knock over their bases with one shot!

We get to steal some more, same fields available. We pick construction again and get... Improved 8.

[COLOR="Cyan"]Later in Maniac's office, a holovid conference between he and 4D4-m4 was taking place...

"Sir, it's my honor to inform you we have gained space superiority at Hyades with very minimal casualties to our air force. Our ground troops are heading for the planet now." said the admiral.

"Very well, keep me informed." said Maniac.

As the image of the admiral faded from the screen, m0n-1c4 stepped out of the shadows. Maniac turned to her and smiled. "Now, where were we?" he asked.

I find this interesting...

[Image: imperium2347.jpg]

No factories? Someone must be sabotaging the royal hell out of them, because they had plenty of bases... That kind of sucks, because I wanted their tech. We decline bombing of course.

Hmm someone wants to speak with me?

[Image: imperium2348.jpg]

[Image: imperium2349.jpg]

Yeah, sure thing.

2461: In fact, lets talk bear boy.

[Image: imperium2350.jpg]

[COLOR="Cyan"]Yet another holovid conference in Maniac's office.

"So, you both want to put the boarder treaties back in place now that we've proven our fleet is a threat with our victory at Hyades?" Maniac chuckled.

"Do not insult us." said Drupp angrily.

"Careful, Drupp. Remember, you're the ones who want something from me, not the other way around." said Maniac.

"Is all this really necessary? Can't we just admit that it's the Humans who have caused this problem, and it's in all our best interests to eliminate their threat, and that will be a lot easier if we all agree not to have to divert some of our resources towards defending against each other?" asked Carnax.

"Very well, I agree to your request. However, the next time you break this kind of agreement, do not expect us to take it so easily. Do you both understand?"

"Perfectly." grumbled Drupp.

"Though I do not appreciate your tone, I agree." said Carnax.

"Very well, I have other things requiring my attention gentlemen, so, we go now." said Maniac.

The images of the two intergalactic leaders faded out.

Meanwhile, 50 million marines leave Maretta for Hyades.

We get notification that the Sillicoids are doing well:

[Image: imperium2351.jpg]

[COLOR="Cyan"]***A GNN exclusive***

The treaty we recently signed with the Sillicoids, relinquishing any claims to our boarder worlds, has allowed them to concentrate on expansion again. Are the Sillicoids getting too big for their britches, or whatever it is they wear?

We here at GNN believe that if their expansion is not contained, they will soon control the galaxy. Therefore, we urge our leaders to do everything they can, not to allow that to happen. I'm GNN anchor, P3c-0h.

2462: Let the invasion commence.

[Image: imperium2352.jpg]

[Image: imperium2353.jpg]

[COLOR="Cyan"]Another holovid transmission from 4D4-m4 to RBO-23.

Sir, I think this communication I received from Colonel 83k-3r says it all.

"Colonel 83k-3r to Admiral 4D4-m4. We've taken control of the planet with minimal casualties."

"Excellent. Please pass along my congratulations to all the men for a job well done. RBO-23 out."

Then a surprise happens.

[Image: imperium2354.jpg]

[COLOR="Cyan"]***GNN Special Report***

Good evening, this is P3c-0h coming to you live with an important news bulletin. GNN learned today that we have at last made contact with the galaxies' other intelligent race, a race of catlike beings calling themselves the Mrrshans. This race has long been an ally of both the Sillicoids, and the Bulrathi, and it is expected that we will try to treat relations with them in a similar manner. We'll have more on this story later tonight on the late news.

How did we get contact with them? We'll see in a moment, but first, another race also comes calling.

[Image: imperium2355.jpg]

Yeah, sure. Screw the entire galaxy over by being erratic as hell, warmongering bastid, and then, at the first sign you're getting owned, you want peace. lol Uhh, sorry, we're not Roleplaying as honorable in this game and I need those planets so I'm sure I have enough pop to win the vote...

[COLOR="Cyan"]***GNN Special Report. RBO-23 refuses to end the war with Humanity***

Good evening, this is P3c-0h coming to live from the capital, where we have just learned that RBO-23 has turned down a peace offer from the Humans.

In a prepared statement, RBO-23 said that the Humans offer was not in good faith, and that the Humans have proven time and again by their actions with all the other races of the galaxy that they are not to be trusted. He further went on to say that dropping out of the war now would be a disservice to our friends the Sillicoids and Bulrathi. The war will end, said RBO-23, when, and only when, we can ensure that the Humans will never be a threat to the peace loving races of the galaxy.

We here at GNN think this is a deplorable stance on the part of our government, and that peace should be signed immediately to avoid further loss of meklar life as soon as possible. We urge you to protest to your representatives at the earliest opportunity."

2463: So, how did I get contact with the Kitties? Ah, they took over that barren planet south of the nebula. I don't bother initiating trade with the Kitties. Relations are already good, and I expect them to lose the planet and contact with me shortly. Besides, the game is nearly over... I hope! I do, however, do this.

[Image: imperium2356.jpg]

I also trade them biotoxin antidote for reduced industrial waste 60%, and repulsor beams for terraforming +30, both techs in my tree that I SHOULD have selected to research myself instead of chasing after the techs I picked.

I look arround with the other races, but I don't make any other trades. The only other tech trade I considered is with the Psilons. Merculite Missiles for Zortium Armor. One of my favorite designs is merculite missile smalls, but I decide that, just in case, I'd rather not give them better armor, and I do have Stingers already for my bases.

I decide I have enough warships, and stop building them everywhere. I'll do some research, then next turn, time to terraform! I'm in no particular rush to take the 3 remaining planets, so I wait one turn for all of my ships less 27 Hellcats to reach the second fleet at Maretta, and for Maretta to regrow its pop before launching an invasion of Sol.

[COLOR="Cyan"]***GNN Special Report***

We've just learned that a formal treaty recognizing boarders was reached with the Mrrshan empire moments ago. The provisions of this treaty also incuded us trading medical technology to the Mrrshans, in exchange for environmental technology. Because of the difficulties involved in economic trade over such a long distance, however, both sides have decided not to enter into a long term trade agreement at this time. We'll have more on the impact of this and what it may mean to your pocketbook later tonight on the evening edition.

2364: Invasion Fleet sent to Sol. Terraforming begins.

Battle over Sol!

[Image: imperium2357.jpg]

This time, the bases DO shoot at my fighters. I order them to move back. We'll play dodge missile till the bombers finish those bases. I even manage to run the missile through some asteroids to reduce their number. Their fighters take one shot, then decide to get the heck out of there. It takes four shots, but their bases go pow. Well, Sol has 182 factories at least. Maybe we'll get some goodies from there. I decline bombing.

[COLOR="Cyan"]In orbit above Sol, as Meklar fighters drop out of hyperspace.

"Stingray to rising star squadron and star slayer squadron. The Humans have fighter cover this time. Bombers, move straight in. Their fighters will probably get one shot at you before we can arrive to cover you, so be careful. We'll try to draw the planetary defenses attention as much as possible."

"Stingray, this is Crossbones. Roger that, my bombers are beginning their attach run now."

"Good luck Crossbones."

"Stingray to attack group, the bases are indeed targeting us. The fighter group is going for the bombers, however. Try to hang on for a few moments. We'll dodge the flak and be there to cover you in a moment."

"Crossbones to Stingray. Their fighters have engaged us, but we've suffered minimal casualties. Commencing our second bombing run now."

"Almost there to cover you Crossbones... wait, thier fighters seem to be breaking off engagement. Confirm Crossbones."

"Afirmative, Stingray. The bases are now targeting us, but their fighters seem to be regrouping to jump out of system. We're beginning out third bombing run now."

"What a bunch of cowards. We'll try to draw the attention of the planetary bases while you finish them off. You got that Crossbones?"

"Roger Stingray. It should all be cake from here."

Hours later in Maniac's office, he arrives to find a pre recorded message from 4D4-m4.

Sir, I called the office last night, but you didn't answer, so I called home and your wife said you were working late. Since it was not urgent, I did not want to bother you at m0n-1c4's place. It is my pleasure to inform you that our glorious space fleet is once again victorious. We have captured the skies over Sol, and are ready to send ground troops to take over the enemies home world, which should bring the humans to their knees. I would order 55 million marines from our military academy on Maretta, but I thought you would like the pleasure of issuing that order yourself. Have a great day sir. 4D4-m4 out.

Meanwhile, just as I expected, contact has been broken with the Mrrshan empire.

2365: I order 55 million marines sent from Maretta to Sol. I send half the fleet off Maretta to Sol. Next turn, I'll cue up the invasion of Misha from Sol.

I get a theft from the Humans, all fields available but weapons (they have none), I select computers knowing I will get the only tech of theirs I really want.

[Image: imperium2358.jpg]

Bingo, that will speed up the invasions.

[COLOR="Cyan"]Internal memo from C14-M1E to RBO-23

Sir, one of our agents disguised as an automatic sweeper has managed to penetrate the human master computer on Sol, and has transmitted back the plans for an advanced space scanner, which will let us see all information, including bases, and fleets, at all planets up to nine parsecs from out worlds. This crucial information will speed up invasions by letting us see how to invade without having previously taken scans of the planet from orbit. I thought you should know, and will want to pass this information along to the military. Have a nice day sir.

2366: I send 70% of the fleet at Sol on to Misha, and with Misha now scouted thanks to the scanner, I send 45 million marines from Ryoun there to take it next turn. Meanwhile, I send 62 million from Primodius to Laan, due in 3 turns. I'll have bombers take out the bases by then. Everywhere not doing invasions/regrowing pop is now doing research, other than the Ultra Rich, which is doing reserves.

We arrive at Misha

[Image: imperium2359.jpg]

[COLOR="Cyan"]The Meklar fleet had just dropped out of hyperspace at Misha, and the wing commander was ready for a fight.

"Maverick to yellowjacket and blue devil squadrons. There's only a few frigate sized bogeys on my screen. They'll probably run, but be prepared in case they engage. Your bombers may begin their attack run when ready Angel."

"Wow, look at the size of that base cluster!" exclaimed one of the newbie bomber pilots.

"Cut the chatter red two." Angel said. "We are beginning our run on my mark. Good luck mes amis." said Angel in her Toranorian dialect that Maverick found so sexy.

I Have about 480 of each design survive this battle. We decline bombing at both locations... let the invasions begin.

[Image: imperium2360.jpg]

[Image: imperium2361.jpg]

[Image: imperium2362.jpg]

[Image: imperium2363.jpg]

Our new techs? Nothing spectacular. Improved Industrial 6, Class V Deflectors, Controlled Barren Environment, and Death Spores.

[COLOR="Cyan"]Maniac sat in his office, once again toying with his portable, hand held communications inscriber. He waiting for news of the invasions that should be coming any time. Ah, there was the admiral now.

"Sir, its is once again my pleasure to inform you that our glorious armies are victorious. We have captured both Sol and Misha, with almost no casualties to our fleet, and a better than 3 to 1 kill ratio in ground combat. Furthermore, our preparation for an invasion of Laan has already begun. Shall we move on their remaining planets as well?" asked the admiral.

"Excellent news of our successes there, but no, Laan will be our last target for now." said Maniac.

"Sir?" was all the admiral could say.

"I'm not in the business of committing genocide, admiral, and I already promised the Bulrathi and the Mrrshans they could have Gion. That only leaves the Humans one planet, so they can have it as far as I'm concerned. Take Laan, but then take no further action other than shoring up defenses at our new planets, understood?" asked Maniac.

"Yes sir, as you wish. 4D4-m4 out."

2467: Half the fleet at Misha is sent on to Laan. It will arrive just in time to knock out the bases for our marines. Meanwhile, at the 3 "human" planets, we are teraforming. Nothing but human fighters and a handful of mediums are approaching these planets, and my own fighters can handle them. I also send wads more pop at them. Ryoun 15 million to Hyades, Maretta 46 million to Sol, Klystron 37 million to Misha, and Primodius 41 million to Misha. All the sending planets are growing pop to replace what was sent of course. They should have no trouble re-topping off in the next 8 turns.

The humans decide to pick a fight over Misha.

[Image: imperium2364.jpg]

My bombers retreat, my fighters advance, their fighters advance, my fighters autofire... here is the situation after the exchange of volleys.

[Image: imperium2365.jpg]

[COLOR="Cyan"]"Yellowjacket squadron, this is Maverick. We have incoming bogeys, prepare to engage. Wingmen, don't try to be a hero, remember, you job is to cover your wing leaders. Wing leaders, remember, don't try to go toe to to with them. They have better guns than we do, but they are just gun heavy slugs. We should have no trouble out flying them. Use your speed and maneuverability."

"Can we attack now?" asked Minx.

"Not yet m4r-14... hold formation and wait for my mark... let them come to us... just a little more... NOW! Break formation and open fire!"

Uhh, yeah, I know I shot first, but I lost a total of 4 fighters. Even if they had shot first and killed 5 times a many (which is a generous estimate), they have killed 20, and then my shot back would leave them maybe 50 fighters. They would then kill maybe 5-6 more of mine, then they'd all go poof. Their fighter design is just pathetic compared to mine, even if it has a better weapon. In any case, my next shot wipes out the rest of their stack.

Just in time to be mostly useless, Ion Rifle hits. Our new choices are Scatter Pack VII, Auto Blaster, and Tachyon Beam. Figures. I get some awesome weapons, Scatter VII, Auto Blaster, and a bomb better than Fusion Bombs in a game that's going to end long before I need any of them. I go back and select Omega-V bombs.

[COLOR="Cyan"]Message from 4D4-m4 to RBO-23

Sir, the Human's have at last tried to engage us in space combat. The results were a total landslide victory for our side, as expected. The human main fleet, which has been defending Gion might eventually pose a threat, but because of their poor propulsion, we'd have plenty of notice of their intent to attack, and be able to group our own fleet to take them on. Final analysys, the Humans do indeed pose no threat to us, as we expected all along.

- 4D4-m4

2468: We arrive at Laan

[Image: imperium2366.jpg]

It's a walkover. Again, only 13 factories. Man, they must be getting royally ripped a new one by espionage. I decline bombing of course... let the battle commence!

[Image: imperium2367.jpg]

[Image: imperium2368.jpg]

[COLOR="Cyan"]Another holovid conference was taking place between 4D4-m4 to RBO-23.

"Good morning admiral, lets have your report." said Maniac

"Sir, it is once again my pleasure to inform you that our glorious armies are victorious. We have captured Laan, and it is my honor to inform you that we now control the great galactic library." said 4D4-m4.

"Good news, admiral. How about casualties."

"The airforce was virtually undamaged. We faced greater than expected resistance from their ground troops, but we still inflicted a better than 2 to 1 casualty rate on the humans." said the admiral.

"Great, is their anything else?" asked Maniac.

"Yes sir, there is one item of concern that I wanted to bring to your attention right away. Our scanners have detected a Psilon battle fleet en route to the planet. It is tactical's considered opinion that we would be unable to build a fleet in time that could challenge the Psilon fleet. Our only hope of holding on to the planet is to convince the Psilons to accept our claim." warned 4D4-m4.

"Very well, I'll have a little chat with Dynalon right away. I'll get back to you with the results as soon as possible. RBO-23 out."

2469: Well, this could be a problem...

[Image: imperium2369.jpg]

If they take that planet from me, it might just tip the balance of the vote. I can't have them taking my new planet, and I seriously doubt I can stop THAT fleet considering all the toys available to them, so I call them up and inform them that this is OUR domain now, and they should attack elsewhere.

[Image: imperium2370.jpg]

[COLOR="Cyan"]Maniac watched his secretary as she tried to configure the holovid transmitter.

She's definitely put on a few, he thought, but most of it has gone to the right places...

"I've got it, arbie." she said. "Shall I put him on now."

"Yeah, might as well get this over with." said Maniac.

The image of Dynalon appeared in front of Maniac.

"You wanted to speak with me?" asked Dynalon.

"Yeah, I did. I noticed you have a rather large fleet of warships headed towards Laan. I'm not sure if you noticed or not, but Laan is no longer in posession of the Humans. We would greatly appreciate it if you would respect our claim to the planet, and attack the humans elsewhere, where we would not contest your claims." said Maniac

"Of course." said Dynalon. "The Psilon Empire respectfully withdraws our ships from you domain. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have urgent buisness to attend to."

The image of Dynalon faded out.

"Mmmm arbie, you're so cute when you're putting these other leaders in their place." said the secretary.

"I've already told d0r4 that I'm working late tonight. We still on for your place tonite?" asked Maniac.

"You bet we are." Said the girl with an alluring smile.

Yeah, that's better.

*Postgame note. I didn't think their troop transports would arrive in time anyway. I made a save at this point just to see how it would have played out. The end result? Their transports were indeed one turn too late to invade before the vote. I had the same number of votes, the Psilons actually had one less, so it made no difference.

There is combat over Sol and Misha. I didn't take pictures, I just clicked auto and expected them to run, but they fought at Sol. We actually lose a few fighters over Sol to their seven Frigates, but the outcome was never in doubt.

[COLOR="Cyan"]A holovid conference between 4D4-m4 and RBO-23 was taking place once again.

"Sir, I just wanted to let you know that our fighters have engaged several of the enemy frigates. We had minor casualties, but the enemy ships were completely destroyed." said 4D4-m4.

"Very good. Continue holding out position for now." ordered Maniac.

"Sir, if we've no intention of taking over their final 2 planets, shouldn't we just make peace with the Humans? Why risk more of our people in these little skirmishes?" asked 4D4-m4.

"If that snake Strader comes crawling to us on his belly, I'll consider makeing peace, but otherwise... We gain relations with the other races by continuing to be at war with the humans, even if only nominally. For now, we'll just leave things as they are. If things change, you'll be the first to know."

I start using up the reserves to stand up the Human planets.

2470: The human planets other than Laan max out their pop, start building shields/bases. I send 20 million from Misha to Laan to help it max out its pop.

2472: Here is a look at one of the Human designs. Unfortunately, I never got a look at their fighter design, and the game will end before I will have one reach a planet with a base.

[Image: imperium2371.jpg]

The shielding was what caused my fighters just a tiny bit of a problem I guess.

2474: Class X Planetary Shields hit. New choices are Cloaking Device and Class VII Deflectors. FWIW I choose the cloaks.

VOTE TIME! Yalara 5 votes RBO-23, Drupp 3 votes RBO-23, Carnax 5 votes RBO-23, Strader 1 vote Dynalon, Dynalon 10 votes Dynalon, RBO-23 13 votes RBO-23. The end result:

[Image: imperium2372.jpg]

Wow, that was closer than I expected, but we'll take it.

[COLOR="Cyan"]Yet again, Maniac was called to Orion.

"Hmm, time for this again already?" Maniac asked RefSteel.

"Yes, that time again, as you say." said RefSteel.

"Hmm, well, to save time, you'll want to know who I'm voting for. I'm going to go ahead and vote for myself this time." Maniac said

"While I feel I was out managed early by the other races, except the Humans, who were never really important, and even now we're behind the Psilons in several metrics, Dynalon hasn't done very well for all his advantages." he continued.

"Not only that, but we're the only race that's been very successful at this war so far, and I'm guessing that our small fleet could easily take over all the other races with the exception of the Psilons, and that it could do so very quickly." Maniac opined.

"Once the other races planets were assimilated, the Omega-V bombs we're researching would probably let us glass the Psilons right out of existence. I see little chance that we would fail to win this war, though, I guess we'll get a chance to find out soon." he concluded.

"Now, unless there is something else, I'll be getting back to my mistress." Maniac said.

"Hold on there, no need to go anywhere. The simulation is now over. Your votes put you over the top. Congratulations, your Meklar have won the simulation." Said RefSteel.

"What?" Maniac asked surprised. "Other people voted for me? You must be kidding."

"No, I'm not kidding. Carnax, Yalara and Drupp all voted for you. You've proven your strange acting race is more competitive than the other races with stange personalities and goals. We can all go back home now."

"So, what's going to become of the others then?" asked Maniac, clearly concerned.

"The others?" asked RefSteel surprised. "You mean the various races? As per usual, we'll use our temporal engineering methods to return them to their proper place in space and time just seconds after they were lifted out of their continuum to our experement, just like always."

"So, she'll forget about me, won't she?" said Maniac.

"I'm surprised that a vet like you would allow yourself to become personally involved with a mortal. I can't say I have much sympathy for you." said RefSteel.

"No, I don't suppose you would. What if I refuse to accept the ruling of the council?" asked Maniac defiantly.

"Well, if you did that, we might just have to tip off your brainless airhead of a wife to your little affair. How she's not managed to notice before now is beyond me. Do you know what would happen then? No? I do, because I've used the time telescope to look ahead. The spiteful d0r4 would then kill you're little tramp of a secretary in revenge... it looked like a really painful death too... The resulting scandal, combined with your insane behavior in refusing to accept peaceful rulership of the galaxy would lead to your ouster from command of the Meklar empire... shall I go on?" asked RefSteel.

"Damn you. I suppose I have no choice then..." Maniac said.

"There are always choices..." said RefSteel. "Some more idiotic than others, but there are always choices."

"Would you, at least, let me have the rest of the evening with her?" asked Maniac.

RefSteel hesitated a moment. Was there any harm in this? He could see none. "Very well, I'll allow it, out of the goodness of my heart. You owe me for this, and don't forget it."

"I won't." said Maniac, and in a moment, he was gone.

*** Moment's later, back in m0n-1c4's apartment

Back in his cyborg body, Maniac rolled over, put his hands gently on his lovers muffin tops and gently shook the girl.

"m0n, please wake up, there is something important I have to tell you." Maniac begged.

"Mmmm, what is it Arbie, she said. Can't it wait until morning?"

"No, I'm afraid it can't, because at sunrise, the world you know will cease to exist. Please sit up, this is very important." Maniac said.

The girl sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. "Ok, I'm awake. What's so important that it couldn't wait?"

"What I'm about to tell you won't be easy for you to believe, but you must. You're going to think I've gone mad, but I swear to you, it's all true, and you must believe me." he said as he looked deeply into his lovers' eyes.

"I've always believed everything you've told me Arbie, because I've always known that you loved me, and would never do anything to hurt me." said the girl.

"My real name isn't RBO-23, and I'm not really a Meklar, but an Orinonian named Lord Todd Marshall." said Maniac.

"Arbie, is this some kind of joke? You're claiming to be a member of some mythical race from fairy tales and legends? It's way too early in the morning for something like this." protested m0n-1c4.

"It's not a joke, it's all true. I'm an Orinonian, sent here with five others of my kind to test your race as well as the five others in a sort of competition. We've been testing your races to see which, if any, of them might some day be worthy of ascending to the mantle of masters of the galaxy." said Maniac.

"Look, this isn't funny." the girl protested. "Of course you're one of us. You look like us, you sound like us." she said.

Maniac looked deep into her eyes and said, "I was born in another time, another world." he said firmly.

"How can I believe you?" she said. "If you're an Orinonian, prove it to me. Use some of your godlike powers to prove it to me, and I'll believe you."

Maniac looked down at his time piece, and realized there was only a couple of minutes left before sunrise.

"Using our powers so while we are in the guise of another race is prohibited. I can not prove it to you that way. Look, in less than two minutes, the sun will come up, and when it does, this world will cease to exist. Everything that has happened to you from the moment you were lifted out of time and dropped here will cease to have happened. All of your memories will be gone, unless you trust me enough to let me put this implant on you. It's time shielded, and will allow you to retain all of your memories. We can stay together."

"Get away from me with that thing. The way you're acting right now, I don't trust you." the girl said, backing away from Maniac.

With just seconds left to do something, Maniac realized he had only one chance left to remain with his beloved. If she wouldn't let him put the time shield on her...

"I'm sorry." he said, throwing the device across the room. "I'll be going now. Will you give me a hug before I go?"

m0n-1c4 hesitated a moment before reacting, but after a few seconds, she put her arms around him. "Oh Arbie, don't ever scare me like that again, OK?"

"I won't, I promise." he said.

Holding the girl close, he activated something on his belt, which cyberneticly linked the two bodies into one. If she wouldn't accept the implant that would let her return to her world as she was with memories intact so that he could find her later and bring her to Orion as an immortal, he would do the only other thing possible... linked together as one, he could use his power at the moment of transference, the moment when his powers would return, to warp reality so that they would be transported back to the Meklar world together. It would mean giving up his immortality, but he no longer cared. Immortality was boring, and m0n-1c4 was not. He only hoped that her memories would remain intact... he hoped they would, but he didn't know, but he had to risk it. He loved her with all his hearts.

Just then, the suns first rays entered the room, and reality as they knew it changed forever.[/COLOR]

To be concluded...
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

The final save is up in the first part of the report, so if you want to take a look at it, well, it's there for you to look at.

Before we get to scoring for the event, lets look at our empire when the game concluded.

A very different looking fleet screen vs 25 years ago:

[Image: imperium2382.jpg]

I really wonder if I wouldn't have been better off going less computer and putting stabilizer on. That would have cost me 2 levels in BC though, but would have allowed the fighters to keep up with the bombers. That could have been especially useful without any missile boats. Not that it mattered THIS time, but it could have.

The Final Map.

[Image: imperium2383.jpg]

Nothing to add here.

The final Status screen, still missing the Mrrshans, who made only a 2 turn cameo this game.

[Image: imperium2384.jpg]

I'm clearly ahead of everyone but the Psilons, and in fact, could probably easily run over everyone except the Psilons right now. The psilons would have to wait to be dealt with until I could make huge stacks of Omega-V bombers to slag their planets in a blitz move.

The final Planets Screen.

[Image: imperium2385.jpg]

Nothing exciting there. The new planets are already in a position to defend themselves, and would be even more so shortly with Planetary X on the burner.

Speaking of tech, here is the final tech picture:

[Image: imperium2386.jpg]

[Image: imperium2387.jpg]

So now, being the last one to complete his report, I have the luxury of being able to compare my game to the others.

Why did I get absolutely pwnd in score by RefSteel? Besides the fact he played a nearly perfect game that I might not have been able to beat if I tired that is.

Well, there was score indifference on my part this time. Like I said at the top, not every game is going to be a "peaceful conquest" or a "uniting of the triad". I knew very well the route to victory would be to settle only about 4 planets, then run over everyone with ground invasions as fast as possible. Ref's game was a clinic on how to do this. I, however, was both not in the mood to do it this game, nor did I have time to do it. That kind of game takes more time and attention to detail than the game I played. I didn't get the game finished till about 48 hours before closing, which I figured I needed to do to get the report posted on time... yeahhhhh on time... bang Hey, Gris hasn't posted imperium 24 yet, does that count as "on time"... rolleye

Now, the bigger question: Why did I succeed where so many others failed? I think the best answer is this: Luck mostly.

We had three people who lost the vote, and they lost to three different AI's in the same year! Amazing stuff. In my game, on the other hand, everyone but the humans had a turn at nomination, but, because the universe was split fairly evenly by the war, no one but me ever came close to winning the vote. By the time the Humans declared war on me, and the Psilons became my opponent, I had most of the galaxy supporting me while I did very little to encourage this!

Now that my report is actually finished, I'd be really interested to hear from you guys what you thought of it (even if it sucked, and if it did, tell me, I can take it.)

Writing this style of report takes a lot of time, and I'd be interested to hear what you liked, what you didn't like, and what you'd like to see more of in the future, and I'll try to oblige.

By the way, I meant it when I said I had NO idea how this story was going to end... the entire second half of it just literally wrote itself. I know it's not exactly spectacular or original by any means, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.

As for the scoring:

500 points for completing
60 points for 12 planets at the end
125 points for years remaining till 2600
-175 points for colony ship settling
510 points total.

[COLOR="Cyan"]EPILOGUE: A few years after the events of Imperium 23, m0n-1c4 lay in her hospital bed, having just given birth to her first child, a baby girl that she held in her arms. She looked up at the baby's father, now known to everyone as RBO-23.

"I'm sorry that I didn't believe in you back then." she said.

"It's ok. I probably wouldn't have believed me either." said the being formerly known as Lord Todd "Maniac" Marshall. He bent over and kissed his wife on the forehead.

"No, it's not ok. You gave up your immortality for me..."

"A wise man once said: Immortality is a curse, not a blessing. I hadn't lived, not really lived in eons before I met you. Besides, there is another form of living I would have never gotten to experience otherwise. You're holding her in your arms."

Looking down on this scene from Orion, RefSteel shook his head. There would be no more reports from Maniac. In the end, he turned out to be too erratic for his own good.

Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

Wow - an epic report of a great game!
Maniac Marshall Wrote:Well, there was score indifference on my part this time. [...] I knew very well the route to victory would be to settle only about 4 planets, then run over everyone with ground invasions as fast as possible. Ref's game was a clinic on how to do this. I, however, was both not in the mood to do it this game, nor did I have time to do it. That kind of game takes more time and attention to detail than the game I played.
Entirely true. I wouldn't have pushed as hard as I did for score myself if not for the AI offering me a cheap election win in 2343. That would have been good for some 702 points(!) with no invasions at all - and virtually no gameplay for that matter. Chalk it up to an insufficiently-thought-out scoring system. After that happened, I felt I had to beat that score by superior play, and it really drove me to feats of planning and coordination to which I'd never otherwise have committed the necessary time. I enjoyed the effort a great deal, but I don't expect to commit the time to anything like again any time soon! I must admit though that I'm pleased to have smashed that cheesy score by the time the game finally ended.

Most importantly, I thoroughly enjoyed your report - I was laughing early and often - but I'm really glad you included that disclaimer at the beginning:
Maniac Marshall Wrote:Any resemblance to anyone, living, dead, or anywhere in between...
After all, I'd hate to think you meant a quote like this one literally:
Maniac Marshall Wrote:There would be no more reports from Maniac.
As for what I liked, to be more specific than "all of it!" - I think you do a much better job than I do of describing your strategy and letting us glimpse (in your out-of-character turnlog) the way you actually thought about and approached the game. In this report, I didn't even hint at what my imaginary character was thinking with its decisions ... errr ... unless you can read something into all those ones and zeroes, that is. I certainly enjoy the in-character stuff too, but I think it mainly adds flesh to your turnlog, which serves as the real bones of the report. (In this analogy, my reports consist almost entirely of vast, amoebic blobs with no bone structure whatsoever. So never mind: Forget that analogy!)

In any case, thanks for reporting! I'd have felt awfully embarassed if I were the only one to win this Imperium!

[EDIT: Also, I'd completely forgotten that MoO AIs will sometimes say, "Resistance is Futile. The fate of [your race] is inevitable. Prepare to submit to [our race]." Seeing that screenshot with Yalara in this "We Are the Borg" game was just great!]

A good game and result, nicely played. You could have done better but you weren't after points, this time. I really enjoyed the report. I was left feeling frustrated by the breaks but keen to see what the next instalment would bring. A nice mix between the in-character story and out-of-character gameplay action and analysis. I liked the setting, the characters and the dialogue. Just you might have played somethings out to a conclusion, what about the next in the series! I would never ask anyone to devote the kind of time taken to produce this stuff but it really was fun to read. Thanks.

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