September 26th, 2013, 02:44
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Turn 44
Our Workers finished farming the Corn at Katniss. Next up - Gold mine.
Margarita has turned espionage onto us again.
Bowsling/Aivoturso and Margarita had population growths. EggHeads, Blame Caledorn, Dinosaurs, GG, and Eagles & Condors finished techs. Blame Caledorn whipped 1 pop.
September 26th, 2013, 12:55
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(September 25th, 2013, 23:51)Lord Parkin Wrote: Edited the message slightly and sent it.
The turn rolled. Tried logging in while "Asterix" was in the game, but surprise surprise... I couldn't connect. Curious how Asterix, Margarita and Margarita_sub all have that same unusual issue. You'd almost think they weren't unique players. 
I'm growing concerned that it's been nearly 2 weeks since we've heard a peep from the Ottoman team. There are three options I can see to explain the muteness - (1) they don't recognize the importance of diplo in multiplayer, (2) they can't be bothered putting the time in anymore, or (3) they're deliberately trying to avoid us for some reason. I don't buy the incompetence angle, so that leaves one of the other two options... neither of which is particularly enticing.
Arki, have you spoken to Maga at all in the last 2 weeks? She's clearly been visiting the forum.
Maga is not replying. It is kind of unusual of her. Personally I doubt she is having more than one profile, but i tend to think the best of people until the opposite is proven
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized
September 26th, 2013, 13:19
(This post was last modified: September 26th, 2013, 13:20 by Lord Parkin.)
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(September 26th, 2013, 12:55)Arkipeller Wrote: Maga is not replying. It is kind of unusual of her. Personally I doubt she is having more than one profile, but i tend to think the best of people until the opposite is proven
I don't really mind whether she has multiple different profiles or not, as long as they're on the same team. I don't understand the logic at all behind doing that, but it doesn't bother me if it's happening. In fact I'd be kind of amused by it.
What does concern me is the total radio silence following what was by any standards a pretty major deal. We seemed to be getting along so well, and then... not a peep for two weeks. The lack of courtesy is the main annoyance - even if real life issues crop up, you can always take a moment at some point to inform people instead of wasting their time. "Sorry, I'm overwhelmed with RL stuff right now, won't be able to deal with diplo for a few weeks" is far better than turning mute.
September 26th, 2013, 14:20
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Note: Oxy got over 100 EP vs Asterix now... I doubt they consider Magas old team as a friend
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized
September 26th, 2013, 22:12
(This post was last modified: September 26th, 2013, 22:12 by Lord Parkin.)
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(September 26th, 2013, 14:20)Arkipeller Wrote: Note: Oxy got over 100 EP vs Asterix now... I doubt they consider Magas old team as a friend
Good to know.
Regardless of the Maga-Asterix relationship, one certain sockpuppet account - "Satan" - just put a lot of effort into writing a very long post on very short notice to defend them. If Maga or someone close to her is able to put an hour or two into an unimportant nonsense post with that little turnaround, I have to wonder why they can't spare a few minutes to flick us a private message to let us know what's up. It just makes me uneasy - I've never had a good diplo relationship apparently end so abruptly and so early, without the slightest notice or explanation.
September 26th, 2013, 22:16
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Reply from Eagles & Condors:
Thanks for your detailed response. To summarize the stuff we agree on:
(1) Both parties agree to a NAP ending T120 unless renegotiated on or before t110.
(2) Both parties agree that so long as the NAP is in effect, neither party shall settle more than 5T from its capital in the direction of the other without first coming to a mutual agreement.
(3) Both parties agree to Open Borders after one discovers Writing, to remain in effect until the NAP expires, subject to (3a) and (3b)
(3a) The Open Borders agreement (3) does not allow passage of units except with mutual agreement in advance.
(3b) The Open Borders agreement (3) is not binding if either party builds the GLH.
Let us know if this is incorrect.
We are very tempted by the offer to extend our NAP until t150, but we need some more time to think about it. We understand that you are in no way obliged to re-extend the offer.
Regretfully, we cannot cede the wheat west of the freshwater lake. A city west of your cap is well served by two floodplains tiles and several powerful resource tiles. Moreover, the wheat is cut off from your territory by the lake. We have already given up the right to settle adjacent to the wheat in order to respect your borders.
We believe, however, that both parties have only a single source of pig - yours is 2NW (7-7) of your copper. The jungle prevents early access to pig for both of us, but we imagine post-IW you may want to settle SE or NE of the pig - 6T from your cap. We would be happy to accept a city at either site so that you can more easily access a resource that is clearly within your sphere of influence. This gifts land that would otherwise lie on our side of the 7T border but allows for a fair and stable border between our two civs.
We look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship.
The Oxysuttocratic Republic
September 27th, 2013, 05:27
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Turn 45
Our Workers moved to start improving the Gold.
The two Creative civs (EggHeads and Margarita) got score boosts from the 3rd ring of land at their capitals.
Care Bears grew two population points, Dinosaurs grew 1 pop. Blame Caledorn whipped a pop, as did Eagles & Condors.
September 27th, 2013, 08:36
(This post was last modified: September 27th, 2013, 20:23 by Lord Parkin.)
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Proposed response to Eagles & Condors.
EDIT: Revised and sent.
Quote:Dear Oxysuttocratic Republic,
Thanks for the summary. We're officially agreed on all of these points:
Quote:(1) Both parties agree to a NAP ending T120 unless renegotiated on or before t110.
(2) Both parties agree that so long as the NAP is in effect, neither party shall settle more than 5T from its capital in the direction of the other without first coming to a mutual agreement.
(3) Both parties agree to Open Borders after one discovers Writing, to remain in effect until the NAP expires, subject to (3a) and (3b)
(3a) The Open Borders agreement (3) does not allow passage of units except with mutual agreement in advance.
(3b) The Open Borders agreement (3) is not binding if either party builds the GLH.
Feel free to take your time thinking about a further NAP extension. For the record, we're open to extension proposals shorter or longer than 30 turns, depending on what suits you. We estimate T120 will roughly be the era of Longbows and Macemen, which is an awkward time to go to war for almost any nation (except those fortunate enough to have a very weak neighbour). We doubt any major campaigns between competent rivals will begin prior to T150, and likely much closer to T200. As such we have no problem with extending our NAP beyond T120.
Incidentally, we hope that when the time eventually comes to start considering offensive warfare, you'll be more inclined to look towards your western neighbour than to us. For one thing, you'll almost certainly find them to be an easier target... and additionally, if your experience conducting diplo with them has been anything similar to ours, expanding towards the west might prove to be more of a natural path anyway. From our perspective right now, we'd certainly prefer to maintain our relationship with you and target our military towards another nation when the time eventually comes. So depending on your long-term goals, an extended cooperation could be in our mutual best interests. All this is in the distant future of course, but worth thinking about anyway.
Back to the present day. We'll found our Copper/Horse city 5 tiles west of our capital to respect the border arrangement. No problem with leaving the Wheat to you... just thought we'd enquire in light of your friendly offer as we'll be settling that area very soon.
The tile 2NW of our Copper is not a jungle Pig but an empty grassland, so presumably you're referring to the tile 3NW of our Copper? We appreciate your acceptance of a potential city SE or NE of this Pig (6 tiles from our capital) - it's nice to know this is an option for us. Let us know if there's anything we can do to return your generosity in the future.
Kind regards,
September 27th, 2013, 19:47
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Turn 46
Our third Worker - Pussy Galore - was finished and moved to start mining a hill at the capital. Started on a Warrior while we grow back to size 5, then will switch to build and 2-pop whip our next Settler.
Cannibal Ponies finished a tech. Looks like Bronze Working from the soldier count increase. Worth noting that they still haven't founded their second city.
September 28th, 2013, 11:36
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Sorry for not answering on chat yesterday, Parkin. I did the nasties with my fuckfriend :D
Current games: Pitboss 14 - Team Orgynized