As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[spoiler] Azza spoils the party

Actually, looking at that again today, I can 2pop whip the granary on t57, put the overflow into the chariot and attack 1 turn earlier. Wait no, 2 pop whip is only 50 hammers in RB mod, so it doesn't work out. Annoying...

Decided against the 2nd chariot, so 2pop whipped the granary in Rose this turn. Can regrow to 3 in 3 turns if I remember to micro right.

Overview of the empire.

4 cities, awful pop, but first 2 cities have granaries, and room for probably 4 more good cities that based on current map knowledge I have first right to.

Obviously, putting my EPs into the close neighbour I already have a border with. Have just enough EPs on the other two so I can watch their demos.

Demos suck for now.

Leaning towards not bothering with the chariot attack, starting to look too risky.

What's the theme you are going with? I'm not getting it from the names I see so far.

It's companions of new Doctor Who.

Shame on you Brick, for your ignorance.

So if you don't attack, Azza, will you found that border city instead and try to culture grab the Bacon area?

It looks like you've got a fair amount of land, are you leaning towards trying to fill up your natural territory first, or moving to a war footing when you think you might have an advantage? And have you fully explored the south, there's no landbridge to elsewhere?

I won't fill in that border city until at least 4 other cities are built. It's a crap filler city. If I don't attack, I can send one of my chariots south to inspect what I anticipate will be the end of the peninsular.

I don't plan on pushing too hard too soon to attack Lewwyn, because I expect him to be wary of a revenge strike for PB8. Just want to make sure I'm able to defend myself, but with copper and horses both secured I should be ok on that front provided I stay aware of the power graph. Hopefully I get enough EPs on him to see his research plans, as that'll particularly help for staying ahead of any sneak attacks.

There's definitely land down there, whether or not my chariot can wander along it is another matter.

Our esteemed mapmaker has a sick sense of humour. Not only do we have the southern Azza vs Lewger grudge match, but up north we have the pindicooter vs Commodore grudge match, AND we have the Nakor JesterFool team who got boated by pindicooter here as well.

Ignoring the dismissed plan to raze Bacon!, I was happy to live a peaceful coexistence with Lewger til they deemed my exploring chariot to be a threat and killed him. Now I have no choice but to declare my sole objective in this game as kill Lewger, or at least ruin their prospects of winning.

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