September 13th, 2013, 15:45
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I have refactored how special abilities are handled. For all special abilities to work, I need to figure out Combat damage in full, as most specials work in combat, rather than anywhere else.
September 16th, 2013, 04:07
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I think i figured out most intricacies. I need to add logs to the combat part. Then Ill upload a version. What should be next, settlers or heroes?
September 16th, 2013, 11:12
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Settlers. If you want battle testing, then please make the 2 wizards start close to each other and connected by land, so it does not take me 15 minutes to make a battle.
September 17th, 2013, 01:47
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Ill add debug functions to spawn enemy units wherever you want. That should simplify battletesting.
September 17th, 2013, 16:41
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Updated the file. You can press SHIFT+C anytime to bring up the debug fuckaround winndow. YOu can create a unit by selecting its name in the lower treeview, the giving it a coordinate and push create unit. By default its your own unit, but you can change ownerindex to 1 to make it an enemy unit. You can easily crash the game with this, if you place more than 9 units on the same coordinate, so thats not recommended.
A tip: your staring town is at 0,4.
You should be able to build new towns called "new town". As many as you wish, anywhere your settler can reach. Im tired as fuck, so no more hacking for today. Any improvement ideas are welcome.
September 20th, 2013, 16:36
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I figured out why UIActions get stuck sometimes. It needs some redesign, but Im too tired to do it right now. Ill see to it next time I get to code, which could be anywhen next week, or maybe a week after that.
September 21st, 2013, 16:06
(This post was last modified: September 21st, 2013, 16:12 by VM.)
Posts: 476
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Uploaded latest version.
Known Issues:
45. Left click on a building immediately sold it with no warning – Annoying.
53. Small graphics problem around edges of the unit detail box and the “Dismiss” and “OK” buttons.0>cant see this, need screenshot
55. When a unit joined another unit by moving to the same tile, it apparently ended the turn for all units (barbarian spearmen and berserkers). I like this by the way, but is this intended and consistent?-> shold be fixed, investigate why it isnt...
58. Unit who used up all movement points (1 out of 1 for barbarian spearman) should not be active any more. No need to display “done” etc. buttons.->should be fixed, investigate
59. Negative empire food production had no effect. Noone deserted.
66. Trade goods does not work yet. ->it should, investigate!
69. Shrine had no effect on morale.
73. “Next unit” feature is desirable. When I have many units, it is difficult to go through each unit now.
74. When I clicked “Join server” with Server IP and Port being empty, then “Unhandled Exception…” error message came up.
78. For the client-server mode, when I closed the server application, the client did not notice it.
79. For the client-server mode, when I clicked “Join server” on the client, the server’s middle window was updated, but the client’s middle window was not. It should.
83. Each time a unit was told to move, it lagged about 1 second, which will be considered too long for Alpha.
91. Allowing city to change production when population is under 1000 – fix this to match MOM.
98. Very inconsistent display for unit production cost and actual turns needed (cost is not displayed correctly now). E.g. barbarian settler was displayed to cost 6000 hammers, but predicting 120 turns for 1 hammer a turn production. (Its because 1 hammer can be anything from 0.01 to 0.99 production...)
All others that have been reported, should be ok now.
For the future, I added a tickets section to the sourceforge page. ill use that to track issues from now on.
September 24th, 2013, 10:54
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Added new version
Added alchemy, fixed some issues.
September 30th, 2013, 16:21
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Updated the zip. Should be more stabile, added a spell dialog and research screen.
You can add a test spell in the debug screen, then research and cast, (debug screen is single player only, otherwise it`ll crash)
If you want to try it, I recommend dark elves, otherwise you have no power base to research with :P
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Updated yet again. It should be more stabile now, and combat should work a bit better now, altough some units have the tendency to get haywire and walk off the edge of the combat map... I think the pathfinder is acting up. Tomorrows task tough, Im too tired now.