October 30th, 2009, 08:40
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Are you doing that much research into the numbers on other teams and will if affect how you treat them?
October 30th, 2009, 08:42
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re: m_h
Say for example, there is 16:00+ left on the pitboss clock, and you have done all your moves and end turn, you have have a settler to move and/or a unit that you want to attack with next turn. Then everyone else ends turn so it advances to the next turn with 13:00 left on the clock or some other large number, are you able to move now or do you wait another 9:00?
October 30th, 2009, 08:58
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re: Square Leg
To some extent, yes. For some quick examples... if I see a lot of Fishing(likely to build boat) researched, then I may just explore immediately. If I see a lot of t8, t9, t11 no-growths(worker builds), same thing. And if I go exploring and don't see (m)any Warriors built and come across a civilization that had a Hunting start early... that should probably mean, 'attack now'.
October 30th, 2009, 09:15
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Ok, the explanation makes more sense.
(that was more devilish than my idea of just delaying as much as possible the tech to let them be confused)
I guess if in ~15t you see a worker from a 'hunting' civilisation, that probably means worker steal then city capture  ... which they probably deserve if starting with a scout they decide to go worker first  (and didn't change their mind after seing a aggressive roman warrior).
12/24h question.
my understanding (but maybe better ask in the tech thread)
IF you had played after the player whose unit you want to attack, you have to give them a chance to move therefore you should wait 12h (or after they move, whatever comes first). IF you have moved before them (ie they moved next to you), I would say you should be alowed to first strike them as soon as the turn begin.
Settlers follow the same idea, but I guess that if you are sure that no one has a settler trying to get in the same area the same turn (through visibility or numbers cracking or questionning), you don't have to wait.
October 30th, 2009, 09:28
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Re: the clock.
It's based on the pitboss clock, not the day. And the limit is for competitive situations. Which means in general peaceful play you just move as soon as you get to the computer each turn. This early, unless you see another unit or culture, you can pretty much just move whenever.
When a double-move would matter, you watch the clock (or the other guy's login status on civstats). If your competitor (settler, war, etc) has moved and ended turn, he should be considered done. Login and move as soon as you want after that. (I try to give the other guy an hour or so, in case he needs to log back in for some reason).
If you are declaring war or something, then you start observing the turn order with your opponent, even if he doesn't know it, at least one turn PRIOR to declaring. If you want to play after him each turn, then you just quietly watch civstats until he plays (and ends turn). Or if you are of the "move first" variety, jump on the turn flip as soon as possible and beat him.
Incidentally, there are pretty good reasons for picking either moving first or second for the duration of the war.
If it's a 3+ way race, best to get in the general discussion thread and hash it out with them. Or send PMs if you are worried about privacy.
October 30th, 2009, 09:35
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Jabah Wrote:my understanding (but maybe better ask in the tech thread)
IF you had played after the player whose unit you want to attack, you have to give them a chance to move therefore you should wait 12h (or after they move, whatever comes first). IF you have moved before them (ie they moved next to you), I would say you should be alowed to first strike them as soon as the turn begin.
Exactly. If you are moving first in the war order (even if the other guy doesn't know it yet because you haven't declared..), you can move as soon as the turn flips. The 12h is a soft clock anyway. If you are 2nd in a war order and the guy moving first hasn't played when you reach the 12h limit, it's polite to wait for him if you can. Obviously if you have to leave for work and there are only 5h left on the turn clock, you'll be forced to skip him. And conversely, if he moves first and plays 5 minutes after the turn flips, playing before the 12h is up is probably fine too.
November 1st, 2009, 06:12
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Well, I am home now. (Normally, I have very long days on Friday and Saturday, and end up staying elsewhere until Sunday evening) I notice that some people seem dissatisfied with my pace, I'm beginning to think I had the entirely wrong idea on the timer, I didn't think it would matter if I would use the entire (or most of) clock for a turn... Oh well.
I also don't really like the idea of making two moves in a row, since the whole idea behind part of the ruleset is to avoid double moves, and although it's intended for war only, I think it comes across other problems, for example, even if a zone is not directly or openly a war section, there can be other consequences, for example...
I made a 'dud' move last round, which meant that if a warrior was approaching from certain angles, in a turn based setting, and with hostile intent, I should be guaranteed dead, except if I make the first move of the turn right after, due to the initiative thingy, the bad move is negated, and doing that feels cheap.
... well, maybe I'm just over thinking it.
Now, that's out of the way, update to come in a bit.
November 1st, 2009, 06:54
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LiPing Wrote:I notice that some people seem dissatisfied with my pace, I'm beginning to think I had the entirely wrong idea on the timer, I didn't think it would matter if I would use the entire (or most of) clock for a turn... Oh well.
I think everyone would prefer you played at your own pace then not at all. People are just excited and want to play as many turns as possible, as quick as possible (understandably)
November 1st, 2009, 07:13
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Okay, here we are back at the beginning of turn 5 with 'Where not to move your Warrior'. (Alternatively, how to be really paranoid) The problem with this is with that fogged forested tile to the South West, but as there is no Warrior standing SW SW I seem to be fine.
Now, the more interesting part of the update, comes from Bunbunmaru News.
I won't include all the screenshots for this, because it would be a lot of big pictures with just slightly different numbers, so here's just one. Now I am going to try convince people that demographic peeking can be useful, or make myself look silly. Granted, you only get to do it properly in this kind of game too, and I am glad to have the opportunity
First, by this point, the borders of everyone except Sulla have popped, but this doesn't really do anything besides confirm that they are all coastal.
Someone has opted to build a 5-turn Warrior, using a 1/2/x tile. This is good news for the Hunting civs who didn't, because now people can't 'guaranteed' jump them... BUT. The Warrior builder then changed to a 3 food tile.
At least 5 People have 3 food tiles in the city radius. At least 3 of those are capital-adjacent. (Now, why wasn't mine like that?  Just kidding.)
The other 4 People are working 2/1/x tiles.
So... good news for any Hunting civ with a 3 food tile, I guess?
The builder of the Warrior is not Korea or India(soldier demographics), and it is probably not Greece either. (strange opening)
Greece is NOT building a fast Workboat.
I was also going to say that the person who made the Warrior should not be someone that is researching Fishing, as otherwise the order of tiles worked is strange - if they're planning to build boat next, they'll end up with Hammers for the next turn in an unwanted place, but... if the 3 food tile is not in the first ring, and neither is any 2/1/x tile, like my original starting spot, then there might not have been any other option.
[Edit]Actually, now that I realize there's no 2/1/x tile there, looking at that spot again, (I didn't bother to plan it after the first Warrior move) I'm now convinced that you mapmakers fully intended me to move away from that starting point  [/Edit]
Up next, "Who likes Fishing"?
November 1st, 2009, 08:23
(This post was last modified: November 1st, 2009, 10:34 by LiPing.)
Posts: 232
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Power Failure for me, lost some of my calculation, and my post.
[Edit] hold on, found some bad math... [/edit]
[Edit2] Actually, forget about that for now, something else happened.[/Edit2]