There's not much to say from last turn. I'm basically doing my worker moves, queuing up worker paths for highest efficiency and preparing build orders. Settler out of BACON will be settled t82. Settler out of Bacon should settle site C t87. Am I being silly sending settlers in opposite directions so that they travel far? Maybe. But I want to settle ivory before I settle C because that extra happy is more important.
Tech talking: Calendar could be huge for us. IW is a higher priority though. We will need cats if Azza comes at us with cats or HAs though. That requires Masonry and we'll want Myst for the pre-req. If we land confu we'll want a temple so we can pump out a Priest. Good think we're SPI. Either that or the Temple of Artemis. We'll have to consider carefully that. A lot of this depends on Azza though.
Let's check out the graphs so you guys see what I'm seeing:
Topping Pop makes me a little leery because I like having room to grow. Better get that whip out. Power 4th? whoops didn't mean to scare you azza. Good thing I didn't build that other axe yet. Crop and GNP are awesome. You know what's scary? our GSci pops EOT and we'll have an academy next turn. Our GNP is going to jump at least 14 points. 4 for academy culture and 10 base beakers, 15 if I decide to rehire a scientist, though I am about to whip that city the turn after that.
You want to see how we're doing compared to our opponents?:
Keeping up with the ones going to war. They might have tech bolstering that so maybe they don't have a huge army. Nakor though, SMH where's the defense? How were you not expecting an attack? Have you not been watching this graph? You can see it coming a mile away!
Obviously not our focus right now. We get enough hammers from chopping (yay maths), foodhammers and whipping. Trust me this graph is deceptive. Azza has a really high MFG and since he's IMP/EXP I think he might be slowbuilding workers/settlers while working mines. We are more efficient. The whip is nerfed, but even so we're killing it.
Yeah this is more important and we're beating our competition. Jestacore has less MFG, less Food, lees pop and less power. I don't see them being able to get a substantial force together. Sads.
I think it's interesting how our opening left us lowest for a long time and then we shot back up and have mostly been on top since. I felt like the early plan would be the most efficient and I'm glad to see its worked out. Getting the pigs online after BW and the worker chop accelerated our cities. Sometimes you have to sacrifice to get.
The Money shot:
No disguising this load. Not of our neighbors are even close. Nakor seems to be spiking but thta was just the wrong time to be putting energy into tech... If I were any of my opponents and I saw this graph I'd be a little worried. I'd be even more worried when I saw a GS pop and this graph jump even more. And then even more worried when I saw it jump even higher once my opponent got currency and extra TRs. (Currency is in 7 turns without the academy, maybe 6 with).
C'mon Jestacore, make Scoopin pay.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”