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Intersite Game - Turn Discussion Thread

I just hope we can drag CFC down with us, I'm really getting to hate their guts

(September 5th, 2013, 01:01)mostly_harmless Wrote: Say, we get Rifling next turn.
What will happen if we whip a Musket to completion this turn?
Will we get the Musket or will it convert to a Rifling and only complete if the whip hammers were enough to finish the Rifle?

It will auto upgrade, yes.
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I'm all in favor of giving up on the western front (careful, slow retreating) and throwing everything at CFC. They organized this dogpile, and if we're going to go down in flames, I don't want them to coast to an easy win as a result. Them doing that pillaging is dumb as usual, so let's make them pay for it.

I kinda think that great person out of Eastern Dealers is way more valuable than the city of Starfall. Is there really nothing we can do to stall the city capture by one turn? Or speed up the great person by 1T?

Do we have any specialist slots available to speed the GP in ED? I don't think we do but I haven't seen the city in a while.

And yeah, move every unit east. CFC is a bunch of retards. They couldn't wait one more turn to (all but) declare war? What assholes. Liars and assholes. Did I miss anything?

Give every city to Poly/CivPlayers, those guys aren't liars and have played fairly. March EVERYTHING east. Well, delete workers before capture....anything else....east.

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

Eastern Dealers:

And the surroundings:

Eastern Dealers can be attacked by Knights on T176.
Cannons can hit it on T177.

Unless someone knows how to speed up the Great Person, it gets born beginning of T176.
If CFC moves enough Knights towards Eastern Dealers on T175, the Great Person is toast. I even tested out to set a rally point, but it does not work on Great Persons.

In a worst case scenario we face up to 16 knights at Eastern Dealer on T176. Nothing we do will hold against that.
The only chance we have is, to bolster the defence to make them wait for the cannons and not rush in the Knights.

We can draft a musket in Simple Life and Forbidden Fruit this turn and move them towards Eastern Dealers this turn and into Eastern Dealers on T175.
There is also a knight we can move into Eastern Dealers this turn.
I plan to move the Great General into that direction as well. The plan is to draft a musket out of Mansa Muse and move it towards Eastern Dealers. Merge it with the Great General and move into Eastern Dealers, then free-upgrade to Rifle in the city. We can merge the GG onto the Musket inside Forbidden Fruit, to sprinkle the XP onto a Forbidden Fruit draft Rifle and a Mansa Muse drafted Rifle on T175.
You see that corn and gold tile at Mansa not roaded? Sucks! Otherwise I could sprinkle the XP onto the two drafted muskets (see above) from this turn, so all the 20XP from the GG fight at Eastern Dealers on T176. Can't be helped. Lost too many workers. And what we have around was farming until last turn. smile

If we whip the Pike in Eastern Dealers, we lose one workable tile. That will mess with the foodbox end of T175. When the city starves one citizens is removed every turn. But will it remove a worked tile or a specialist? And will it check for starvation before or after the Great Person points are credited? Codedigger?
We can also draft Eastern Dealers this turn for a Musket. And then draft again next turn for a Rifle. The ED Pike, drafted Musket and drafted Rifle can only be done if the starvation does not mess with the specialists.

So what can we have inside ED to defend on T176:
Musket 15% Fortify
Musket (T174 draftee from Simple Life)
Musket (T174 draftee from Cutting Edge)
Rifle (T174 musket draftee from Mansa Muse upgraded by Great General) with some XP for promos
Axe 25% Fortify
Axe (moved from Covenant)
War Chariot C1 (moved from Simple Life)

Everything on a hill (+25%def) behind 60% culture (CFC cannot revolt us I think, but who knows, maybe they ask Apolyton to do it?)

In addition to that we can get a
Pike (ED whip T174)
Musket (ED draftee T174)
Rifle (ED draftee T175)

Alternatively we 1pop whip a wall in ED this turn (when we get our Stones back from CFC this turn). Will be meaningless at T177 when the cannons attack, but might hold off enough Knights to get our Great person to safety. A CGI Rifle on a hill behind walls against C2 Knights should get pretty good odds. If you put 60% culture on top of that ...

It all depends on how bold CFC decides to be with their Knights next turn.
They could even take Forbidden Fruit T176! That's how fucked we are.

OK, any ideas are welcome.

As for the troops in the west:
Civplayers takes a breath, it seems. And I would like to have enough troops around to force Apolyton not to split their stack and take cities at double the current rate, or if they actually do split their stack, to hit one of it.

Moving everything we have to the west just to hold against CFC comes like 5 turns too late. We knew what was coming and we decided to fight in the west with the troops we have.
Moving them now will just have them out of combat for 3-4 turns. Not good.
If we can instead use them to deflect Apolyton northwards, that would help.

Also it looks like I will be playing the turns now. I am on GMT+1 time and away over the weekend.
That means I will play tomorrow morning and end turn close to turn roll. Will then post at CFC to ask for CFC, Civplayers or Apolyton to not finish their turns early, but rather let the 36hours tick down. The remaining 36 hours should be enough for me to be back at my machine Sunday night and play with a few hours to spare. If that does not work, we will have to ask for pause again.

As for diplo, feel free to unleash your hate onto CFC after the actual DoW. But remember, its a game, and we were just outplayed. We knew other teams would use the espionage system, we knew CFC is good at playing a shady diplo game. We walked into this with open eyes. CFC pillaged roads, so ... do you really want to start a debate with CFC about the fine print of the NAP contract? Any fun in this?
I will hold the fort to my best abilities and try to do updates. No streaming, though.
I am only a mediocre player and if people could answer the odd mechanics question, that would help.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

I disagree about us being outplayed. We massively outplayed the field, that's what got us dogpiled. If this was a no diplo game (i.e., a test of civ skill only), we'd still be winning. How were we outplayed? CFC got lucky that our two western neighbors were teams that participated in their diplomacy game. If either of our western neighbors ignored diplomacy like some teams in this game (not us) this all unfolds differently and we have a chance. The best player doesn't always win, there are way too many other factors in play. Sure, saying that sounds like sour grapes, but that's why games aren't played on paper right?

Also, death to CFC.

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

(September 5th, 2013, 16:32)spacetyrantxenu Wrote: I disagree about us being outplayed.

Also, death to CFC.

We were out-played diplomatically.

And, yes, death to CFC.

You're both right, we outplayed ourselves.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

I think, in retrospect and taking into account the human element, taking out the Germans was the game-losing play. As massively and decisively as this team outplayed the world in Civ mechanics, this was an over-extension, it drastically set back the economy, it made an enemy, and it raised all alarms that something must be done about the team.

Oh, it was a gambit in a diplo game that we would be able to handle a coming dog pile. I think we could have taken 2 but not 3. Its like that scene from BSG where the humans find out there are two more base stars than they thought there were. frown
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

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