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[SPOILERS] Team Orgynized: Parkin/Arki/Magno embark on a kinky adventure

(September 4th, 2013, 01:28)Lord Parkin Wrote: Looks like they retired and immediately reclaimed their civ just recently as well... I guess to change the password. Perhaps slaze is no longer going to be involved in the team? Dunno.

Maybe they wanted some help from the AI? lol

Turn 18


[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0309.JPG]
Gladiator's Glory finally finished their first tech. Bit weird though, because it definitely wasn't Bronze Working - only a 1000 soldier count increase, which must have been a Warrior somewhere. Has to be a 0 soldier tech then, which would have to be Agriculture, Mysticism or Masonry - but they should have been able to finish any of those long ago. Therefore they must be changing their research mid-tech to throw people off on demographics analysis.

Also team Eagles & Condors just grew to size 2. As they're expansive it's possible they could have gone Worker first (12 turns), then improved a food resource and grown this turn while building a Work Boat. Still, weird choice - they picked a civ presumably for the starting techs (Native America), but then didn't go Work Boat first? If that was their plan they should have picked a civ like Egypt or China and researched Fishing manually. I don't get the Native America pick at all.


[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0308.JPG]
Our first Worker, Honey Rider, was finally built in the capital. She's started improving the Sheep, and will be done in 3 turns. We'll grow to size 2 in 4 turns.

Whoever put the island name there, I approve. smile
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Just got a greeting message from Eagles and Condors.

Quote:'allo Team Organized!

A quick note to recognize first contact - September is a busy month so apologies for not drafting a long letter of introduction. I suspect, however, that our teams will benefit most from a straightforward exchange of ideas. On that note: our capitols are far, they are 14 tiles apart. We can both read power graphs, espionage is on, and there's a great deal to be gained if our civs can work together instead of wasting resources in conflict. We offer an initial NAP until T60, to be renegotiated T55. Let's get the snowball rolling. We offer an EP agreement: both teams agree to limit EP spending to 43EP's while we accumulate graphs on the other teams.

Most importantly, we offer to be available by e-mail or chat for discussion re: the game. Co-ordinating our efforts takes work - we make for a useful ally and a steadfast friend.

Let us know what you think,
Team Eagles and Condors

Huh... so apparently they're our western neighbours, despite team Margarine meeting us first from the west. Our capitals being 14 tiles apart is at the lower limit of what I was expecting - despite them saying that's far apart, I'd classify that as pretty close. Checked in the game and their Scout appeared in the same location that Margarine's Scout did.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0310.JPG]
Overall they seem friendly enough, if a little businesslike. An EP agreement works well for both of us. The NAP to T60 is fine, though I don't like the renegotiation being limited to only 5 turns in advance of the expiry - better not to restrict it and just renegotiate when the time feels right. Otherwise it seems we'll be able to get along fine. I'll work on a reply tomorrow, unless someone else wants to have a go first. smile

Surprised we still haven't heard back from the Margarine team yet - though I see they haven't even updated their thread in several days. Hope everything's okay.
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

It's too bad Hugh wasn't "up" for that lion fight.

It's interesting that they gave us information on their capital - it's useful to know how far they are anyway! Should we repay in kind and show goodwill by telling them some tidbit of information, presumably one that isn't very useful to them? smile

The EP agreement sounds like a no-brainer to me.

What does "renegotiated T55" even mean? Does it mean no possible extensions are possible before then? Does it mean by T55 we need to have a decision one way or another whether the NAP will continue?

Is it worth clarifying the off-by-1 ambiguity on whether "until T60" means war can be declared on T60, or is there a convention. (Or do we want the ambiguity?)

With a NAP to 60, are there any prime city spots 6-8 tiles to the west that we need to rush settle (with impunity) before they do?

(September 5th, 2013, 10:21)WilliamLP Wrote: It's interesting that they gave us information on their capital - it's useful to know how far they are anyway! Should we repay in kind and show goodwill by telling them some tidbit of information, presumably one that isn't very useful to them? smile

Well we don't currently have any really useful information to offer right now, but we can promise to let them know who our eastern neighbours are when we meet them. Unfortunately that'll be a while away yet with the dead Scout.

(September 5th, 2013, 10:21)WilliamLP Wrote: The EP agreement sounds like a no-brainer to me.


(September 5th, 2013, 10:21)WilliamLP Wrote: What does "renegotiated T55" even mean? Does it mean no possible extensions are possible before then? Does it mean by T55 we need to have a decision one way or another whether the NAP will continue?

Yeah, I was confused by this too - it's probably worth asking for clarification in our message back to them.

(September 5th, 2013, 10:21)WilliamLP Wrote: Is it worth clarifying the off-by-1 ambiguity on whether "until T60" means war can be declared on T60, or is there a convention. (Or do we want the ambiguity?)

I always assume that "NAP until Turn X" means "up to, but not including Turn X" unless I hear otherwise. It's not important enough to be worth pushing for a distinction at this stage though - I highly doubt they'll be planning to attack anyone that early regardless.

(September 5th, 2013, 10:21)WilliamLP Wrote: With a NAP to 60, are there any prime city spots 6-8 tiles to the west that we need to rush settle (with impunity) before they do?

Maybe it's worth negotiating some sort of deal along the lines of "don't settle more than X tiles east/west of your capital without consulting the other nation" to avoid this sort of situation? They're likely to be able to get out Settlers a few turns faster than us after all, given their Expansive head start. Something like 5-6 tiles would make sense if there's 14 tiles between us.
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Just double checking - Eagles & Condors and M & M have made contact already.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0312.JPG]
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Okay, here's a draft for the message to Eagles & Condors. Rather long, but there were a few things to clarify. Any suggestions for improvements would be welcome - I'd like to get this sent in the next 12 hours if possible. smile

Quote:Greetings HBHR, Kurumi, Oxyphenbutazone, suttree, and other followers of the Eagles & Condors,

We at Team Orgy were just beginning our latest festival of debauchery on the streets of Hermione when we noticed your Scout approaching our borders. We're overjoyed to make contact with your nation, and would like to cordially invite your Scout to join us and perhaps dabble in a little hedonism if he desires while he's in the area.

We have no desire to engage in war at any time in the near future - our soldiers get more than their fill of activity at home. As such, we'd be glad to make love and have a NAP together until turn 60. We're slightly confused by your renegotiation clause, however... perhaps you could elaborate on this. Does it mean no extensions to our NAP are possible prior to turn 55? Or does it mean that by turn 55 we must have made a decision one way or the other as to whether the NAP will continue? We strongly feel that if things are going well between our nations, we should not restrict ourselves from being able to extend our cooperation much earlier than 5 turns prior to the expiry date. smile Also, in the unlikely event that we decide to waste our resources fighting one another very early in the game, we would prefer 10 turns of advance notice rather than only 5.

We would like to clarify that to us non-aggression includes not aggressively planting cities close to the other nation without discussion. Since we have not yet revealed all the land between our nations, we propose a very simple agreement for now: neither of us would settle more than 5 tiles from our capital in the direction of the other nation without first coming to a mutual agreement. With border expansions, given the 14 tile distance between our capitals, this would mean the initial cultural boundaries of cities freely placed (with no discussion required) would not extend further than the halfway point between our nations. How does this sound to you? Once we've both got a good idea of the land between us, we can of course work out a more intricate border agreement to fairly divide resources near the halfway point between ourselves.

We gladly accept the agreement to limit our espionage ratio to 43/43 while we accumulate EP on other teams. We'd be happy to extend this agreement indefinitely if we become close partners.

We note you've made contact with the Margarita team - we met them a few turns ago, though we've heard no response to our initial greeting. We actually assumed they were our western neighbour, but from your message it sounds like they must be your western neighbour instead? We have not yet met our eastern neighbour, due to our Scout unfortunately coming to an untimely end (a Lion killed him at 20% odds a couple of turns ago). However, as soon as we do meet them we'll gladly let you know who they are.

Like your team, we are available via email or chat to discuss the game and coordinate our efforts. Please give us some advanced notice if you'd like to chat so we can try to arrange for as many of our team members to be present as possible. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with you!

Flirtatious regards,
Team Orgy
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Turn 19

Bowsling finished a tech, Care Bears and EggHeads grew to size 2, and total soldiers went up by 5000 points in-between turns. I presume 1 Warrior was built and the tech finished was worth 4000 soldier points, which would seem to indicate The Wheel.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0314.JPG]
We can also see Eagles & Condors on the Top Cities screen.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0315.JPG]
Nothing new in exploration, obviously.
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Is it neccesary to tell them that we lost our scout? I rather prefer we neglected that part
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized

(September 6th, 2013, 01:35)Arkipeller Wrote: Is it neccesary to tell them that we lost our scout? I rather prefer we neglected that part

It does explain why we might take a while to meet our eastern neighbours. Though they could have a Scout headed our way for all we know. Can leave the info out though - it's already rather too long. And it's probably better for them not to know that it might take us quite a while to map the land between us.

Anything else to change before I send it? smile
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

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