My report. It didn't... is... you'll see what I mean.
Epic 48: The Absent Minded Professor
It is Wednesday, May 3 right now and the reports are due when? May TENTH! Oh geez. I guess I should have started earlier
In this game you canât contact anyone else⦠ever and you have to win a space race. So, peaceful expansion to get as many cities as possible. I decided to start with a farmerâs gambit. Almost no military units, but tons of scouts. Sounds like a good plan to me!
After exploring my area, I figured out there were almost no barbarians around, so no barbarians to mess with my gambit! Lookin good! I found Joanie around 3,000 BC and since I canât trade with her, it doesnât really matter. But, I lucked out and she actually offered a good tech deal to me, I of course excepted this.
What I am looking foreward to seeing is if the other players pop a settler out of a goodie hut, because I did. If others donât, then it could seriously affect the game. Also, the Volcano around Hattusas exploded early on, the orange stuff looks really bad.
Iâve forgotten how useful the expansionist trait can be. I have probably popped four techs in total from huts.
I believe I am going to get Philosophy free tech. Although there is no real way to tell with the variant rules, I have made it to researching Philosophy quickly. If I get the free tech I will choose Literature, then attempt to build The Great Library.
2230 BC- Mysticism from a hut!
In 1990 BC I got the free tech! WooHoo. Great Library here I come.
My whole continent is mapped out by 1550 BC. It looks large with a huge peninsula with no one on it. If I expand into that the cities in it will be hugely corrupted.
Itâs 925 BC and nothing is happening. 26 turns until The Great Library is done.
The Great Library was finished some time ago. I reached the middle Ages in around 200 BC, I havenât gotten any techs from GL. Thatâs no surprise since both the Spanish and French are still in the Ancient times (from the looks of their cities).
How am I leading in Technology? I have only traded twice (both offered by the AI). This is crazy.
30 AD- I research Republic and go into anarchy. Ugh, 6 turns of it.
Somewhere in the anarchy got Monarchy from the French via GL, my people asked me if we could be one but I said: No, we are happy with anarchy. Lol
In 150 AD the new Hittite Republic is formed.
I am giving up on my scheme to wait for those bums to get into the middle ages and steel techs (again with GL), there never going to get in! Self Research is fine anyways, taking 15 turns for Monotheism.
230 AD- There is not much to talk about here. The French and Spanish are in the middle ages.
A FATAL MISATE!!! I uhhh, saved over the game! I think I was playing one of the conquests and... I saved over it! Nooooo.
There you have it, my report. My idiocy. Can you blame me for getting so caught up in a conquest?
Oh well. What I find interesting is how true it is that the AI only fall farther behind as a result of no trading.
Because of the current almost derelict state of the Epics, I can't wait for Civ4 to come out so we can have some new fresh things to work with. Is there going to be a new site for RBCiv4? Someone please explain all the things about what will happen here after the release of Civ4. That person could start a new thread in the Forums also. Thanks!